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<!-- This manual describes GNU Stow version 2.4.0
(3 June 2024), a program for managing farms of symbolic links.
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© 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Bob Glickstein
© 2000, 2001 Guillaume Morin
© 2007 Kahlil (Kal) Hodgson
© 2011 Adam Spiers
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<h2 class="chapter" id="Target-Maintenance-1"><span>10 Target Maintenance<a class="copiable-link" href="#Target-Maintenance-1"> &para;</a></span></h2>
<a class="index-entry-id" id="index-maintenance"></a>
<p>From time to time you will need to clean up your target tree. Since
version 2, Stow provides a new utility <code class="command">chkstow</code> to help with
this. It includes three operational modes which performs checks that
would generally be too expensive to be performed during normal stow
<p>The syntax of the <code class="command">chkstow</code> command is:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example-preformatted">chkstow [<var class="var">options</var>]
<p>The following options are supported:
<dl class="table">
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">-t <var class="var">dir</var></samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">--target=<var class="var">dir</var></samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dd><p>Set the target directory to <var class="var">dir</var> instead of the parent of the stow
directory. Defaults to the parent of the stow directory, so it is typical to
execute <code class="command">stow</code> from the directory <samp class="file">/usr/local/stow</samp>.
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">-b</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">--badlinks</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dd><p>Checks target directory for bogus symbolic links. That is, links that point to
non-existent files.
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">-a</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">--aliens</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dd><p>Checks for files in the target directory that are not symbolic links. The
target directory should be managed by stow alone, except for directories that
contain a <samp class="file">.stow</samp> file.
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">-l</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dt>&lsquo;<samp class="samp">--list</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
<dd><p>Will display the target package for every symbolic link in the stow target