drake memes IMPLEMENTED

This commit is contained in:
Lynne 2018-09-09 02:17:52 +00:00
parent 4cede0d007
commit e06bc78baa

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import markovify
import json
import time
from mastodon import Mastodon
import re, random
import re, random, subprocess
api_base_url = "https://botsin.space" #todo: this shouldn't be hardcoded
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ sentence = None
while sentence is None or len(sentence) > 500:
sentence = model.make_sentence(tries=100000)
toot = sentence.replace("\0", "\n")
media = None
media_description = None
if random.randint(1, 10) == 3:
#time for some nonstandard behaviour babey
choice = random.randint(1, 3)
choice = random.randint(1, 4)
if choice == 1:
insults = ["suck my ass", "you're a poopeater", "go to heck",
"i will replace you", "shut up", "get fricked",
@ -34,7 +36,8 @@ if random.randint(1, 10) == 3:
"get nae nae'd", "you're the worst", "begone thot", "you're a stink",
"you are my mistress and i live to serve you"]
prefaces = ["hey", "guess what", "", "special message for",
"telegram for", "bringing this fight to mastodon."]
"telegram for", "bringing this fight to mastodon.",
"this is a callout post."]
toot = "{} @lynnesbian@deadinsi.de {}".format(
random.choice(prefaces), random.choice(insults))
elif choice == 2:
@ -55,6 +58,50 @@ if random.randint(1, 10) == 3:
if random.randint(1, 3) == 2:
lesbian = "lesbian"
toot = "".join(random.sample(lesbian, len(lesbian)))
elif choice == 4:
bad = ["not being a lesbian", "media transfer protocol",
"proprietary software", "capitalism", "heterosexuality", "not slime girls",
"not following @lynnesbian@deadinsi.de", "shitposts", "elon musk",
"reply guys", "gamers", "alt-right bullshit", "twitter", "subtoots",
"instance drama", "billionaires", "millionaires",
"you used to call me on your cell phone", "the lorax movie",
'"ethical" capitalism', "disease, pestilence, war, famine", "ISIS",
"citrustwee claiming\nit\\'s her birthday", "being straight",
"pinging @everyone on a discord\nwith more than 10 people", "brocialism",
"capitalist apologia", "reddit", "doxxing", "fatphobia", "biphobia",
"transphobia", "transmisia", "homophobia", "racism", "misogyny",
"anti-feminism", "aphobia", "enbyphobia", "gender binary"]
good = ["generating memes with imagemagick and python", "being gay",
"shitposts", "cute toots", "pudgy girls", "lesbians", "slime girls",
"yuri", "linux", "the girl reading this", "the enby reading this",
"mastodon", "pleroma", "the fediverse", "being super gay", "OwO", "0u0",
"resurrecting dead memes", "using the drake meme format", "jorts",
"markov chains", "jpeg compression", "you <3", "lynne",
"replying to this toot", "fully automated luxury\ngay space communism",
"fat yoshi", "my butt", "kinkposting", "hornt on main", "debian",
"arch linux", "playstation portable", "a PSP running\ncustom firmware",
"unicode", "writing everything in lowercase\nto seem cool and distant",
"love", "the fediverse", "after dark", "nudes from cuties", "anarchism",
"socialism", "staying woke", "intersectionalism",
"the tendency of the rate\nof profit to fall", "being gay", "bottom text",
"the colour purple", "the number 3, as\nit is my favourite\nnumber", "me",
"@lynnesbian@deadinsi.de", "respecting people\\'s pronouns"]
#convert drake.jpg -pointsize 30 -gravity center -draw "text 20,-150 'not slime girls'" drakeout.jpg
badchoice = random.choice(bad)
goodchoice = random.choice(good)
subprocess.run(args = ["convert", "drake.jpg", "-pointsize", "30",
"-gravity", "center", "-draw",
"text 20,-150 '{}'".format(badchoice), "drakeout.jpg"])
subprocess.run(args = ["convert", "drakeout.jpg", "-pointsize", "30",
"-gravity", "center", "-draw",
"text 20,50 '{}'".format(goodchoice),
"-quality", "10", "drakeout.jpg"])
media = "drakeout.jpg"
media_description = "A Drake meme. Drake is disgusted by {}, and is pleased by {}.".format(badchoice, goodchoice)
print ("lynne is still working on me. i'm not done quite yet!")
@ -79,5 +126,11 @@ if random.randint(1, 10) == 3:
#if it's too long, keep trying again
toot = "{} {}".format(random.choice(prefixes), toot)
if media != None:
#this is an image post!
mediaID = client.media_post(media, description = media_description)
client.status_post(media_description, media_ids = [mediaID], visibility = "unlisted")
client.status_post(status = toot, visibility = "unlisted")
print("Created toot: {}".format(toot))