
42 lines
1.7 KiB

#! zsh
# Just show me the completions, *quietly*.
unsetopt list_beep
# If there are no completions, try to correct minor typos in the input.
zstyle :completion:* completer _complete _correct
# Load the nice LS_COLORS into the completion menu too. Pretty!
zstyle :completion:*:default list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
# Kiiiind of make colours work when listing command options. It's weird and
# messy. It works tho'.
zstyle :completion:*:options list-separator \|
zstyle :completion:*:options list-colors \
"=(#b)(-##)([^ ]#) #(\\|)(*)=0=38;5;23=${color[bold]};${color[cyan]}=38;5;237=38;5;242" \
"=(#b)(-##)([^ ]#)(*)=0=38;5;23=${color[bold]};${color[cyan]}" \
"=(#b) #(\\|)(*)=0=38;5;237=38;5;242"
# List the first page, then let me menu through everything.
zmodload zsh/complist # so that listscroll is defined
zstyle :completion:* menu select
zstyle :completion:* list-prompt ' '
zstyle :completion:* select-prompt ' %F{blue}-- %m --%f'
# Permit expensive completions to cache info and therefore be usable.
zstyle :completion::complete:* use-cache on
zstyle :completion::complete:* cache-path $XDG_CACHE_HOME/zsh/compcache
# Group completions under cute headings.
zstyle :completion:* format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
zstyle :completion:*:corrections format ' %F{green}-- %d (errors: %e) --%f'
zstyle :completion:*:warnings format ' %F{red}-- no matches found --%f'
zstyle :completion:* group-name ''
# When listing directories, treat foo//bar as foo/bar, not foo/*/bar.
zstyle :completion:* squeeze-slashes true
# When completing the names of man pages, group them by section.
zstyle :completion:*:manuals separate-sections true
zstyle :completion:*:manuals.* insert-sections true