Danielle McLean d85fdd0796
Remove Homebrewed GNU coreutils from path
I had these set up in the first place mostly because GNU ls supports
--color=auto and the BSD ls provided with MacOS didn't, causing problems
if I aliased ls to ls --color=auto.

And I don't really need that any more, especially since I prefer to use
lsd-rs/lsd in place of the coreutils ls nowadays. Additionally, the BSD
ls that comes with MacOS now *does* support that flag, so in a pinch it
can do what I need.

Defaulting to the natively installed coreutils should help my usage of
these tools more portable too, rather than always relying on GNU-isms.
Given my huge reliance on Zsh-specific features that's not something I'm
doing super well anyway, but still.
2023-10-31 15:36:13 +11:00

19 lines
463 B

#! zsh
path=(/usr/local/bin $path)
if (( $+commands[brew] )); then
path=(/usr/local/texlive/20*/bin/*(N) $path)
path=(~/bin ~/.bin ~/.local/bin $path)
# Filter out nonexistent directories, . (the current directory), and duplicate
# paths - there should be no duplicates because of -U but just to be sure. ;)