diff --git a/dot-config/zsh/zimrc.zsh b/dot-config/zsh/zimrc.zsh index b32edd4..4234941 100644 --- a/dot-config/zsh/zimrc.zsh +++ b/dot-config/zsh/zimrc.zsh @@ -53,5 +53,7 @@ zeval-if-installed zoxide 'zoxide init zsh' # Fish-style syntax highlighting as you type, making the Zsh experience much more friendly! zmodule zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting +# Hacks! The fast-theme function provides its own caching, so we only want to call it when the theme actually updates. +zmodule catppuccin/zsh-fsh --name 'catppuccin-for-fsh' --on-pull 'echo "fast-theme $PWD/themes/catppuccin-mocha.ini && echo >! $PWD/init.zsh" >! init.zsh' unfunction zeval zeval-if-installed