
250 lines
6.4 KiB

import '../tools/perl.vim'
import '../tools/strings.vim'
const lspServers = [
name: 'clojure-lsp',
filetype: 'clojure',
path: '/usr/local/bin/clojure-lsp',
args: [],
install: 'brew install clojure-lsp/brew/clojure-lsp-native',
name: 'cue-lsp',
filetype: 'cue',
path: '/usr/local/bin/cue',
args: ['lsp'],
install: 'brew install cue-lang/tap/cue',
name: 'dockerfile-langserver',
filetype: 'dockerfile',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/docker-langserver'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs',
name: 'intelephense',
filetype: 'php',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/intelephense'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g intelephense',
name: 'lua-language-server',
filetype: 'lua',
path: '/usr/local/bin/lua-language-server',
args: [],
install: 'brew install lua-language-server',
name: 'marksman',
filetype: 'markdown',
path: '/usr/local/bin/marksman',
args: ['server'],
install: 'brew install marksman',
name: 'PerlNavigator',
filetype: 'perl',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/perlnavigator'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g perlnavigator-server',
perl.Lsp('Perl::LanguageServer', ['-e', 'Perl::LanguageServer::run']),
name: 'PowerShellEditorServices',
filetype: 'ps1',
path: exepath('pwsh'),
args: [
'-NoLogo', '-NoProfile',
'-Command', expand('~/.cache/powershell/PowerShellEditorServices/Start-EditorServices.ps1'),
' -Stdio', '-SessionDetailsPath', expand('~/.cache/powershell/PowerShellEditorServices/session.json'),
installed: () => executable('pwsh') && filereadable(expand('~/.cache/powershell/PowerShellEditorServices/Start-EditorServices.ps1')),
install: [
'mkdir -p ~/.cache/powershell',
'cd ~/.cache/powershell',
]->join(' && ')
name: 'pylsp',
filetype: 'python',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/pylsp'),
args: [],
install: 'pipx install python-lsp-server[all]',
name: 'rust-analyzer',
filetype: 'rust',
path: expand('~/.local/share/cargo/bin/rust-analyzer'),
args: [],
install: 'rustup component add rust-analyzer',
name: 'solargraph',
filetype: 'ruby',
path: '/usr/local/bin/solargraph',
args: ['stdio'],
install: 'brew install solargraph',
name: 'taplo',
filetype: 'toml',
path: '/usr/local/bin/taplo',
args: ['lsp', 'stdio'],
install: 'brew install taplo',
name: 'texlab',
filetype: ['tex', 'plaintex', 'bib'],
path: '/usr/local/bin/texlab',
args: [],
install: 'brew install texlab',
name: 'tilt-lsp',
filetype: 'bzl',
path: '/usr/local/bin/tilt',
args: ['lsp', 'start'],
install: 'brew install tilt',
name: 'typescript-language-server',
filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'brew install typescript-language-server',
name: 'typst-lsp',
filetype: 'typst',
path: exepath('typst-lsp'),
initializationOptions: {
exportPdf: 'onType',
install: 'cargo install typst-lsp',
name: 'vim-language-server',
filetype: 'vim',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/vim-language-server'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g vim-language-server',
name: 'vscode-css-language-server',
filetype: ['css', 'less', 'sass', 'scss'],
path: expand('~/.local/bin/vscode-css-language-server'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g vscode-langservers-extracted',
name: 'vscode-html-language-server',
filetype: 'html',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/vscode-html-language-server'),
args: ['--stdio'],
install: 'npm install -g vscode-langservers-extracted',
name: 'vscode-json-language-server',
filetype: ['json', 'jsonc'],
path: expand('~/.local/bin/vscode-json-language-server'),
args: ['--stdio'],
workspaceConfig: {json: {
format: {enable: true},
validate: {enable: true},
schemas: g:SchemaStore#Schemata(),
install: 'npm install -g vscode-langservers-extracted',
name: 'yaml-language-server',
filetype: 'yaml',
path: expand('~/.local/bin/yaml-language-server'),
args: ['--stdio'],
workspaceConfig: {yaml: {
format: {enable: true, singleQuote: true},
schemaStore: {enable: true, url: ''},
install: 'npm install -g yaml-language-server',
def IsInstalled(server: dict<any>): bool
return server->has_key('installed') ? server.installed() : executable(server.path) == 1
export def CountAll(): number
return len(lspServers)
export def Installed(): list<dict<any>>
return lspServers->deepcopy()->filter((_, server): bool => server->IsInstalled())
export def Missing(): list<dict<any>>
return lspServers->deepcopy()->filter((_, server): bool => !server->IsInstalled())
export def Install(serverNames: list<string>, OnSuccess: func(list<dict<any>>)): void
const missingServers = Missing()
if empty(missingServers)
echo $"All {len(lspServers)} configured language servers are already installed."
const serverNamesSet = strings.ToStringSet(serverNames)
const serversToInstall = empty(serverNamesSet)
? missingServers
: missingServers->copy()->filter((_, server): bool => serverNamesSet->has_key(
# The installScript runs every server's install command, regardless of
# whether any fail in the process. The script's exit status is the number of
# failed installations.
const installScript = "failed=0\n" .. serversToInstall->copy()
->map((_, server): string => $"\{ {server.install}; \} || failed=$((failed + 1))")
->join("\n") .. "\nexit $failed\n"
const term = term_start('sh', {exit_cb: (job: job, status: number): void => {
# If any installations failed, keep the terminal window open so we can
# troubleshoot. If they all worked fine, close the terminal and reload the
# LSP configuration.
if status == 0
execute 'bdelete' job->ch_getbufnr('out')
# We prefer term_sendkeys() over sh -c because that will display each
# command in the terminal as it's being executed, making it easier to
# understand exactly what the install script is doing.