vim9script set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 def EnsureDir(dir: string): void mkdir(dir, "p", 0700) enddef # These are really clever - minpac will actually be loaded on the fly only # when you need to update or clean your packages, rather than all the time. command! PackUpdate source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#update() command! PackClean source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#clean() command! PackStatus source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#status() # If the pack directory doesn't exist, we haven't installed any packages yet, # so let's call PackUpdate. if !isdirectory($XDG_CACHE_HOME .. '/vim/pack') PackUpdate endif # If both Vim and the terminal it's running in support true colour, use it. # Otherwise we just fall back to 256-colour mode, or even the old 16-colour # mode if necessary! if has('termguicolors') && $COLORTERM == 'truecolor' set termguicolors endif # Colour scheme and corresponding settings. gruvbox8 happens to work on pretty # much any setup (GUI vim, true-colour terminal, 256 colours, even a 2-colour # term if necessary!) so we don't need to mess around too much here. set background=dark g:gruvbox_transp_bg = 1 g:gruvbox_italicize_strings = 0 g:gruvbox_filetype_hi_groups = 1 g:gruvbox_plugin_hi_groups = 1 colorscheme gruvbox8 # I like being able to drop out of Insert mode without reaching for the Escape # key in the corner. Some folks use jk instead but I find jj nice and quick. inoremap jj # lotabout/skim.vim's fuzzy file finder! It's basically a copy of fzf.vim, but # it uses skim as the backend instead of fzf. Rust versions of command-line # tools my beloved nnoremap :Files # We will always have Editorconfig available as an optional package, either # because it was bundled with Vim or because Minpac installed it that way. packadd! editorconfig set belloff+=ctrlg # I like to explicitly set 'modelines' to the default 5 because some # distributions change it to zero in the global config, and I want modelines # to work. set modelines=5 if has('linebreak') set breakindent breakindentopt=sbr set linebreak showbreak=↩ endif # Setting both number and relativenumber gets you a "hybrid" setup where the # current line's absolute number is displayed, but the other lines have # relative numbmers displayed. It's more useful than always seeing a 0 for the # current line. set number relativenumber set showcmd set title set completeopt+=menuone set wildmode=longest,full set wildoptions+=pum # This is a window-local setting but I like 2 by default. :) set conceallevel=2 # I like small indents. This setup supports both vim-sleuth and editorconfig, # so files with different indent schemes will automatically be handled # correctly, but this default is what I like personally. Also, I *vastly* # prefer tabs over spaces for indentation, for the simple reason that if # someone else needs a bigger indent size than I do, they can just change # their editor's tabstop setting rather than having to reindent the whole # file. set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 for dir_name in ['backup', 'swap', 'undo'] EnsureDir($XDG_STATE_HOME .. '/vim/' .. dir_name) endfor # Try to save backup and swap files alongside the original file, but if that's # not possible (directory not writable, for example), then fall back to the # appropriate XDG directory instead. set backupdir=.,$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/backup set directory=.,$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/swap # I like persistent undo! If Vim was built with it, then persist undo files # for eveything in the XDG state home. :) if exists('+undofile') set undofile set undodir=$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/undo endif g:csv_no_conceal = 1 g:GPGDefaultRecipients = [ 'Danielle McLean ', ] g:markdown_folding = 1 g:markdown_fenced_languages = [ 'bash', 'c', 'dockerfile', 'ini=dosini', 'json=json5', 'j', 'js=javascript', 'javascript', 'python', 'php', 'scala', ] # A really quick updatetime is preferable to get vim-signify to check for # unsaved changes in your buffer more regularly. It's all asynchronous so # running it more regularly ought to be fine. set updatetime=100 g:signify_number_highlight = 1 g:ale_fixers = { python: ['ruff', 'ruff_format'], } g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 g:ale_set_balloons = 1 nmap (ale_previous_wrap) nmap (ale_next_wrap) # Get the correct filetype icons and matching colours when viewing a directory # in Fern. As the name implies, this requires Nerd Fonts support, either by # using a patched font or by having your setup substitute an icon font when # necessary. g:fern#renderer = 'nerdfont' augroup glyphPalette autocmd! autocmd FileType fern g:glyph_palette#apply() augroup END # Configure a statusline and tabline using vim-crystalline. I tried a bunch of # different statusline plugins and this one, which is basically just a utility # library for writing your *own* statusline functions, worked the best for my # purposes. Very quick, naturally very configurable, I could tell the modified # buffer + to appear in red, all that good stuff. Yay! import "./statusline.vim" statusline.Init() # Set up LSP client support. My lsp.vim module both tells yegappan/lsp which # LSP servers it can connect to and provides a way to install those servers if # necessary. import "./lsp.vim" lsp.Configure()