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No commits in common. "211ee2eb40f23ebdddf0da8eee53fface17c20a0" and "8668ee16d070139ff1b99e3adfa12a1bf1aa47c0" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 136 additions and 113 deletions

View file

@ -1,39 +1,43 @@
set encoding=utf-8 set encoding=utf-8
scriptencoding utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8
def EnsureDir(dir: string): void function! s:ensure_dir(dir)
if filewritable(dir) != 2 if filewritable(a:dir) != 2
mkdir(dir, "p", 0700) call mkdir(a:dir, "p", 0700)
endif endif
enddef endfunction
# These are really clever - minpac will actually be loaded on the fly only if exists('+packpath')
# when you need to update or clean your packages, rather than all the time. " These are really clever - minpac will actually be loaded on the fly only
command! PackUpdate source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#update() " when you need to update or clean your packages, rather than all the time.
command! PackClean source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#clean() command! PackUpdate source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | call minpac#update()
command! PackStatus source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | minpac#status() command! PackClean source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | call minpac#clean()
command! PackStatus source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | call minpac#status()
# If the pack directory doesn't exist, we haven't installed any packages yet, " If the pack directory doesn't exist, we haven't installed any packages yet,
# so let's call PackUpdate. " so let's call PackUpdate.
if !isdirectory($XDG_CACHE_HOME .. '/vim/pack') if !isdirectory($XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim/pack')
PackUpdate PackUpdate
" If we're on a version of Vim that doesn't have packages, we have to load a
" plugin manager (vim-plug) on every boot.
source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim
endif endif
augroup transparent_term augroup transparent_term
autocmd! autocmd!
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
augroup END augroup END
set background=dark set background=dark
g:gruvbox_italic = 1 let g:gruvbox_italic=1
g:gruvbox_improved_strings = 1 let g:gruvbox_improved_strings=1
g:gruvbox_improved_warnings = 1 let g:gruvbox_improved_warnings=1
if has('gui_running') || has('termguicolors') if has('gui_running') || has('termguicolors')
set termguicolors set termguicolors
silent! packadd gruvbox silent! packadd gruvbox
g:airline_theme = 'gruvbox' let g:airline_theme = 'gruvbox'
colorscheme gruvbox colorscheme gruvbox
else else
colorscheme inkpot colorscheme inkpot
@ -53,9 +57,6 @@ set linebreak showbreak=↩
set modelines=5 set modelines=5
set showcmd set showcmd
set wildmode=longest,full set wildmode=longest,full
if has('patch-8.2.4325')
set wildoptions+=pum
set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ else
set number set number
endif endif
for dir in ['backup', 'swap', 'undo'] for s:dir in ['backup', 'swap', 'undo']
EnsureDir($XDG_STATE_HOME .. '/vim/' .. dir) call s:ensure_dir($XDG_STATE_HOME . '/vim/' . s:dir)
endfor endfor
set backupdir=.,$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/backup set backupdir=.,$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/backup
@ -80,22 +81,22 @@ if exists('+undofile')
set undodir=$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/undo set undodir=$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/undo
endif endif
g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
g:airline#extensions#battery#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#battery#enabled = 1
g:csv_no_conceal = 1 let g:csv_no_conceal = 1
g:vim_svelte_plugin_use_typescript = 1 let vim_svelte_plugin_use_typescript = 1
g:LatexBox_Folding = 1 let g:LatexBox_Folding = 1
g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 1 let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 1
g:ale_set_balloons = 1 let g:ale_set_balloons = 1
nmap <silent> <C-k> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) nmap <silent> <C-k> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap)
nmap <silent> <C-j> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap) nmap <silent> <C-j> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap)
g:mucomplete#can_complete = { let g:mucomplete#can_complete = {
default: { \'default': {
omni: (t) => strlen(&l:omnifunc) > 0 && t =~# '\m\k\%(\k\|\.\)$' \'omni': {t -> strlen(&l:omnifunc) > 0 && t =~# '\m\k\%(\k\|\.\)$'}
} \}
} \}

View file

@ -1,87 +1,116 @@
vim9script if exists('+packpath')
silent! packadd minpac silent! packadd minpac
if !exists('g:loaded_minpac') if !exists('g:loaded_minpac')
silent !git clone $XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/pack/minpac/opt/minpac silent !git clone $XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/pack/minpac/opt/minpac
augroup minpac { augroup minpac
autocmd! autocmd!
autocmd VimEnter * call minpac#update() autocmd VimEnter * call minpac#update()
} augroup END
function! Plug(...)
call call('minpac#add', a:000)
function! PlugEnd()
packadd minpac
call minpac#init({'dir': $XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim'})
if !filereadable($XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim/autoload/plug.vim')
silent !curl -fLo $XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs ''
augroup vimplug
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall
augroup END
function! Plug(name, ...)
call plug#(a:name)
function! PlugEnd()
call plug#end()
call plug#begin($XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim/plugged')
endif endif
packadd minpac
minpac#init({dir: $XDG_CACHE_HOME .. '/vim'}) call Plug('k-takata/minpac', {'type': 'opt'})
minpac#add('k-takata/minpac', {type: 'opt'}) call Plug('tpope/vim-sensible')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-sensible') call Plug('prabirshrestha/async.vim')
minpac#add('ciaranm/inkpot', {type: 'opt', do: 'colorscheme inkpot'}) call Plug('ciaranm/inkpot', {'type': 'opt', 'do': 'colorscheme inkpot'})
minpac#add('morhetz/gruvbox', {type: 'opt'}) call Plug('morhetz/gruvbox', {'type': 'opt'})
minpac#add('direnv/direnv.vim') call Plug('direnv/direnv.vim')
minpac#add('editorconfig/editorconfig-vim') call Plug('editorconfig/editorconfig-vim')
minpac#add('godlygeek/tabular') call Plug('godlygeek/tabular')
minpac#add('jamessan/vim-gnupg') call Plug('jamessan/vim-gnupg')
minpac#add('junegunn/vim-easy-align') call Plug('junegunn/vim-easy-align')
minpac#add('lifepillar/vim-mucomplete') call Plug('lifepillar/vim-mucomplete')
minpac#add('lotabout/skim') call Plug('lotabout/skim')
minpac#add('lotabout/skim.vim') call Plug('lotabout/skim.vim')
minpac#add('mhinz/vim-signify') call Plug('mhinz/vim-signify')
minpac#add('scrooloose/nerdtree') call Plug('scrooloose/nerdtree')
minpac#add('sjl/vitality.vim') call Plug('sjl/vitality.vim')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-apathy') call Plug('tpope/vim-apathy')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-commentary') call Plug('tpope/vim-commentary')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-dadbod') call Plug('tpope/vim-dadbod')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-endwise') call Plug('tpope/vim-endwise')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-eunuch') call Plug('tpope/vim-eunuch')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-fugitive') call Plug('tpope/vim-fugitive')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-repeat') call Plug('tpope/vim-repeat')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-rhubarb') call Plug('tpope/vim-rhubarb')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-sleuth') call Plug('tpope/vim-sleuth')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-surround') call Plug('tpope/vim-surround')
minpac#add('tpope/vim-unimpaired') call Plug('tpope/vim-unimpaired')
minpac#add('wincent/loupe') call Plug('wincent/loupe')
minpac#add('wincent/terminus') call Plug('wincent/terminus')
minpac#add('w0rp/ale') call Plug('w0rp/ale')
minpac#add('neoclide/coc.nvim', {branch: 'release'}) call Plug('neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'})
minpac#add('vim-airline/vim-airline') call Plug('vim-airline/vim-airline')
minpac#add('vim-airline/vim-airline-themes') call Plug('vim-airline/vim-airline-themes')
minpac#add('lambdalisue/battery.vim') call Plug('lambdalisue/battery.vim')
minpac#add('alvan/vim-closetag') call Plug('alvan/vim-closetag')
minpac#add('LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box') call Plug('LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box')
minpac#add('vhda/verilog_systemverilog.vim') call Plug('vhda/verilog_systemverilog.vim')
minpac#add('sheerun/vim-polyglot') call Plug('sheerun/vim-polyglot')
minpac#add('eipipuz/factor.vim') call Plug('eipipuz/factor.vim')
minpac#add('ehamberg/vim-cute-python') call Plug('ehamberg/vim-cute-python')
minpac#add('Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax') call Plug('Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax')
minpac#add('tweekmonster/braceless.vim') call Plug('tweekmonster/braceless.vim')
minpac#add('ternjs/tern_for_vim', {do: () => async#job#start(['npm', 'install'], {})}) call Plug('ternjs/tern_for_vim', {'do': {-> async#job#start(['npm', 'install'], {})}})
minpac#add('vito-c/jq.vim') call Plug('vito-c/jq.vim')
minpac#add('fladson/vim-kitty') call Plug('fladson/vim-kitty')
minpac#add('fpob/nette.vim') call Plug('fpob/nette.vim')
minpac#add('leafOfTree/vim-svelte-plugin') call Plug('leafOfTree/vim-svelte-plugin')
if executable('task') if executable('task')
minpac#add('farseer90718/vim-taskwarrior') call Plug('farseer90718/vim-taskwarrior')
endif endif
minpac#add('pedrohdz/vim-yaml-folds') call Plug('pedrohdz/vim-yaml-folds')
minpac#add('alx741/yesod.vim') call Plug('alx741/yesod.vim')
minpac#add('pbrisbin/vim-syntax-shakespeare') call Plug('pbrisbin/vim-syntax-shakespeare')
if has('macunix') if has('macunix')
minpac#add('rizzatti/dash.vim') call Plug('rizzatti/dash.vim')
# We rename this plugin to make sure it loads AFTER vim-polyglot, " We rename this plugin to make sure it loads AFTER vim-polyglot,
# since it won't work properly if it's loaded first. " since it won't work properly if it's loaded first.
minpac#add('itspriddle/vim-marked', {name: 'zzvim-marked'}) call Plug('itspriddle/vim-marked', {'name': 'zzvim-marked'})
endif endif
call PlugEnd()

View file

@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
vim9script for [s:var, s:value] in items({'XDG_CONFIG_HOME': '~/.config', 'XDG_CACHE_HOME': '~/.cache', 'XDG_DATA_HOME': '~/.local/share', 'XDG_STATE_HOME': '~/.local/state'})
const xdg = { if (empty(eval('$' . s:var)))
XDG_CONFIG_HOME: '~/.config', exec 'let $' . s:var . ' = expand(s:value)'
XDG_CACHE_HOME: '~/.cache',
XDG_DATA_HOME: '~/.local/share',
XDG_STATE_HOME: '~/.local/state',
for [key, default] in items(xdg)
if !has_key(environ(), key)
setenv(key, expand(default))
endif endif
endfor endfor
@ -16,7 +9,7 @@ set viminfo+=n$XDG_STATE_HOME/vim/viminfo
if exists('+packpath') if exists('+packpath')
set packpath^=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim,$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim set packpath^=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim,$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim
endif endif
g:netrw_home = $XDG_CACHE_HOME .. '/vim/netrw' let g:netrw_home = $XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim/netrw'
$MYVIMRC = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME .. '/vim/init.vim' let $MYVIMRC = $XDG_CONFIG_HOME . '/vim/init.vim'
source $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC