diff --git a/config/vim/vimrc b/config/vim/vimrc index 532a020..d3a9ebb 100644 --- a/config/vim/vimrc +++ b/config/vim/vimrc @@ -7,14 +7,19 @@ function! s:ensure_dir(dir) endif endfunction +" These are really clever - minpac will actually be loaded on the fly only +" when you need to update or clean your packages, rather than all the time. command! PackUpdate source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | call minpac#update() command! PackClean source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/plugins.vim | call minpac#clean() -silent! packadd vim-sensible -if !exists('g:loaded_sensible') +" If the pack directory doesn't exist, we haven't installed any packages yet, +" so let's call PackUpdate. +if !isdirectory($XDG_CACHE_HOME . '/vim/pack') PackUpdate endif +" Use Inkpot, since it's gorgeous, but with a transparent background instead +" of a solid black one. augroup transparent_term autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=NONE