#!/bin/zsh MAC_KITTY=/Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS if (( $+commands[kitty] == 0 )); then if [[ -x $MAC_KITTY/kitty ]]; then path=($MAC_KITTY $path) else print "Sorry, kitty must be installed to use this script! https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # Sort the sockets youngest-first, because the youngest one is most likely to be still alive. sockets=( ${TMPDIR}/kitty-socket-*(om) ) if (( $#sockets < 1 )); then print "Sorry, no Kitty socket could be found. Check $TMPDIR for 'kitty-socket' files." >&2 exit 2 fi exec kitty @ --to unix:$sockets[1] "$@"