#!/usr/bin/env zsh zmodload zsh/mapfile PREVIEW_TENTHS=7 IMG=$1 DESC_FILE=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/videsc-${IMG:t:r}.txt WINDOW_ID=0 if [[ -z $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ]]; then echo "videsc requires XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to be set." >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ -f $DESC_FILE ]]; then echo That image may already be in an active videsc session. >&2 echo "If you're sure it isn't, remove $DESC_FILE and try again." >&2 exit 1 fi videsc() { exiftool -b -Description $IMG > $DESC_FILE || return $? cp -p $DESC_FILE $DESC_FILE.stamp || return $? local IMG_PREVIEW_HEIGHT=$((LINES * PREVIEW_TENTHS / 10)) kitty @ goto-layout fat:bias=$((10 * PREVIEW_TENTHS)) || return $? WINDOW_ID=$(kitty @ launch --cwd current --location before --keep-focus kitten icat --place ${COLUMNS}x${IMG_PREVIEW_HEIGHT}@0x0 --hold $IMG || return $?) ${EDITOR:-vim} $DESC_FILE || return $? if [[ $DESC_FILE -nt $DESC_FILE.stamp ]]; then pbcopy < $DESC_FILE exiftool -P -Description="$mapfile[$DESC_FILE]" $IMG else echo 'no changes detected, not writing updated description.' >&2 fi } { videsc } always { (( $WINDOW_ID )) && kitty @ close-window -m id:$WINDOW_ID rm -f $DESC_FILE $DESC_FILE.stamp }