#!/usr/bin/env python3 from yaml import dump try: from yaml import CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Dumper import json, re, sys def dict_representer(dumper, d): node = dumper.represent_dict(d) # Don't use YAML flow style for large dicts, because the flow style output # only really looks good with a very small number of keys. if node.flow_style and len(d) > 5: node.flow_style = False return node Dumper.add_representer(dict, dict_representer) def cat(files): usedStdin = False for f in files: if f == '-': if usedStdin: continue usedStdin = True with open(f) if f != '-' else sys.stdin as s: for line in s: yield line # http://stackoverflow.com/a/7795029/1208816 braces = '{}[]' whitespace_esc = ' \t' braces_esc = '\\' + '\\'.join(braces) braces_pat = '[' + braces_esc + ']' no_braces_pat = '[^' + braces_esc + ']*' until_braces_pat = re.compile(no_braces_pat + braces_pat) balance_map = dict(zip(braces, [1, -1, 1, -1])) def streamingfinditer(pat, stream): for s in stream: while True: m = pat.search(s) if not m: yield (0,s) break yield (1, m.group()) s = pat.split(s, 1)[1] def simpleorcompoundobjects(stream): obj = "" unbalanced = 0 for (c, m) in streamingfinditer(until_braces_pat, stream): if (c == 0): # remainder of line returned, nothing interesting if (unbalanced == 0): yield (0, m) else: obj += m if (c == 1): # match returned if (unbalanced == 0): yield (0, m[:-1]) obj += m[-1] else: obj += m unbalanced += balance_map[m[-1]] if (unbalanced == 0): yield (1, obj) obj = "" def streamingiterload(stream): for c,o in simpleorcompoundobjects(stream): for x in iterload(o): yield x # http://stackoverflow.com/a/6886743/1208816 def iterload(string_or_fp, cls=json.JSONDecoder, **kwargs): try: string = string_or_fp.read() except AttributeError: string = str(string_or_fp) decoder = cls(**kwargs) idx = json.decoder.WHITESPACE.match(string, 0).end() while idx < len(string): obj, end = decoder.raw_decode(string, idx) yield obj idx = json.decoder.WHITESPACE.match(string, end).end() files = sys.argv[1:] or ('-',) for obj in streamingiterload(cat(files)): print(dump(obj, Dumper=Dumper, explicit_start=True), end='', flush=True)