
# The arguments should be a command to run in qutebrowser. If no arguments are
# provided, then :open -w is run by default.
(( $# < 1 )) && cmd=(:open -w)

# There should only be one qutebrowser socket, but just in case we only take
# the first result we find.
sockets=( ${TMPDIR}qutebrowser/ipc*(N) )

if [[ -w $SOCKET ]]; then
   # We have a legit socket. Let's send the commands to qutebrowser. Yay!
   jo target_arg=null protocol_version=1 cwd=$PWD "args[]=$cmd" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:$SOCKET
   # No socket. Let's start qutebrowser!
   open -a qutebrowser.app
   # If we were given commands to run, we still wanna run them once qutebrowser
   # starts, so wait a little while and then re-exec this script.
   if (( $# )); then
      sleep 5
      exec qtb "$@"