
65 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env zsh
actualSize=$(wc -c < $script)
if [[ -d $testDir ]]; then
echo "$testDir exists, is this test already running?" >&2
echo "Refusing to launch. Remove $testDir manually if necessary." >&2
exit -1
repeat-char() {
local char=$1
local -i count=$2
(( count )) && printf "$char%.0s" {1..$count}
partial-dl-test() {
local -i showProgress=0 size=0 STATUS=0
local -F percent=0 progress=0
local OUT=''
mkdir $testDir
# We run the test for every partial filesize up to the actual size - 2,
# because we expect the script to work properly when the entirety has been
# downloaded, and it'll also work properly if just the last byte is missing
# because that last byte is a newline.
for (( size = 0; size < actualSize - 1; size++ )); do
percent=$(( size * 100.0 / actualSize ))
progress=$(( percent / 10 ))
(( showProgress++ % 100 == 0 || size == actualSize - 2 )) && printf " [%-10s] [%${#actualSize}d/%d]\r" "$(repeat-char = $progress)" $size $actualSize >&2
OUT=$(head -c$size $script | env -i HOME=$testDir/home zsh 2>&1)
if (( STATUS == 0 )); then
# If zsh silently did nothing, that's fine.
[[ -z $OUT ]] && continue
# If zsh non-silently reported a success, that's not fine.
print "dots reported a success with only $size bytes available, producing this output:${(qq)OUT}" >&2
return $size
# There are a few error messages we can get from zsh that we expect to see when doing this kind of test.
if ! [[ $OUT = 'zsh: parse error'* ||
$OUT = 'zsh: unmatched '* ||
$OUT = 'zsh: closing brace expected' ||
$OUT = 'zsh: condition expected: '* ]]; then
print "dots produced unexpected output with only $size bytes available and status $STATUS: ${(qq)OUT}" >&2
return $size
if [[ -d $testDir/home ]]; then
print "dots bootstrapped itself with only $size bytes available, $percent% of its full $actualSize bytes!" >&2
return $size
print "dots safely did nothing for partially downloaded sizes up to $((size-1))/$actualSize bytes!" >&2
} always {
rm -rf $testDir