# dot/dots A fast and easy bootstrap for my dotfiles that also acts as a simple management script once installed. Bootstrapping is as simple as: ```zsh curl https://dots.00dani.me | zsh ``` If you're wary about piping scripts into your shell - [you should be](https://www.seancassidy.me/dont-pipe-to-your-shell.html) - then feel free to download the script and check it out first. `dots` *is* [designed to crash harmlessly](https://dots.00dani.me/partial-dl-test) rather than run something dangerous if `curl` is interrupted, however. ```zsh curl https://dots.00dani.me > dots less dots # reviewing ... looks okay! zsh dots ``` When run through either of these methods, `dots` will install itself, [GNU Stow](https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/) (if not already installed globally), and my configuration for [git](https://git.00dani.me/dot/git), [vim](https://git.00dani.me/dot/vim), and [zsh](https://git.00dani.me/dot/zsh). By default, packages are installed by `dots` to `~/dotfiles` and then linked into `~` using Stow. Environment variables are available for customising this behaviour. ## Environment Variables * `DOTFILES` - the location to clone new packages. Defaults to `~/dotfiles`. Don't set it to `~`, because that'll just be super confusing. * `DOTS_SOURCE_PREFIX` - a URL prefix that will be prepended to simple package names, like "git" and "vim". Defaults to `https://git.00dani.me/dot`. You might want to change this to point at your own Git hosting. * `STOW` - which GNU Stow binary to use. Defaults to `stow`. You probably don't need to change this. * `HOME` - the target directory for linking packages. Probably not a good idea to change this either.