var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => { target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}; const to = isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target; for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(mod)) if (!, key)) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => mod[key], enumerable: true }); return to; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => () => (mod || cb((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports); // node_modules/highlight.js/lib/core.js var require_core = __commonJS((exports, module) => { var deepFreeze = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof Map) { obj.clear = obj.delete = obj.set = function() { throw new Error("map is read-only"); }; } else if (obj instanceof Set) { obj.add = obj.clear = obj.delete = function() { throw new Error("set is read-only"); }; } Object.freeze(obj); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((name) => { const prop = obj[name]; const type = typeof prop; if ((type === "object" || type === "function") && !Object.isFrozen(prop)) { deepFreeze(prop); } }); return obj; }; var escapeHTML = function(value) { return value.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'"); }; var inherit$1 = function(original, ...objects) { const result = Object.create(null); for (const key in original) { result[key] = original[key]; } objects.forEach(function(obj) { for (const key in obj) { result[key] = obj[key]; } }); return result; }; var source = function(re) { if (!re) return null; if (typeof re === "string") return re; return re.source; }; var lookahead = function(re) { return concat("(?=", re, ")"); }; var anyNumberOfTimes = function(re) { return concat("(?:", re, ")*"); }; var optional = function(re) { return concat("(?:", re, ")?"); }; var concat = function(...args) { const joined = => source(x)).join(""); return joined; }; var stripOptionsFromArgs = function(args) { const opts = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof opts === "object" && opts.constructor === Object) { args.splice(args.length - 1, 1); return opts; } else { return {}; } }; var either = function(...args) { const opts = stripOptionsFromArgs(args); const joined = "(" + (opts.capture ? "" : "?:") + => source(x)).join("|") + ")"; return joined; }; var countMatchGroups = function(re) { return new RegExp(re.toString() + "|").exec("").length - 1; }; var startsWith = function(re, lexeme) { const match = re && re.exec(lexeme); return match && match.index === 0; }; var _rewriteBackreferences = function(regexps, { joinWith }) { let numCaptures = 0; return => { numCaptures += 1; const offset = numCaptures; let re = source(regex); let out = ""; while (re.length > 0) { const match = BACKREF_RE.exec(re); if (!match) { out += re; break; } out += re.substring(0, match.index); re = re.substring(match.index + match[0].length); if (match[0][0] === "\\" && match[1]) { out += "\\" + String(Number(match[1]) + offset); } else { out += match[0]; if (match[0] === "(") { numCaptures++; } } } return out; }).map((re) => `(${re})`).join(joinWith); }; var skipIfHasPrecedingDot = function(match, response) { const before = match.input[match.index - 1]; if (before === ".") { response.ignoreMatch(); } }; var scopeClassName = function(mode, _parent) { if (mode.className !== undefined) { mode.scope = mode.className; delete mode.className; } }; var beginKeywords = function(mode, parent) { if (!parent) return; if (!mode.beginKeywords) return; mode.begin = "\\b(" + mode.beginKeywords.split(" ").join("|") + ")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)"; mode.__beforeBegin = skipIfHasPrecedingDot; mode.keywords = mode.keywords || mode.beginKeywords; delete mode.beginKeywords; if (mode.relevance === undefined) mode.relevance = 0; }; var compileIllegal = function(mode, _parent) { if (!Array.isArray(mode.illegal)) return; mode.illegal = either(...mode.illegal); }; var compileMatch = function(mode, _parent) { if (!mode.match) return; if (mode.begin || mode.end) throw new Error("begin & end are not supported with match"); mode.begin = mode.match; delete mode.match; }; var compileRelevance = function(mode, _parent) { if (mode.relevance === undefined) mode.relevance = 1; }; var compileKeywords = function(rawKeywords, caseInsensitive, scopeName = DEFAULT_KEYWORD_SCOPE) { const compiledKeywords = Object.create(null); if (typeof rawKeywords === "string") { compileList(scopeName, rawKeywords.split(" ")); } else if (Array.isArray(rawKeywords)) { compileList(scopeName, rawKeywords); } else { Object.keys(rawKeywords).forEach(function(scopeName2) { Object.assign(compiledKeywords, compileKeywords(rawKeywords[scopeName2], caseInsensitive, scopeName2)); }); } return compiledKeywords; function compileList(scopeName2, keywordList) { if (caseInsensitive) { keywordList = => x.toLowerCase()); } keywordList.forEach(function(keyword) { const pair = keyword.split("|"); compiledKeywords[pair[0]] = [scopeName2, scoreForKeyword(pair[0], pair[1])]; }); } }; var scoreForKeyword = function(keyword, providedScore) { if (providedScore) { return Number(providedScore); } return commonKeyword(keyword) ? 0 : 1; }; var commonKeyword = function(keyword) { return COMMON_KEYWORDS.includes(keyword.toLowerCase()); }; var remapScopeNames = function(mode, regexes, { key }) { let offset = 0; const scopeNames = mode[key]; const emit = {}; const positions = {}; for (let i = 1;i <= regexes.length; i++) { positions[i + offset] = scopeNames[i]; emit[i + offset] = true; offset += countMatchGroups(regexes[i - 1]); } mode[key] = positions; mode[key]._emit = emit; mode[key]._multi = true; }; var beginMultiClass = function(mode) { if (!Array.isArray(mode.begin)) return; if (mode.skip || mode.excludeBegin || mode.returnBegin) { error("skip, excludeBegin, returnBegin not compatible with beginScope: {}"); throw MultiClassError; } if (typeof mode.beginScope !== "object" || mode.beginScope === null) { error("beginScope must be object"); throw MultiClassError; } remapScopeNames(mode, mode.begin, { key: "beginScope" }); mode.begin = _rewriteBackreferences(mode.begin, { joinWith: "" }); }; var endMultiClass = function(mode) { if (!Array.isArray(mode.end)) return; if (mode.skip || mode.excludeEnd || mode.returnEnd) { error("skip, excludeEnd, returnEnd not compatible with endScope: {}"); throw MultiClassError; } if (typeof mode.endScope !== "object" || mode.endScope === null) { error("endScope must be object"); throw MultiClassError; } remapScopeNames(mode, mode.end, { key: "endScope" }); mode.end = _rewriteBackreferences(mode.end, { joinWith: "" }); }; var scopeSugar = function(mode) { if (mode.scope && typeof mode.scope === "object" && mode.scope !== null) { mode.beginScope = mode.scope; delete mode.scope; } }; var MultiClass = function(mode) { scopeSugar(mode); if (typeof mode.beginScope === "string") { mode.beginScope = { _wrap: mode.beginScope }; } if (typeof mode.endScope === "string") { mode.endScope = { _wrap: mode.endScope }; } beginMultiClass(mode); endMultiClass(mode); }; var compileLanguage = function(language) { function langRe(value, global) { return new RegExp(source(value), "m" + (language.case_insensitive ? "i" : "") + (language.unicodeRegex ? "u" : "") + (global ? "g" : "")); } class MultiRegex { constructor() { this.matchIndexes = {}; this.regexes = []; this.matchAt = 1; this.position = 0; } addRule(re, opts) { opts.position = this.position++; this.matchIndexes[this.matchAt] = opts; this.regexes.push([opts, re]); this.matchAt += countMatchGroups(re) + 1; } compile() { if (this.regexes.length === 0) { this.exec = () => null; } const terminators = => el[1]); this.matcherRe = langRe(_rewriteBackreferences(terminators, { joinWith: "|" }), true); this.lastIndex = 0; } exec(s) { this.matcherRe.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; const match = this.matcherRe.exec(s); if (!match) { return null; } const i = match.findIndex((el, i2) => i2 > 0 && el !== undefined); const matchData = this.matchIndexes[i]; match.splice(0, i); return Object.assign(match, matchData); } } class ResumableMultiRegex { constructor() { this.rules = []; this.multiRegexes = []; this.count = 0; this.lastIndex = 0; this.regexIndex = 0; } getMatcher(index) { if (this.multiRegexes[index]) return this.multiRegexes[index]; const matcher = new MultiRegex; this.rules.slice(index).forEach(([re, opts]) => matcher.addRule(re, opts)); matcher.compile(); this.multiRegexes[index] = matcher; return matcher; } resumingScanAtSamePosition() { return this.regexIndex !== 0; } considerAll() { this.regexIndex = 0; } addRule(re, opts) { this.rules.push([re, opts]); if (opts.type === "begin") this.count++; } exec(s) { const m = this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex); m.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; let result = m.exec(s); if (this.resumingScanAtSamePosition()) { if (result && result.index === this.lastIndex) ; else { const m2 = this.getMatcher(0); m2.lastIndex = this.lastIndex + 1; result = m2.exec(s); } } if (result) { this.regexIndex += result.position + 1; if (this.regexIndex === this.count) { this.considerAll(); } } return result; } } function buildModeRegex(mode) { const mm = new ResumableMultiRegex; mode.contains.forEach((term) => mm.addRule(term.begin, { rule: term, type: "begin" })); if (mode.terminatorEnd) { mm.addRule(mode.terminatorEnd, { type: "end" }); } if (mode.illegal) { mm.addRule(mode.illegal, { type: "illegal" }); } return mm; } function compileMode(mode, parent) { const cmode = mode; if (mode.isCompiled) return cmode; [ scopeClassName, compileMatch, MultiClass, beforeMatchExt ].forEach((ext) => ext(mode, parent)); language.compilerExtensions.forEach((ext) => ext(mode, parent)); mode.__beforeBegin = null; [ beginKeywords, compileIllegal, compileRelevance ].forEach((ext) => ext(mode, parent)); mode.isCompiled = true; let keywordPattern = null; if (typeof mode.keywords === "object" && mode.keywords.$pattern) { mode.keywords = Object.assign({}, mode.keywords); keywordPattern = mode.keywords.$pattern; delete mode.keywords.$pattern; } keywordPattern = keywordPattern || /\w+/; if (mode.keywords) { mode.keywords = compileKeywords(mode.keywords, language.case_insensitive); } cmode.keywordPatternRe = langRe(keywordPattern, true); if (parent) { if (!mode.begin) mode.begin = /\B|\b/; cmode.beginRe = langRe(cmode.begin); if (!mode.end && !mode.endsWithParent) mode.end = /\B|\b/; if (mode.end) cmode.endRe = langRe(cmode.end); cmode.terminatorEnd = source(cmode.end) || ""; if (mode.endsWithParent && parent.terminatorEnd) { cmode.terminatorEnd += (mode.end ? "|" : "") + parent.terminatorEnd; } } if (mode.illegal) cmode.illegalRe = langRe(mode.illegal); if (!mode.contains) mode.contains = []; mode.contains = [].concat( { return expandOrCloneMode(c === "self" ? mode : c); })); mode.contains.forEach(function(c) { compileMode(c, cmode); }); if (mode.starts) { compileMode(mode.starts, parent); } cmode.matcher = buildModeRegex(cmode); return cmode; } if (!language.compilerExtensions) language.compilerExtensions = []; if (language.contains && language.contains.includes("self")) { throw new Error("ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation."); } language.classNameAliases = inherit$1(language.classNameAliases || {}); return compileMode(language); }; var dependencyOnParent = function(mode) { if (!mode) return false; return mode.endsWithParent || dependencyOnParent(mode.starts); }; var expandOrCloneMode = function(mode) { if (mode.variants && !mode.cachedVariants) { mode.cachedVariants = { return inherit$1(mode, { variants: null }, variant); }); } if (mode.cachedVariants) { return mode.cachedVariants; } if (dependencyOnParent(mode)) { return inherit$1(mode, { starts: mode.starts ? inherit$1(mode.starts) : null }); } if (Object.isFrozen(mode)) { return inherit$1(mode); } return mode; }; class Response { constructor(mode) { if ( === undefined) = {}; =; this.isMatchIgnored = false; } ignoreMatch() { this.isMatchIgnored = true; } } var SPAN_CLOSE = ""; var emitsWrappingTags = (node) => { return !!node.scope; }; var scopeToCSSClass = (name, { prefix }) => { if (name.startsWith("language:")) { return name.replace("language:", "language-"); } if (name.includes(".")) { const pieces = name.split("."); return [ `${prefix}${pieces.shift()}`,, i) => `${x}${"_".repeat(i + 1)}`) ].join(" "); } return `${prefix}${name}`; }; class HTMLRenderer { constructor(parseTree, options) { this.buffer = ""; this.classPrefix = options.classPrefix; parseTree.walk(this); } addText(text) { this.buffer += escapeHTML(text); } openNode(node) { if (!emitsWrappingTags(node)) return; const className = scopeToCSSClass(node.scope, { prefix: this.classPrefix }); this.span(className); } closeNode(node) { if (!emitsWrappingTags(node)) return; this.buffer += SPAN_CLOSE; } value() { return this.buffer; } span(className) { this.buffer += ``; } } var newNode = (opts = {}) => { const result = { children: [] }; Object.assign(result, opts); return result; }; class TokenTree { constructor() { this.rootNode = newNode(); this.stack = [this.rootNode]; } get top() { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } get root() { return this.rootNode; } add(node) {; } openNode(scope) { const node = newNode({ scope }); this.add(node); this.stack.push(node); } closeNode() { if (this.stack.length > 1) { return this.stack.pop(); } return; } closeAllNodes() { while (this.closeNode()) ; } toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode, null, 4); } walk(builder) { return this.constructor._walk(builder, this.rootNode); } static _walk(builder, node) { if (typeof node === "string") { builder.addText(node); } else if (node.children) { builder.openNode(node); node.children.forEach((child) => this._walk(builder, child)); builder.closeNode(node); } return builder; } static _collapse(node) { if (typeof node === "string") return; if (!node.children) return; if (node.children.every((el) => typeof el === "string")) { node.children = [node.children.join("")]; } else { node.children.forEach((child) => { TokenTree._collapse(child); }); } } } class TokenTreeEmitter extends TokenTree { constructor(options) { super(); this.options = options; } addText(text) { if (text === "") { return; } this.add(text); } startScope(scope) { this.openNode(scope); } endScope() { this.closeNode(); } __addSublanguage(emitter, name) { const node = emitter.root; if (name) node.scope = `language:${name}`; this.add(node); } toHTML() { const renderer = new HTMLRenderer(this, this.options); return renderer.value(); } finalize() { this.closeAllNodes(); return true; } } var BACKREF_RE = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./; var MATCH_NOTHING_RE = /\b\B/; var IDENT_RE = "[a-zA-Z]\\w*"; var UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*"; var NUMBER_RE = "\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"; var C_NUMBER_RE = "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"; var BINARY_NUMBER_RE = "\\b(0b[01]+)"; var RE_STARTERS_RE = "!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~"; var SHEBANG = (opts = {}) => { const beginShebang = /^#![ ]*\//; if (opts.binary) { opts.begin = concat(beginShebang, /.*\b/, opts.binary, /\b.*/); } return inherit$1({ scope: "meta", begin: beginShebang, end: /$/, relevance: 0, "on:begin": (m, resp) => { if (m.index !== 0) resp.ignoreMatch(); } }, opts); }; var BACKSLASH_ESCAPE = { begin: "\\\\[\\s\\S]", relevance: 0 }; var APOS_STRING_MODE = { scope: "string", begin: "\'", end: "\'", illegal: "\\n", contains: [BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }; var QUOTE_STRING_MODE = { scope: "string", begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: "\\n", contains: [BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }; var PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE = { begin: /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/ }; var COMMENT = function(begin, end, modeOptions = {}) { const mode = inherit$1({ scope: "comment", begin, end, contains: [] }, modeOptions); mode.contains.push({ scope: "doctag", begin: "[ ]*(?=(TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):)", end: /(TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):/, excludeBegin: true, relevance: 0 }); const ENGLISH_WORD = either("I", "a", "is", "so", "us", "to", "at", "if", "in", "it", "on", /[A-Za-z]+['](d|ve|re|ll|t|s|n)/, /[A-Za-z]+[-][a-z]+/, /[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,}/); mode.contains.push({ begin: concat(/[ ]+/, "(", ENGLISH_WORD, /[.]?[:]?([.][ ]|[ ])/, "){3}") }); return mode; }; var C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE = COMMENT("//", "$"); var C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE = COMMENT("/\\*", "\\*/"); var HASH_COMMENT_MODE = COMMENT("#", "$"); var NUMBER_MODE = { scope: "number", begin: NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; var C_NUMBER_MODE = { scope: "number", begin: C_NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; var BINARY_NUMBER_MODE = { scope: "number", begin: BINARY_NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; var REGEXP_MODE = { scope: "regexp", begin: /\/(?=[^/\n]*\/)/, end: /\/[gimuy]*/, contains: [ BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, relevance: 0, contains: [BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] } ] }; var TITLE_MODE = { scope: "title", begin: IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }; var UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE = { scope: "title", begin: UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }; var METHOD_GUARD = { begin: "\\.\\s*" + UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }; var END_SAME_AS_BEGIN = function(mode) { return Object.assign(mode, { "on:begin": (m, resp) => { = m[1]; }, "on:end": (m, resp) => { if ( !== m[1]) resp.ignoreMatch(); } }); }; var MODES = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, APOS_STRING_MODE, BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, BINARY_NUMBER_MODE, BINARY_NUMBER_RE, COMMENT, C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, C_NUMBER_MODE, C_NUMBER_RE, END_SAME_AS_BEGIN, HASH_COMMENT_MODE, IDENT_RE, MATCH_NOTHING_RE, METHOD_GUARD, NUMBER_MODE, NUMBER_RE, PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE, QUOTE_STRING_MODE, REGEXP_MODE, RE_STARTERS_RE, SHEBANG, TITLE_MODE, UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE }); var beforeMatchExt = (mode, parent) => { if (!mode.beforeMatch) return; if (mode.starts) throw new Error("beforeMatch cannot be used with starts"); const originalMode = Object.assign({}, mode); Object.keys(mode).forEach((key) => { delete mode[key]; }); mode.keywords = originalMode.keywords; mode.begin = concat(originalMode.beforeMatch, lookahead(originalMode.begin)); mode.starts = { relevance: 0, contains: [ Object.assign(originalMode, { endsParent: true }) ] }; mode.relevance = 0; delete originalMode.beforeMatch; }; var COMMON_KEYWORDS = [ "of", "and", "for", "in", "not", "or", "if", "then", "parent", "list", "value" ]; var DEFAULT_KEYWORD_SCOPE = "keyword"; var seenDeprecations = {}; var error = (message) => { console.error(message); }; var warn = (message, ...args) => { console.log(`WARN: ${message}`, ...args); }; var deprecated = (version2, message) => { if (seenDeprecations[`${version2}/${message}`]) return; console.log(`Deprecated as of ${version2}. ${message}`); seenDeprecations[`${version2}/${message}`] = true; }; var MultiClassError = new Error; var version = "11.9.0"; class HTMLInjectionError extends Error { constructor(reason, html) { super(reason); = "HTMLInjectionError"; this.html = html; } } var escape = escapeHTML; var inherit = inherit$1; var NO_MATCH = Symbol("nomatch"); var MAX_KEYWORD_HITS = 7; var HLJS = function(hljs) { const languages = Object.create(null); const aliases = Object.create(null); const plugins = []; let SAFE_MODE = true; const LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?"; const PLAINTEXT_LANGUAGE = { disableAutodetect: true, name: "Plain text", contains: [] }; let options = { ignoreUnescapedHTML: false, throwUnescapedHTML: false, noHighlightRe: /^(no-?highlight)$/i, languageDetectRe: /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i, classPrefix: "hljs-", cssSelector: "pre code", languages: null, __emitter: TokenTreeEmitter }; function shouldNotHighlight(languageName) { return options.noHighlightRe.test(languageName); } function blockLanguage(block) { let classes = block.className + " "; classes += block.parentNode ? block.parentNode.className : ""; const match = options.languageDetectRe.exec(classes); if (match) { const language = getLanguage(match[1]); if (!language) { warn(LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND.replace("{}", match[1])); warn("Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.", block); } return language ? match[1] : "no-highlight"; } return classes.split(/\s+/).find((_class) => shouldNotHighlight(_class) || getLanguage(_class)); } function highlight2(codeOrLanguageName, optionsOrCode, ignoreIllegals) { let code = ""; let languageName = ""; if (typeof optionsOrCode === "object") { code = codeOrLanguageName; ignoreIllegals = optionsOrCode.ignoreIllegals; languageName = optionsOrCode.language; } else { deprecated("10.7.0", "highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated."); deprecated("10.7.0", "Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\n"); languageName = codeOrLanguageName; code = optionsOrCode; } if (ignoreIllegals === undefined) { ignoreIllegals = true; } const context = { code, language: languageName }; fire("before:highlight", context); const result = context.result ? context.result : _highlight(context.language, context.code, ignoreIllegals); result.code = context.code; fire("after:highlight", result); return result; } function _highlight(languageName, codeToHighlight, ignoreIllegals, continuation) { const keywordHits = Object.create(null); function keywordData(mode, matchText) { return mode.keywords[matchText]; } function processKeywords() { if (!top.keywords) { emitter.addText(modeBuffer); return; } let lastIndex = 0; top.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex = 0; let match = top.keywordPatternRe.exec(modeBuffer); let buf = ""; while (match) { buf += modeBuffer.substring(lastIndex, match.index); const word = language.case_insensitive ? match[0].toLowerCase() : match[0]; const data = keywordData(top, word); if (data) { const [kind, keywordRelevance] = data; emitter.addText(buf); buf = ""; keywordHits[word] = (keywordHits[word] || 0) + 1; if (keywordHits[word] <= MAX_KEYWORD_HITS) relevance += keywordRelevance; if (kind.startsWith("_")) { buf += match[0]; } else { const cssClass = language.classNameAliases[kind] || kind; emitKeyword(match[0], cssClass); } } else { buf += match[0]; } lastIndex = top.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex; match = top.keywordPatternRe.exec(modeBuffer); } buf += modeBuffer.substring(lastIndex); emitter.addText(buf); } function processSubLanguage() { if (modeBuffer === "") return; let result2 = null; if (typeof top.subLanguage === "string") { if (!languages[top.subLanguage]) { emitter.addText(modeBuffer); return; } result2 = _highlight(top.subLanguage, modeBuffer, true, continuations[top.subLanguage]); continuations[top.subLanguage] = result2._top; } else { result2 = highlightAuto(modeBuffer, top.subLanguage.length ? top.subLanguage : null); } if (top.relevance > 0) { relevance += result2.relevance; } emitter.__addSublanguage(result2._emitter, result2.language); } function processBuffer() { if (top.subLanguage != null) { processSubLanguage(); } else { processKeywords(); } modeBuffer = ""; } function emitKeyword(keyword, scope) { if (keyword === "") return; emitter.startScope(scope); emitter.addText(keyword); emitter.endScope(); } function emitMultiClass(scope, match) { let i = 1; const max = match.length - 1; while (i <= max) { if (!scope._emit[i]) { i++; continue; } const klass = language.classNameAliases[scope[i]] || scope[i]; const text = match[i]; if (klass) { emitKeyword(text, klass); } else { modeBuffer = text; processKeywords(); modeBuffer = ""; } i++; } } function startNewMode(mode, match) { if (mode.scope && typeof mode.scope === "string") { emitter.openNode(language.classNameAliases[mode.scope] || mode.scope); } if (mode.beginScope) { if (mode.beginScope._wrap) { emitKeyword(modeBuffer, language.classNameAliases[mode.beginScope._wrap] || mode.beginScope._wrap); modeBuffer = ""; } else if (mode.beginScope._multi) { emitMultiClass(mode.beginScope, match); modeBuffer = ""; } } top = Object.create(mode, { parent: { value: top } }); return top; } function endOfMode(mode, match, matchPlusRemainder) { let matched = startsWith(mode.endRe, matchPlusRemainder); if (matched) { if (mode["on:end"]) { const resp = new Response(mode); mode["on:end"](match, resp); if (resp.isMatchIgnored) matched = false; } if (matched) { while (mode.endsParent && mode.parent) { mode = mode.parent; } return mode; } } if (mode.endsWithParent) { return endOfMode(mode.parent, match, matchPlusRemainder); } } function doIgnore(lexeme) { if (top.matcher.regexIndex === 0) { modeBuffer += lexeme[0]; return 1; } else { resumeScanAtSamePosition = true; return 0; } } function doBeginMatch(match) { const lexeme = match[0]; const newMode = match.rule; const resp = new Response(newMode); const beforeCallbacks = [newMode.__beforeBegin, newMode["on:begin"]]; for (const cb of beforeCallbacks) { if (!cb) continue; cb(match, resp); if (resp.isMatchIgnored) return doIgnore(lexeme); } if (newMode.skip) { modeBuffer += lexeme; } else { if (newMode.excludeBegin) { modeBuffer += lexeme; } processBuffer(); if (!newMode.returnBegin && !newMode.excludeBegin) { modeBuffer = lexeme; } } startNewMode(newMode, match); return newMode.returnBegin ? 0 : lexeme.length; } function doEndMatch(match) { const lexeme = match[0]; const matchPlusRemainder = codeToHighlight.substring(match.index); const endMode = endOfMode(top, match, matchPlusRemainder); if (!endMode) { return NO_MATCH; } const origin = top; if (top.endScope && top.endScope._wrap) { processBuffer(); emitKeyword(lexeme, top.endScope._wrap); } else if (top.endScope && top.endScope._multi) { processBuffer(); emitMultiClass(top.endScope, match); } else if (origin.skip) { modeBuffer += lexeme; } else { if (!(origin.returnEnd || origin.excludeEnd)) { modeBuffer += lexeme; } processBuffer(); if (origin.excludeEnd) { modeBuffer = lexeme; } } do { if (top.scope) { emitter.closeNode(); } if (!top.skip && !top.subLanguage) { relevance += top.relevance; } top = top.parent; } while (top !== endMode.parent); if (endMode.starts) { startNewMode(endMode.starts, match); } return origin.returnEnd ? 0 : lexeme.length; } function processContinuations() { const list = []; for (let current = top;current !== language; current = current.parent) { if (current.scope) { list.unshift(current.scope); } } list.forEach((item) => emitter.openNode(item)); } let lastMatch = {}; function processLexeme(textBeforeMatch, match) { const lexeme = match && match[0]; modeBuffer += textBeforeMatch; if (lexeme == null) { processBuffer(); return 0; } if (lastMatch.type === "begin" && match.type === "end" && lastMatch.index === match.index && lexeme === "") { modeBuffer += codeToHighlight.slice(match.index, match.index + 1); if (!SAFE_MODE) { const err = new Error(`0 width match regex (${languageName})`); err.languageName = languageName; err.badRule = lastMatch.rule; throw err; } return 1; } lastMatch = match; if (match.type === "begin") { return doBeginMatch(match); } else if (match.type === "illegal" && !ignoreIllegals) { const err = new Error('Illegal lexeme "' + lexeme + '" for mode "' + (top.scope || "") + '"'); err.mode = top; throw err; } else if (match.type === "end") { const processed = doEndMatch(match); if (processed !== NO_MATCH) { return processed; } } if (match.type === "illegal" && lexeme === "") { return 1; } if (iterations > 1e5 && iterations > match.index * 3) { const err = new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches"); throw err; } modeBuffer += lexeme; return lexeme.length; } const language = getLanguage(languageName); if (!language) { error(LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND.replace("{}", languageName)); throw new Error('Unknown language: "' + languageName + '"'); } const md = compileLanguage(language); let result = ""; let top = continuation || md; const continuations = {}; const emitter = new options.__emitter(options); processContinuations(); let modeBuffer = ""; let relevance = 0; let index = 0; let iterations = 0; let resumeScanAtSamePosition = false; try { if (!language.__emitTokens) { top.matcher.considerAll(); for (;; ) { iterations++; if (resumeScanAtSamePosition) { resumeScanAtSamePosition = false; } else { top.matcher.considerAll(); } top.matcher.lastIndex = index; const match = top.matcher.exec(codeToHighlight); if (!match) break; const beforeMatch = codeToHighlight.substring(index, match.index); const processedCount = processLexeme(beforeMatch, match); index = match.index + processedCount; } processLexeme(codeToHighlight.substring(index)); } else { language.__emitTokens(codeToHighlight, emitter); } emitter.finalize(); result = emitter.toHTML(); return { language: languageName, value: result, relevance, illegal: false, _emitter: emitter, _top: top }; } catch (err) { if (err.message && err.message.includes("Illegal")) { return { language: languageName, value: escape(codeToHighlight), illegal: true, relevance: 0, _illegalBy: { message: err.message, index, context: codeToHighlight.slice(index - 100, index + 100), mode: err.mode, resultSoFar: result }, _emitter: emitter }; } else if (SAFE_MODE) { return { language: languageName, value: escape(codeToHighlight), illegal: false, relevance: 0, errorRaised: err, _emitter: emitter, _top: top }; } else { throw err; } } } function justTextHighlightResult(code) { const result = { value: escape(code), illegal: false, relevance: 0, _top: PLAINTEXT_LANGUAGE, _emitter: new options.__emitter(options) }; result._emitter.addText(code); return result; } function highlightAuto(code, languageSubset) { languageSubset = languageSubset || options.languages || Object.keys(languages); const plaintext = justTextHighlightResult(code); const results = languageSubset.filter(getLanguage).filter(autoDetection).map((name) => _highlight(name, code, false)); results.unshift(plaintext); const sorted = results.sort((a, b) => { if (a.relevance !== b.relevance) return b.relevance - a.relevance; if (a.language && b.language) { if (getLanguage(a.language).supersetOf === b.language) { return 1; } else if (getLanguage(b.language).supersetOf === a.language) { return -1; } } return 0; }); const [best, secondBest] = sorted; const result = best; result.secondBest = secondBest; return result; } function updateClassName(element, currentLang, resultLang) { const language = currentLang && aliases[currentLang] || resultLang; element.classList.add("hljs"); element.classList.add(`language-${language}`); } function highlightElement(element) { let node = null; const language = blockLanguage(element); if (shouldNotHighlight(language)) return; fire("before:highlightElement", { el: element, language }); if (element.dataset.highlighted) { console.log("Element previously highlighted. To highlight again, first unset `dataset.highlighted`.", element); return; } if (element.children.length > 0) { if (!options.ignoreUnescapedHTML) { console.warn("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML. This is a potentially serious security risk."); console.warn(""); console.warn("The element with unescaped HTML:"); console.warn(element); } if (options.throwUnescapedHTML) { const err = new HTMLInjectionError("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML.", element.innerHTML); throw err; } } node = element; const text = node.textContent; const result = language ? highlight2(text, { language, ignoreIllegals: true }) : highlightAuto(text); element.innerHTML = result.value; element.dataset.highlighted = "yes"; updateClassName(element, language, result.language); element.result = { language: result.language, re: result.relevance, relevance: result.relevance }; if (result.secondBest) { element.secondBest = { language: result.secondBest.language, relevance: result.secondBest.relevance }; } fire("after:highlightElement", { el: element, result, text }); } function configure(userOptions) { options = inherit(options, userOptions); } const initHighlighting = () => { highlightAll(); deprecated("10.6.0", "initHighlighting() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now."); }; function initHighlightingOnLoad() { highlightAll(); deprecated("10.6.0", "initHighlightingOnLoad() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now."); } let wantsHighlight = false; function highlightAll() { if (document.readyState === "loading") { wantsHighlight = true; return; } const blocks = document.querySelectorAll(options.cssSelector); blocks.forEach(highlightElement); } function boot() { if (wantsHighlight) highlightAll(); } if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", boot, false); } function registerLanguage(languageName, languageDefinition) { let lang = null; try { lang = languageDefinition(hljs); } catch (error$1) { error("Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace("{}", languageName)); if (!SAFE_MODE) { throw error$1; } else { error(error$1); } lang = PLAINTEXT_LANGUAGE; } if (! = languageName; languages[languageName] = lang; lang.rawDefinition = languageDefinition.bind(null, hljs); if (lang.aliases) { registerAliases(lang.aliases, { languageName }); } } function unregisterLanguage(languageName) { delete languages[languageName]; for (const alias of Object.keys(aliases)) { if (aliases[alias] === languageName) { delete aliases[alias]; } } } function listLanguages() { return Object.keys(languages); } function getLanguage(name) { name = (name || "").toLowerCase(); return languages[name] || languages[aliases[name]]; } function registerAliases(aliasList, { languageName }) { if (typeof aliasList === "string") { aliasList = [aliasList]; } aliasList.forEach((alias) => { aliases[alias.toLowerCase()] = languageName; }); } function autoDetection(name) { const lang = getLanguage(name); return lang && !lang.disableAutodetect; } function upgradePluginAPI(plugin) { if (plugin["before:highlightBlock"] && !plugin["before:highlightElement"]) { plugin["before:highlightElement"] = (data) => { plugin["before:highlightBlock"](Object.assign({ block: data.el }, data)); }; } if (plugin["after:highlightBlock"] && !plugin["after:highlightElement"]) { plugin["after:highlightElement"] = (data) => { plugin["after:highlightBlock"](Object.assign({ block: data.el }, data)); }; } } function addPlugin(plugin) { upgradePluginAPI(plugin); plugins.push(plugin); } function removePlugin(plugin) { const index = plugins.indexOf(plugin); if (index !== -1) { plugins.splice(index, 1); } } function fire(event, args) { const cb = event; plugins.forEach(function(plugin) { if (plugin[cb]) { plugin[cb](args); } }); } function deprecateHighlightBlock(el) { deprecated("10.7.0", "highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0"); deprecated("10.7.0", "Please use highlightElement now."); return highlightElement(el); } Object.assign(hljs, { highlight: highlight2, highlightAuto, highlightAll, highlightElement, highlightBlock: deprecateHighlightBlock, configure, initHighlighting, initHighlightingOnLoad, registerLanguage, unregisterLanguage, listLanguages, getLanguage, registerAliases, autoDetection, inherit, addPlugin, removePlugin }); hljs.debugMode = function() { SAFE_MODE = false; }; hljs.safeMode = function() { SAFE_MODE = true; }; hljs.versionString = version; hljs.regex = { concat, lookahead, either, optional, anyNumberOfTimes }; for (const key in MODES) { if (typeof MODES[key] === "object") { deepFreeze(MODES[key]); } } Object.assign(hljs, MODES); return hljs; }; var highlight = HLJS({}); highlight.newInstance = () => HLJS({}); module.exports = highlight; highlight.HighlightJS = highlight; highlight.default = highlight; }); // node_modules/highlight.js/es/core.js var core = __toESM(require_core(), 1); var core_default = core.default; // node_modules/highlight.js/es/languages/bash.js var bash = function(hljs) { const regex = hljs.regex; const VAR = {}; const BRACED_VAR = { begin: /\$\{/, end: /\}/, contains: [ "self", { begin: /:-/, contains: [VAR] } ] }; Object.assign(VAR, { className: "variable", variants: [ { begin: regex.concat(/\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/, `(?![\\w\\d])(?![\$])`) }, BRACED_VAR ] }); const SUBST = { className: "subst", begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }; const HERE_DOC = { begin: /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/, starts: { contains: [ hljs.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(\w+)/, end: /(\w+)/, className: "string" }) ] } }; const QUOTE_STRING = { className: "string", begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, VAR, SUBST ] }; SUBST.contains.push(QUOTE_STRING); const ESCAPED_QUOTE = { match: /\\"/ }; const APOS_STRING = { className: "string", begin: /'/, end: /'/ }; const ESCAPED_APOS = { match: /\\'/ }; const ARITHMETIC = { begin: /\$?\(\(/, end: /\)\)/, contains: [ { begin: /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/, className: "number" }, hljs.NUMBER_MODE, VAR ] }; const SH_LIKE_SHELLS = [ "fish", "bash", "zsh", "sh", "csh", "ksh", "tcsh", "dash", "scsh" ]; const KNOWN_SHEBANG = hljs.SHEBANG({ binary: `(${SH_LIKE_SHELLS.join("|")})`, relevance: 10 }); const FUNCTION = { className: "function", begin: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, returnBegin: true, contains: [hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, { begin: /\w[\w\d_]*/ })], relevance: 0 }; const KEYWORDS = [ "if", "then", "else", "elif", "fi", "for", "while", "until", "in", "do", "done", "case", "esac", "function", "select" ]; const LITERALS = [ "true", "false" ]; const PATH_MODE = { match: /(\/[a-z._-]+)+/ }; const SHELL_BUILT_INS = [ "break", "cd", "continue", "eval", "exec", "exit", "export", "getopts", "hash", "pwd", "readonly", "return", "shift", "test", "times", "trap", "umask", "unset" ]; const BASH_BUILT_INS = [ "alias", "bind", "builtin", "caller", "command", "declare", "echo", "enable", "help", "let", "local", "logout", "mapfile", "printf", "read", "readarray", "source", "type", "typeset", "ulimit", "unalias" ]; const ZSH_BUILT_INS = [ "autoload", "bg", "bindkey", "bye", "cap", "chdir", "clone", "comparguments", "compcall", "compctl", "compdescribe", "compfiles", "compgroups", "compquote", "comptags", "comptry", "compvalues", "dirs", "disable", "disown", "echotc", "echoti", "emulate", "fc", "fg", "float", "functions", "getcap", "getln", "history", "integer", "jobs", "kill", "limit", "log", "noglob", "popd", "print", "pushd", "pushln", "rehash", "sched", "setcap", "setopt", "stat", "suspend", "ttyctl", "unfunction", "unhash", "unlimit", "unsetopt", "vared", "wait", "whence", "where", "which", "zcompile", "zformat", "zftp", "zle", "zmodload", "zparseopts", "zprof", "zpty", "zregexparse", "zsocket", "zstyle", "ztcp" ]; const GNU_CORE_UTILS = [ "chcon", "chgrp", "chown", "chmod", "cp", "dd", "df", "dir", "dircolors", "ln", "ls", "mkdir", "mkfifo", "mknod", "mktemp", "mv", "realpath", "rm", "rmdir", "shred", "sync", "touch", "truncate", "vdir", "b2sum", "base32", "base64", "cat", "cksum", "comm", "csplit", "cut", "expand", "fmt", "fold", "head", "join", "md5sum", "nl", "numfmt", "od", "paste", "ptx", "pr", "sha1sum", "sha224sum", "sha256sum", "sha384sum", "sha512sum", "shuf", "sort", "split", "sum", "tac", "tail", "tr", "tsort", "unexpand", "uniq", "wc", "arch", "basename", "chroot", "date", "dirname", "du", "echo", "env", "expr", "factor", "groups", "hostid", "id", "link", "logname", "nice", "nohup", "nproc", "pathchk", "pinky", "printenv", "printf", "pwd", "readlink", "runcon", "seq", "sleep", "stat", "stdbuf", "stty", "tee", "test", "timeout", "tty", "uname", "unlink", "uptime", "users", "who", "whoami", "yes" ]; return { name: "Bash", aliases: ["sh"], keywords: { $pattern: /\b[a-z][a-z0-9._-]+\b/, keyword: KEYWORDS, literal: LITERALS, built_in: [ ...SHELL_BUILT_INS, ...BASH_BUILT_INS, "set", "shopt", ...ZSH_BUILT_INS, ...GNU_CORE_UTILS ] }, contains: [ KNOWN_SHEBANG, hljs.SHEBANG(), FUNCTION, ARITHMETIC, hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, HERE_DOC, PATH_MODE, QUOTE_STRING, ESCAPED_QUOTE, APOS_STRING, ESCAPED_APOS, VAR ] }; }; // assets/js/highlight.ts core_default.registerLanguage("bash", bash); var addStylesheet = function(url) { const link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = url; document.head.appendChild(link); }; var wrapAsCode = function(container, language) { const code = container.innerHTML.split("\n"); code.pop(); const codeElement = document.createElement("code"); codeElement.className = `language-${language}`; codeElement.innerHTML = code.join("\n"); const pre = document.createElement("pre"); pre.appendChild(codeElement); container.replaceChildren(pre); return codeElement; }; var addReadmeLink = function(codeblock) { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.className = "hljs-comment"; const readme = document.createElement("a"); readme.innerText = "WHAT IS THIS"; readme.href = ""; span.append("# ", readme); codeblock.querySelector("span.hljs-meta + span.hljs-comment")?.replaceWith(span); }; addStylesheet("/assets/css/style.css"); addStylesheet("/assets/css/code.css"); addStylesheet("/assets/css/monokai.min.css"); var codeblock = wrapAsCode(document.body, "bash"); core_default.highlightElement(codeblock); addReadmeLink(codeblock);