#!/usr/bin/env zsh actualSize=$(wc -c < $1) testDir=$TMPDIR/dots-partial-dl-test-$UID-$$ if [[ -d $testDir ]]; then echo "$testDir exists, is this test already running?" >&2 echo "Refusing to launch. Remove $testDir manually if necessary." >&2 exit -1 fi repeat-char() { local char=$1 local -i count=$2 (( count )) && printf "$char%.0s" {1..$count} } for (( size = 0; size < actualSize - 1; size++ )); do percent=$(( size * 100 / actualSize )) progress=$(( percent / 10 )) printf " [%-10s] [%${#actualSize}d/%d]\r" "$(repeat-char = $progress)" $size $actualSize >&2 head -c$size $1 | env -i HOME=$testDir zsh 2>/dev/null if [[ -d $testDir ]]; then rm -rf $testDir printf "\ndots still ran with only %d bytes available, %d%% of its full %d bytes!\n" $size $percent $actualSize >&2 exit $size fi done