forked from 00dani/lemoncurry
129 lines
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129 lines
4.2 KiB
from annoying.decorators import render_to
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from lemoncurry import breadcrumbs, requests, utils
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlunparse, urlparse
from .. import tokens
from ..models import IndieAuthCode
breadcrumbs.add('lemonauth:indie', parent='home:index')
def canonical(url):
(scheme, loc, path, params, q, fragment) = urlparse(url)
if not path:
path = '/'
if not loc:
loc, path = path, ''
if not scheme:
scheme = 'https'
return urlunparse((scheme, loc, path, params, q, fragment))
@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch')
class IndieView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'lemonauth/indie.html'
required_params = ('client_id', 'redirect_uri')
def get(self, request):
params = request.GET.dict()
params.setdefault('response_type', 'id')
for param in self.required_params:
if param not in params:
return utils.bad_req(
'parameter {0} is required'.format(param)
me = request.user.full_url
if 'me' in params and me != canonical(params['me']):
return utils.forbid(
'you are logged in but not as {0}'.format(me)
redirect_uri = urljoin(params['client_id'], params['redirect_uri'])
type = params['response_type']
if type not in ('id', 'code'):
return utils.bad_req(
'unknown response_type: {0}'.format(type)
scopes = ()
if type == 'code':
if 'scope' not in params:
return utils.bad_req(
'scopes required for code type'
scopes = params['scope'].split(' ')
client = requests.mf2(params['client_id'])
rels = (client.to_dict()['rel-urls']
.get(redirect_uri, {})
.get('rels', ()))
verified = 'redirect_uri' in rels
app = client.to_dict(filter_by_type='h-x-app')[0]['properties']
except IndexError:
app = None
return {
'app': app,
'me': me,
'redirect_uri': redirect_uri,
'verified': verified,
'params': params,
'scopes': scopes,
'title': 'indieauth from {client_id}'.format(**params),
def post(self, request):
post = request.POST.dict()
code = IndieAuthCode.objects.get(pk=post.get('code'))
except IndieAuthCode.DoesNotExist:
# if anything at all goes wrong when decoding the auth code, bail
# out immediately.
return utils.forbid('invalid auth code')
if code.expired:
return utils.forbid('invalid auth code')
if code.response_type != 'id':
return utils.bad_req(
'this endpoint only supports response_type=id'
if code.client_id != post.get('client_id'):
return utils.forbid('client id did not match')
if code.redirect_uri != post.get('redirect_uri'):
return utils.forbid('redirect uri did not match')
# If we got here, it's valid! Yay!
return utils.choose_type(request, {'me':}, {
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': utils.form_encoded_response,
'application/json': JsonResponse,
def approve(request):
params = {
'me': urljoin(utils.origin(request), request.user.url),
'code': tokens.gen_auth_code(request),
if 'state' in request.POST:
params['state'] = request.POST['state']
uri = request.POST['redirect_uri']
sep = '&' if '?' in uri else '?'
return redirect(uri + sep + urlencode(params))