Danielle McLean 00dani · she/her
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-09 02:21:34 -04:00
db3019386f Add recommended mappings for common LSP operations
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-08 22:47:14 -04:00
6cb72c1dc8 Much friendlier LspInstall with extra messages
623a735688 Whoops, fix tsserver install command to be a string
d8e42c7bf3 Customise gruvbox8 settings to my liking
6ea9bbb645 Switch to gruvbox8 for better :terminal support
7535a684a9 Run :LspInstall in term_start() to get feedback
Compare 5 commits »
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-08 21:20:27 -04:00
482e34699d Add support for lua-language-server
4fadab0074 Introduce :LspInstall command
Compare 2 commits »
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-08 21:04:54 -04:00
3720e61674 More idiomatically vim9script the LSP setup
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-08 20:29:36 -04:00
87147d44a3 Add support for Solargraph, a Ruby LSP
8d22d965b4 Get automatic LSP server install working (UX kinda sucks tho)
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00dani pushed to main at dot/scripts 2023-10-05 03:28:44 -04:00
b24f37349a Make j2y more resilient to differently-nested JSON input
00dani pushed to main at dot/vim 2023-10-05 03:27:26 -04:00
8bd7acf409 Install and configure yegappan/lsp for language support
00dani pushed to main at dot/mac 2023-09-18 20:54:42 -04:00
2cd7ee3bf7 Make kitty LaunchAgent work with different homedirs
00dani pushed to main at dot/zsh 2023-09-18 01:34:20 -04:00
3cb0586a49 Disable 'magic' Zsh bindings to avoid painfully slow pasting
00dani pushed to main at dot/mac 2023-09-17 19:46:35 -04:00
567fdda4be Port automasq to Python 3
00dani pushed to main at dot/zsh 2023-09-17 19:45:49 -04:00
09d28eaae4 Add Bun icon to starship.toml
00dani pushed to main at dot/git 2023-09-17 19:42:16 -04:00
de371ed2b9 Add Bun .lockb diff support
00dani pushed to main at 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-15 21:53:28 -04:00
c398b0d3f4 v1.12.4
95cca433bc Catch all errors from requests, not just HTTPError
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00dani pushed tag v1.12.4 to 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-15 21:53:28 -04:00
00dani pushed to main at 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-15 21:49:48 -04:00
4f081c8d34 v1.12.3
00dani pushed tag v1.12.3 to 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-15 21:49:48 -04:00
00dani pushed to main at 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-15 21:47:24 -04:00
8386f77d72 Gracefully handle failure to fetch h-x-app
00dani pushed tag v1.12.2 to 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-10 05:33:40 -04:00
00dani pushed to main at 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-10 05:33:40 -04:00
03956637be v1.12.2
60bdaa27a0 Update Nostr name aliases to match prod username
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00dani pushed tag v1.12.1 to 00dani/lemoncurry 2023-08-10 05:30:03 -04:00