The title of the generated man page was ending up as something like IO::FILE=IO(0XA719C0)(1) Also, with newer perls (e.g. v5.22.1), pod2man requires --name if used within a pipeline. Closes #18. https://github.com/aspiers/stow/issues/18
253 lines
8.4 KiB
253 lines
8.4 KiB
## Process this file with Automake to produce Makefile.in
bin_SCRIPTS = bin/stow bin/chkstow
info_TEXINFOS = doc/stow.texi
dist_man_MANS = doc/stow.8
PDF = doc/manual.pdf
HTML = doc/manual-single.html
dist_doc_DATA = \
$(PDF) $(HTML) doc/version.texi \
ChangeLog doc/ChangeLog.OLD
# automake magic to define where *_DATA files get installed:
pmdir = $(PMDIR)
pmstowdir = $(pmdir)/Stow
pm_DATA = lib/Stow.pm
pmstow_DATA = lib/Stow/Util.pm
TEXINFO_TEX = doc/texinfo.tex
export TEXI2DVI_BUILD_MODE = clean
# We require this -I parameter to ensure that the include of the
# default ignore list in the manual works. Unfortunately this is
# the only way to do it:
# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.automake.bugs/4334/match=passing+parameters
# even though it annoyingly produces a warning with the -Wall option
# to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE which has to be silenced via -Wno-override.
doc_deps = $(info_TEXINFOS) doc/version.texi
DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST = $(srcdir)/default-ignore-list
TESTS_DIR = $(srcdir)/t
TESTS_OUT = tmp-testing-trees
# This is a kind of hack; TESTS needs to be set to ensure that the
# `check-am' target makes check-TESTS, but we override check-TESTS
# so it doesn't really matter what it's set to, as long as it already
# exists (otherwise automake will try to build it).
# GNU autotools standardised on the 'check' target, but CPAN (and the
# rest of the world) standardised on the 'test' target.
test: check
# required in vpath mode to ensure $build/t/ exists
check_DATA = $(TESTS_OUT)
# Test::Harness produces cleaner output than automake's default test
# harness, albeit without the pretty colours provided by the
# `color-tests' AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE option. This also dodges having to
# set TESTS to the full list of tests, which is good because automake
# doesn't support wildcards, and so it would be too easy to forget to
# add a new one to the list.
# Note that automake's `check' rule cannot be overridden
# for some weird reason:
# http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.automake.general/13040/focus=13041
# so we override check-TESTS instead which is where the real work is
# done anyway. Unfortunately this produces a warning with the -Wall
# option to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE which has to be silenced via
# -Wno-override.
dir=$(TESTS_DIR); \
$(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests(@ARGV)' "$${dir#./}"/*.t
mkdir -p $@
bin/stow.in bin/chkstow.in lib/Stow.pm.in lib/Stow/Util.pm.in \
doc/manual-split \
$(TESTS) t/testutil.pm \
CLEANFILES = $(bin_SCRIPTS) $(pm_DATA) $(pmstow_DATA)
# clean up auto-generated files
-rm -rf $(TESTS_OUT)
-rm -rf doc/manual-split
# this is more explicit and reliable than the config file trick
edit = sed -e 's|[@]PERL[@]|$(PERL)|g' \
-e 's|[@]VERSION[@]|$(VERSION)|g' \
-e "s|[@]USE_LIB_PMDIR[@]|$$use_lib_pmdir|g"
pmdir_in_INC = \
PERL5LIB= $(PERL) -V | \
awk '/@INC/ {p=1; next} p==1 {print $$1}' | \
grep -q "$(pmdir)"
calc_use_lib_pmdir = \
if $(pmdir_in_INC); then \
use_lib_pmdir=""; \
else \
use_lib_pmdir="use lib \"$(pmdir)\";"; \
check_pmdir = \
echo; \
echo "\# Perl modules will be installed to $(pmdir)"; \
echo "\# "; \
if $(pmdir_in_INC); then \
echo "\# This is in $(PERL)'s built-in @INC, so everything"; \
echo "\# should work fine with no extra effort."; \
else \
echo "\# This is not in $(PERL)'s built-in @INC, so the"; \
echo "\# front-end scripts will have an appropriate \"use lib\""; \
echo "\# line inserted to compensate."; \
fi; \
bin/stow: bin/stow.in Makefile.am
[ -d bin ] || mkdir bin # required in vpath mode
@$(calc_use_lib_pmdir); \
$(edit) < $< > $@
@echo "Generated $@ from $<"
chmod +x $@
bin/chkstow: bin/chkstow.in Makefile.am
@[ -d bin ] || mkdir bin # required in vpath mode
@$(edit) < $< > $@
@echo "Generated $@ from $<"
chmod +x $@
lib/Stow.pm: lib/Stow.pm.in $(DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST) Makefile.am
@[ -d lib ] || mkdir lib # required in vpath mode
@( $(edit) < $<; cat $(DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST) ) > $@
@echo "Generated $@ from $< and $(DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST)"
lib/Stow/Util.pm: lib/Stow/Util.pm.in Makefile.am
@[ -d lib/Stow ] || mkdir -p lib/Stow # required in vpath mode
@$(edit) < $< > $@
@echo "Generated $@ from $<"
# The below rules should only be needed by developers.
cpanm --quiet --installdeps --notest .; \
if [ $$CPANM_RESULT != 0 ]; then \
echo ---------------------------------------------------; \
cat ~/.cpanm/build.log; \
echo ---------------------------------------------------; \
exit $$CPANM_RESULT; \
doc/stow.8: bin/stow.in Makefile.am
[ -d doc ] || mkdir doc # required in vpath mode
$(edit) < $< | pod2man --name stow --section 8 > $@
# We use automake's built-in rule to generate stow.info. The built-in
# rules would also generate doc/stow.html and doc/stow.pdf, but after
# installation we want $(docdir) (typically /usr/share/doc/stow/) to
# contain manual-single.html, manual.pdf, and manual-split/*.html, to
# make it explicitly obvious that these files contain the user manual
# rather than some other Stow-related documentation.
# If it were not for a troublesome dependency on doc/$(am__dirstamp):
# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.automake.general/13192
# we could have achieved this using the built-in rules combined with
# install-data-hook to rename from stow.pdf to manual.pdf etc. on
# install. Instead, by overriding the built-in rules with modified
# versions, we can kill both birds with one stone.
$(HTML): $(doc_deps)
[ -d doc ] || mkdir doc # required in vpath mode
-rm -f $@
texi2html --P=$(srcdir) --output=$@ -expandinfo -menu -monolithic -verbose $<
$(PDF): $(doc_deps)
$(TEXI2PDF) -o $@ `test -f 'doc/stow.texi' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`doc/stow.texi
doc/manual-split: $(doc_deps)
rm -rf $@.new
-o $@.new `test -f 'doc/stow.texi' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`doc/stow.texi; \
then \
rm -rf $@; \
mv $@.new $@; \
else \
rm -Rf $@.new $@; \
exit 1; \
# The split version of the manual is copied to $(docdir)/manual-split
# by install-data-hook. The whole subdirectory is included via
# EXTRA_DIST in order to avoid having to list each file explicitly in
# dist_doc_DATA, since automake doesn't support wildcards, and
# dist_doc_DATA cannot refer to directories while EXTRA_DIST can (go
# figure ...)
install-data-hook: doc/manual-split
cp -r $(srcdir)/doc/manual-split $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
chmod u+w -R $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual-split
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual-split
# Using install-data-hook has the slightly annoying disadvantage that
# by default the split version of the manual isn't automatically
# rebuilt during development by a simple `make'. A workaround hack
# for this is to piggy-back the dependency onto manual-single.html,
# which *is* automatically rebuilt by `make':
$(HTML): doc/manual-split
# With the above hack, this probably isn't necessary but is safer to
# keep in anyway:
dist-hook: doc/manual-split
dist-hook: $(dist_man_MANS)
## If we are creating a distribution from a git checkout, ensure
## the ChangeLog file is in sync the git repository.
if test -d $(top_srcdir)/.git; then \
rm -f ChangeLog \
&& $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ChangeLog \
&& cp -f ChangeLog $(distdir)/ChangeLog; \
ChangeLog: doc/ChangeLog.OLD
@if [ -d .git ]; then \
( \
git log \
--format="format:%ad %aN <%aE>%n%n * %w(70,0,4)%s%+b%n" \
--name-status \
v2.0.2..HEAD \
| sed 's/^\([A-Z]\)\t/ \1 /'; \
cat $< \
) > $@; \
echo "Rebuilt $@ from git commit history."; \
else \
echo "Not in a git repository; can't update ChangeLog."; \