Following advice from, bring Stow in line with other GNU projects by upgrading it from GPL v2 to v3 as obtained in plain text and texinfo formats from and adding appropriate headers: Fixes #44:
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* Add support for pre/post-(un)install hooks
This would allow correct handling of the Info dir file via
install-info, amongst other things:
* Get permission for next documentation release to be under FDL 1.3
* Import a debian/ tree from an older package and update it.
* Import a .spec file from somewhere and update it.
* Distinguish between .stow and (undocumented) .nonstow / .notstowed
** .stow is for marking stow directories - avoids altering them
but also allows --override to work
** .nonstow should be only for protecting non-stow directories against modification by stow
but currently allows modification via --override
** .notstowed is only honoured by chkstow
** Documentation needs to be clear on this.
* Prevent folding of directories which contain ignored files
* Honour .no-stow-folding and --no-folding
* Add semi-automatic conflict resolution
(This idea is possibly obsoleted via --override and --adopt.)
*** STOW_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS="non_stow_symlinks=t stow_symlinks=r"
*** Add documentation about conflict resolution
* Autodetect "foreign" stow directories
From e-mail with
> My /usr/local/info equivalent is a symlink to /share/info
> because I want installs on all systems to put info files in that
> directory. With that set-up, stow chokes on fact that
> /usr/local/info is a symlink.
[...] Stow is designed to be paranoid about modifying anything it
doesn't "own." If it finds a symlink in the target tree (e.g.,
/usr/local/info) which doesn't point into the stow tree, its
paranoid response is to leave it the hell alone. But I can see in
this case how traversing the link and populating the directory on
the far end would be OK. Question: is that a special
circumstance, or would it always be OK to populate the far end of
a symlink in the target tree (when the symlink points to a
directory in a context where a directory is needed)? And: if it's
a special circumstance requiring a command-line option, should the
option be a mere boolean (such as, "--traverse-target-links") or
should it be an enumeration of which links are OK to traverse
(such as, "--traversable='info man doc'")?
Does Version 2 fix this? (Kal)
I think that because it never needs to create /usr/local/info,
it only needs to check the ownership of links that it _operates_ on,
not on all the elements of the path.
* emacs local variables
Local Variables:
mode: org