-*- outline -*- * Autodetect "foreign" stow directories * Fix empty-dir problem (see "Known bugs" in the manual) * Traverse links in the target tree? From e-mail with meyering@na-net.ornl.gov: > My /usr/local/info equivalent is a symlink to /share/info > because I want installs on all systems to put info files in that > directory. With that set-up, stow chokes on fact that > /usr/local/info is a symlink. [...] Stow is designed to be paranoid about modifying anything it doesn't "own." If it finds a symlink in the target tree (e.g., /usr/local/info) which doesn't point into the stow tree, its paranoid response is to leave it the hell alone. But I can see in this case how traversing the link and populating the directory on the far end would be OK. Question: is that a special circumstance, or would it always be OK to populate the far end of a symlink in the target tree (when the symlink points to a directory in a context where a directory is needed)? And: if it's a special circumstance requiring a command-line option, should the option be a mere boolean (such as, "--traverse-target-links") or should it be an enumeration of which links are OK to traverse (such as, "--traversable='info man doc'")? * Develop a mechanism for sharing files between packages. This would solve the problem of maintaining N platform-specific copies of a package, all of which have many platform-*independent* files which could be shared, such as man pages, info files, etc. * Option to ignore certain files in the stow tree. For example, --ignore='*~ .#*' (skip Emacs and CVS backup files). * Option to ignore links in the stow tree to certain places. For example, --ignore-link='/*' (skip absolute links).