#!@PERL@ use strict; use warnings; require 5.006_001; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; my $DEFAULT_TARGET = '/usr/local/'; our $Wanted = \&bad_links; our %Package = (); our $Stow_dir = ''; our $Target = $DEFAULT_TARGET; # put the main loop into a block so that tests can load this as a module if ( not caller() ) { if (@ARGV == 0) { usage(); } process_options(); #check_stow($Target, $Wanted); check_stow(); } sub process_options { GetOptions( 'b|badlinks' => sub { $Wanted = \&bad_links }, 'a|aliens' => sub { $Wanted = \&aliens }, 'l|list' => sub { $Wanted = \&list }, 't|target=s' => \$Target, ) or usage(); return; } sub usage { print <<"EOT"; USAGE: chkstow [options] Options: -t DIR, --target=DIR Set the target directory to DIR (default is $DEFAULT_TARGET) -b, --badlinks Report symlinks that point to non-existent files -a, --aliens Report non-symlinks in the target directory -l, --list List packages in the target directory --badlinks is the default mode. EOT exit(0); } sub check_stow { #my ($Target, $Wanted) = @_; my (%options) = ( wanted => $Wanted, preprocess => \&skip_dirs, ); find(\%options, $Target); if ($Wanted == \&list) { delete $Package{''}; delete $Package{'..'}; if (keys %Package) { print map "$_\n", sort(keys %Package); } } return; } sub skip_dirs { # skip stow source and unstowed targets if (-e ".stow" || -e ".notstowed" ) { warn "skipping $File::Find::dir\n"; return (); } else { return @_; } } # checking for files that do not link to anything sub bad_links { -l && !-e && print "Bogus link: $File::Find::name\n"; } # checking for files that are not owned by stow sub aliens { !-l && !-d && print "Unstowed file: $File::Find::name\n"; } # just list the packages in the the target directory # FIXME: what if the stow dir is not called 'stow'? sub list { if (-l) { $_ = readlink; s{\A(?:\.\./)+stow/}{}g; s{/.*}{}g; $Package{$_} = 1; } } 1; # Hey, it's a module! # Local variables: # mode: perl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # End: # vim: ft=perl