Stow was written by Bob Glickstein , Zanshin Software, Inc. Contributions from Gord Matzigkeit . John Bazik wrote `fastcwd', the Perl subroutine for computing the current working directory. Charles Briscoe-Smith wrote the fix to prevent stow -D / stow -R removing initially-empty directories. Adam Lackorzynski wrote the fix to prevente the generation of wrong links if there are links in the stow directory. Stow was maintained by Guillaume Morin up to November 2007. Kahlil (Kal) Hodgson performed a major rewrite inorder to implement: 1. defered operations, 2. option parsing via Getopt::Long, 3. options to support shared files, 4. support for multiple operations per invocation, 5. default command line arguments via '.stowrc' and '~/.stowrc' files, 6. better cooperation between multiple stow directories, 7. a test suite (and support code) to ensure that everything still works. As these changes required a dramatic reorganisation of the code, very little was left untouched, and so Stow's major version was bumped up to version 2. Austin Wood and Chris Hoobin helped clean up the documentation for version 2 and created the texi2man script. Adam Spiers refactored the backend code into new and Stow/ modules providing an OO interface, tightened up the test suite, added support for `make test' and distribution via CPAN, and cleaned up numerous other minor issues. Stow is currently maintained by Troy Mill.