#!/usr/bin/perl # # This file is part of GNU Stow. # # GNU Stow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GNU Stow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # # Test processing of stowrc file. # use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 23; use testutil; require 'stow'; # stowrc file used for testing. my $RC_FILE = "$OUT_DIR/.stowrc"; # Take the safe route and cowardly refuse to continue if there's # already a file at $RC_FILE. if (-e $RC_FILE) { die "RC file location $RC_FILE already exists!\n"; } # Define the variable that will be used to write stowrc. my $rc_contents; # Init testing directory structure and overwrite ENV{HOME} to prevent # squashing existing stowrc file. init_test_dirs(); # =========== RC Loading Tests =========== # Basic parsing and loading rc file tests. # ======================================== # # Test stowrc file with one options per line. # local @ARGV = ('dummy'); $rc_contents = <{target}, "$OUT_DIR/target", "rc options different lines"); is($options->{dir}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "rc options different lines"); # # Test that scalar cli option overwrites conflicting stowrc option. # local @ARGV = ('-d', "$OUT_DIR/stow",'dummy'); $rc_contents = <{dir}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "cli overwrite scalar rc option."); # # Test that list cli option merges with conflicting stowrc option. # Documentation states that stowrc options are prepended to cli options. # local @ARGV = ( '--defer=man', 'dummy' ); $rc_contents = <{defer}, [qr(\Ainfo), qr(\Aman)], 'defer man and info'); # ======== Filepath Expansion Tests ======== # Test proper filepath expansion in rc file. # Expansion is only applied to options that # take a filepath, namely target and dir. # ========================================== # # Test environment variable expansion function. # # Basic expansion is(expand_environment('$HOME/stow'), "$OUT_DIR/stow", 'expand $HOME'); is(expand_environment('${HOME}/stow'), "$OUT_DIR/stow", 'expand ${HOME}'); delete $ENV{UNDEFINED}; # just in case foreach my $var ('$UNDEFINED', '${UNDEFINED}') { eval { expand_environment($var, "--foo option"); }; is( $@, "--foo option references undefined environment variable \$UNDEFINED; " . "aborting!\n", "expand $var" ); } # Expansion with an underscore. $ENV{'WITH_UNDERSCORE'} = 'test string'; is(expand_environment('${WITH_UNDERSCORE}'), 'test string', 'expand ${WITH_UNDERSCORE}'); delete $ENV{'WITH_UNDERSCORE'}; # Expansion with escaped $ is(expand_environment('\$HOME/stow'), '$HOME/stow', 'expand \$HOME'); # # Test tilde (~) expansion # # Basic expansion is(expand_tilde('~/path'), "$ENV{HOME}/path", 'tilde expansion to $HOME'); # Should not expand if middle of path is(expand_tilde('/path/~/here'), '/path/~/here', 'middle ~ not expanded'); # Test escaped ~ is(expand_tilde('\~/path'), '~/path', 'escaped tilde'); # # Test that environment variable expansion is applied. # $rc_contents = <<'HERE'; --dir=$HOME/stow --target=$HOME/stow --ignore=\$HOME --defer=\$HOME --override=\$HOME HERE make_file($RC_FILE, $rc_contents); ($options, $pkgs_to_delete, $pkgs_to_stow) = get_config_file_options(); is($options->{dir}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "apply environment expansion on stowrc --dir"); is($options->{target}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "apply environment expansion on stowrc --target"); is_deeply($options->{ignore}, [qr(\$HOME\z)], "environment expansion not applied on --ignore"); is_deeply($options->{defer}, [qr(\A\$HOME)], "environment expansion not applied on --defer"); is_deeply($options->{override}, [qr(\A\$HOME)], "environment expansion not applied on --override"); # # Test that tilde expansion is applied in correct places. # $rc_contents = <<'HERE'; --dir=~/stow --target=~/stow --ignore=~/stow --defer=~/stow --override=~/stow HERE make_file($RC_FILE, $rc_contents); ($options, $pkgs_to_delete, $pkgs_to_stow) = get_config_file_options(); is($options->{dir}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "apply environment expansion on stowrc --dir"); is($options->{target}, "$OUT_DIR/stow", "apply environment expansion on stowrc --target"); is_deeply($options->{ignore}, [qr(~/stow\z)], "environment expansion not applied on --ignore"); is_deeply($options->{defer}, [qr(\A~/stow)], "environment expansion not applied on --defer"); is_deeply($options->{override}, [qr(\A~/stow)], "environment expansion not applied on --override"); # Clean up files used for testing. # unlink $RC_FILE or die "Unable to clean up $RC_FILE.\n"; remove_dir($OUT_DIR);