How to make a new release of GNU Stow ===================================== - Ensure NEWS contains the latest changes. - Ensure contains the new version number. - Check CPAN distribution will work via Module::Build: - Run ./configure && make to generate stow, chkstow, and lib/ (N.B. the CPAN distribution will contain these files, whereas the GNU distribution will not.) - Run perl Build.PL. - Run ./Build test - Run ./Build install - Run ./Build distcheck - Run ./Build distmeta and check META.* have the new version number. - Ensure all changes are committed to git. - Run `rm ChangeLog' to ensure it will get rebuilt. - Run make distcheck and ensure that everything looks good. It should generate the distribution files for you. - Tag the current git HEAD with the new version number: git tag v7.8.9 - Push HEAD and tag to savannah git push git push --tags - Regenerate the documentation for the website: # First check out texinfo CVS repository via: # cvs -z3 co texinfo # and stow-web CVS repository via the instructions here: # # Set paths: stow_repo=/path/to/stow/git/repo stow_web_repo=/path/to/stow-web/CVS/working/dir texinfo_repo=/path/to/texinfo/git/repo cd $stow_repo export GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=$texinfo_repo/util $texinfo_repo/util/ \ -s doc/stow.texi \ -o $stow_web_repo/manual \ --email \ stow "GNU Stow manual" cd $stow_web_repo # Check that the changes look OK cvs diff # Then commit cvs commit - Run ./Build dist - Upload the resulting Stow-v7.8.9.tar.gz to CPAN via - Upload to This is easiest using gnupload: - git clone git:// - Copy gnulib/build-aux/gnupload to somewhere on your $PATH - Run gnupload --to --symlink-regex stow-7.8.9.tar.* - Send release announcements to - - - - See for more on making release announcements.