#!/usr/bin/perl # # This file is part of GNU Stow. # # GNU Stow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GNU Stow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # # Testing Stow:: find_stowed_path() # use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 10; use testutil; use Stow::Util qw(set_debug_level); init_test_dirs(); subtest("find link to a stowed path with relative target" => sub { plan tests => 3; # This is a relative path, unlike $ABS_TEST_DIR below. my $target = "$TEST_DIR/target"; my $stow = new_Stow(dir => "$TEST_DIR/stow", target => $target); my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../../stow/a/b/c"); is($path, "../stow/a/b/c", "path"); is($stow_path, "../stow", "stow path"); is($package, "a", "package"); }); my $stow = new_Stow(dir => "$ABS_TEST_DIR/stow", target => "$ABS_TEST_DIR/target"); # Required by creation of stow2 and stow2/.stow below cd("$ABS_TEST_DIR/target"); subtest("find link to a stowed path" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../../stow/a/b/c"); is($path, "../stow/a/b/c", "path from target directory"); is($stow_path, "../stow", "stow path from target directory"); is($package, "a", "from target directory"); }); subtest("find link to alien path not owned by Stow" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../alien"); is($path, "", "alien is not stowed, so path is empty"); is($stow_path, "", "alien, so stow path is empty"); is($package, "", "alien is not stowed in any package"); }); # Make a second stow directory within the target directory, so that we # can check that links to package files within that stow directory are # detected correctly. make_path("stow2"); # However this second stow directory is still "alien" to stow until we # put a .stow file in it. So first test a symlink pointing to a path # within this second stow directory subtest("second stow dir still alien without .stow" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../stow2/a/b/c"); is($path, "", "stow2 not a stow dir yet, so path is empty"); is($stow_path, "", "stow2 not a stow dir yet so stow path is empty"); is($package, "", "not stowed in any recognised package yet"); }); # Now make stow2 a secondary stow directory and test that make_file("stow2/.stow"); subtest(".stow makes second stow dir owned by Stow" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../stow2/a/b/c"); is($path, "stow2/a/b/c", "path"); is($stow_path, "stow2", "stow path"); is($package, "a", "detect alternate stow directory"); }); subtest("relative symlink pointing to target dir" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../.."); # Technically the target dir is not owned by Stow, since # Stow won't touch the target dir itself, only its contents. is($path, "", "path"); is($stow_path, "", "stow path"); is($package, "", "corner case - link points to target dir"); }); subtest("relative symlink pointing to parent of target dir" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../../.."); is($path, "", "path"); is($stow_path, "", "stow path"); is($package, "", "corner case - link points to parent of target dir"); }); subtest("unowned symlink pointing to absolute path inside target" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "$ABS_TEST_DIR/target/d"); is($path, "", "path"); is($stow_path, "", "stow path"); is($package, "", "symlink unowned by Stow points to absolute path outside target directory"); }); subtest("unowned symlink pointing to absolute path outside target" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "/dev/null"); is($path, "", "path"); is($stow_path, "", "stow path"); is($package, "", "symlink unowned by Stow points to absolute path outside target directory"); }); # Now make stow2 the primary stow directory and test that it still # works when the stow directory is under the target directory $stow->set_stow_dir("$ABS_TEST_DIR/target/stow2"); subtest("stow2 becomes the primary stow directory" => sub { plan tests => 3; my ($path, $stow_path, $package) = $stow->find_stowed_path("a/b/c", "../../stow2/a/b/c"); is($path, "stow2/a/b/c", "path in stow2"); is($stow_path, "stow2", "stow path for stow2"); is($package, "a", "stow2 is subdir of target directory"); });