#!/usr/bin/perl # GNU Stow - manage the installation of multiple software packages # Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bob Glickstein # Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Guillaume Morin # Copyright (C) 2005 Adam Spiers # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # $Id$ # $Source$ # $Date$ # $Author$ ##################################################################### # Wed Nov 23 2005 Adam Spiers # Hacked to ignore anything listed in ~/.cvsignore # # Thu Dec 29 2005 Adam Spiers # Hacked into a Perl module ##################################################################### package Stow; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript); use Getopt::Long; use POSIX; use lib "$RealBin/../lib/perl5"; use Sh 'glob_to_re'; my $ignore_file = File::Spec->join($ENV{HOME}, ".cvsignore"); my $ignore_re = get_ignore_re_from_file($ignore_file); require 5.005; our %opts; sub SetOptions { %opts = @_; } sub Init { # Changing dirs helps a lot when soft links are used my $current_dir = &getcwd; if ($opts{stow}) { chdir($opts{stow}) || die "Cannot chdir to target tree $opts{stow} ($!)\n"; } # This prevents problems if $opts{target} was supplied as a relative path $opts{stow} = &getcwd; chdir($current_dir) || die "Your directory does not seem to exist anymore ($!)\n"; $opts{target} = Stow::parent($opts{stow}) unless $opts{target}; chdir($opts{target}) || die "Cannot chdir to target tree $opts{target} ($!)\n"; $opts{target} = &getcwd; } sub CheckCollections { foreach my $package (@_) { $package =~ s,/+$,,; # delete trailing slashes if ($package =~ m,/,) { die "$RealScript: slashes not permitted in package names ($package)\n"; } } } sub CommonParent { my($dir1, $dir2) = @_; my($result, $x); my(@d1) = split(/\/+/, $dir1); my(@d2) = split(/\/+/, $dir2); while (@d1 && @d2 && (($x = shift(@d1)) eq shift(@d2))) { $result .= "$x/"; } chop($result); return $result; } # Find the relative patch between # two paths given as arguments. sub RelativePath { my($a, $b) = @_; my($c) = &CommonParent($a, $b); my(@a) = split(/\/+/, $a); my(@b) = split(/\/+/, $b); my(@c) = split(/\/+/, $c); # if $c == "/something", scalar(@c) >= 2 # but if $c == "/", scalar(@c) == 0 # but we want 1 my $length = scalar(@c) ? scalar(@c) : 1; splice(@a, 0, $length); splice(@b, 0, $length); unshift(@b, (('..') x (@a + 0))); &JoinPaths(@b); } # Concatenates the paths given as arguments, removing double slashes. sub JoinPaths { # The code that was previously here from 1.3.3 was strangely complex # for no obvious reason. I (Adam) wrote a test suite and found this # drop-in replacement to behave identically. # my $result = join '/', @_; # $result =~ s!//!/!g; # return $result; # So does this, but is also portable. return File::Spec->join(@_); } # This removes stow-controlled symlinks from $targetdir for the # packages in the %$to_unstow hash, and is called recursively to # process subdirectories. sub Unstow { my($targetdir, $stow, $to_unstow) = @_; # Note $targetdir is relative to the top of the target hierarchy, # i.e. $opts{target}. # # $stow is the stow directory (the one containing the source # packages), and is always relative to $targetdir. So as we # recursively descend into $opts{target}, $stow gets longer because # we have to move up out of that hierarchy and back into the stow # directory. # Does this whole subtree only contain symlinks to a *single* # package collection *other* than one we are removing? We assume so # and scan the tree recursively until we find out otherwise. We # have to track this because if a subtree is found to be pure, we # can fold it into a single symlink. my $pure = 1; # If the directory is pure, we need to know which single other # package collection the contained symlinks point to, so we know how # to do our tree folding. my $othercollection = ''; # We assume $targetdir is empty until we find something. my $empty = 1; my $targetdirPath = &JoinPaths($opts{target}, $targetdir); return (0, '') if $targetdirPath eq $opts{stow}; return (0, '') if -e &JoinPaths($targetdirPath, '.stow'); warn "Unstowing in $targetdirPath\n" if $opts{verbose} > 1; if (!opendir(DIR, $targetdirPath)) { warn "Warning: $RealScript: Cannot read directory \"$targetdirPath\" ($!). Stow might leave some links. If you think, it does. Rerun Stow with appropriate rights.\n"; } my @contents = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my @puresubdirs; foreach my $content (@contents) { next if ($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..'); $empty = 0; my $contentPath = &JoinPaths($targetdirPath, $content); if (-l $contentPath) { # We found a link; now let's see if we should remove it. my $linktarget = readlink $contentPath; $linktarget or die "$RealScript: Cannot read link $contentPath ($!)\n"; # Does the link point to somewhere within the stow directory? my $stowmember = &FindStowMember( $targetdirPath, $linktarget, ); if ($stowmember) { # Yes it does, but does it point within one of the package # collections we are unstowing? my @stowmember = split(/\/+/, $stowmember); my $collection = shift(@stowmember); if ($to_unstow->{$collection}) { # Yep, so get rid of it. &DoUnlink($contentPath); } else { # No, it points to another package collection. Is there # still a chance this directory is pure and can be folded? if ($pure) { # Yes, so keep track of whether symlinks in the directory # point to more than one collection. if ($othercollection) { # More than one collection means impure => no folding possible. $pure = 0 if $collection ne $othercollection; } else { # This is the first reference to another collection # we've seen, so remember it for future comparison with # other symlink targets. $othercollection = $collection; } } } } else { # Link points outside the stow directory, therefore is not # managed by stow and cannot be touched. So tree folding will # not be possible. $pure = 0; } } elsif (-d $contentPath) { # recurse my ($subpure, $subother) = &Unstow( &JoinPaths($targetdir, $content), &JoinPaths('..', $stow), $to_unstow, ); if ($subpure) { push @puresubdirs, "$content/$subother"; } else { # Subtree is impure therefore this directory is impure. $pure = 0; } if ($pure && $subpure) { if ($othercollection) { # We already found a single other package collection # somewhere in this subtree but outside $contentPath. if ($subother and $othercollection ne $subother) { # Two collections pointed to from within one subtree, # so no tree folding will be possible. $pure = 0; } } elsif ($subother) { # This is the first other package collection we've found; # remember it as before for future comparison with other # symlinks. $othercollection = $subother; } } } else { # Current directory contains something other than a symlink or a # directory, therefore folding is not going to be possible. $pure = 0; } } # This directory was an initially empty directory therefore # we do not remove it. $pure = 0 if $empty; if ((!$pure || !$targetdir) && @puresubdirs) { &CoalesceTrees($targetdir, $stow, @puresubdirs); } return ($pure, $othercollection); } # This is the tree folding which the stow manual refers to. sub CoalesceTrees { my($parent, $stow, @trees) = @_; foreach my $x (@trees) { my ($tree, $collection) = ($x =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)/); &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($opts{target}, $parent, $tree)); &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($opts{target}, $parent, $tree)); if ($collection) { &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $collection, $parent, $tree), &JoinPaths($opts{target}, $parent, $tree)); } } } sub EmptyTree { my($dir) = @_; opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "$RealScript: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n"; my @contents = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $content (@contents) { next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..')); if (-l &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) { &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); } elsif (-d &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) { &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); } else { &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); } } } sub StowContents { my($dir, $stow) = @_; warn "Stowing contents of $dir\n" if $opts{verbose} > 1; my $joined = &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $dir); opendir(DIR, $joined) || die "$RealScript: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n"; my @contents = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $content (@contents) { # Wed Nov 23 2005 Adam Spiers # hack to ignore stuff in ~/.cvsignore next if $content eq '.' or $content eq '..'; if ($content =~ $ignore_re) { # FIXME: We assume -r implies the open succeeded but this is not # true if we're stowing cvs as .cvsignore only gets created # halfway through. warn "Ignoring $joined/$content", (-r $ignore_file ? " via $ignore_file" : ""), "\n" if $opts{verbose} > 2; next; } if (-d &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $dir, $content)) { &StowDir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow); } else { &StowNondir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow); } } } sub StowDir { my($dir, $stow) = @_; my(@dir) = split(/\/+/, $dir); my($collection) = shift(@dir); my($subdir) = &JoinPaths('/', @dir); my($linktarget, $stowsubdir); warn "Stowing directory $dir\n" if ($opts{verbose} > 1); my $subdirPath = &JoinPaths($opts{target}, $subdir); if (-l $subdirPath) { ($linktarget = readlink($subdirPath)) || die "$RealScript: Could not read link $subdirPath ($!)\n"; my $stowsubdir = &FindStowMember( &JoinPaths($opts{target}, @dir[0..($#dir - 1)]), $linktarget ); unless ($stowsubdir) { &Conflict($dir, $subdir, 1); return; } if (-e &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $stowsubdir)) { if ($stowsubdir eq $dir) { warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n", $subdirPath, &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $dir)) if ($opts{verbose} > 2); return; } if (-d &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $stowsubdir)) { # This is the splitting open of a folded tree which the stow # manual refers to. &DoUnlink($subdirPath); &DoMkdir($subdirPath); &StowContents($stowsubdir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); &StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); } else { (&Conflict($dir, $subdir, 2), return); } } else { &DoUnlink($subdirPath); &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir), $subdirPath); } } elsif (-e $subdirPath) { if (-d $subdirPath) { &StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); } else { &Conflict($dir, $subdir, 3); } } else { &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir), $subdirPath); } } sub StowNondir { my($file, $stow) = @_; my(@file) = split(/\/+/, $file); my($collection) = shift(@file); my($subfile) = &JoinPaths(@file); my($linktarget, $stowsubfile); my $subfilePath = &JoinPaths($opts{target}, $subfile); if (-l $subfilePath) { my $linktarget = readlink($subfilePath); $linktarget or die "$RealScript: Could not read link $subfilePath ($!)\n"; my $stowsubfile = &FindStowMember( &JoinPaths($opts{target}, @file[0..($#file - 1)]), $linktarget ); if (! $stowsubfile) { &Conflict($file, $subfile, 4); return; } if (-e &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $stowsubfile)) { (&Conflict($file, $subfile, 5), return) unless ($stowsubfile eq $file); warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n", $subfilePath, &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $file)) if ($opts{verbose} > 2); } else { &DoUnlink($subfilePath); &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file), $subfilePath); } } elsif (-e $subfilePath) { &Conflict($file, $subfile, 6); } else { &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file), $subfilePath); } } sub DoUnlink { my($file) = @_; warn "UNLINK $file\n" if $opts{verbose}; (unlink($file) || die "$RealScript: Could not unlink $file ($!)\n") unless $opts{not_really}; } sub DoRmdir { my($dir) = @_; warn "RMDIR $dir\n" if $opts{verbose}; (rmdir($dir) || die "$RealScript: Could not rmdir $dir ($!)\n") unless $opts{not_really}; } sub DoLink { my($target, $name) = @_; warn "LINK $name to $target\n" if $opts{verbose}; (symlink($target, $name) || die "$RealScript: Could not symlink $name to $target ($!)\n") unless $opts{not_really}; } sub DoMkdir { my($dir) = @_; warn "MKDIR $dir\n" if $opts{verbose}; (mkdir($dir, 0777) || die "$RealScript: Could not make directory $dir ($!)\n") unless $opts{not_really}; } sub Conflict { my($a, $b, $type) = @_; my $src = &JoinPaths($opts{stow}, $a); my $dst = &JoinPaths($opts{target}, $b); if ($opts{conflicts}) { warn "CONFLICT: $src vs. $dst", ($type ? " ($type)" : ''), "\n"; #system "ls -l $src $dst"; } else { die "$RealScript: CONFLICT: $src vs. $dst", ($type ? " ($type)" : ''), "\n"; } } # Given an absolute starting directory and a relative path obtained by # calling readlink() on a symlink in that starting directory, # FindStowMember() figures out whether the symlink points to somewhere # within the stow directory. If so, it returns the target of the # symlink relative to the stow directory, otherwise it returns ''. sub FindStowMember { my($startDir, $targetPath) = @_; my @startDirSegments = split(/\/+/, $startDir); my @targetSegments = split(/\/+/, $targetPath); my @stowDirSegments = split(/\/+/, $opts{stow}); # Start in $startDir and navigate to target, one path segment at a time. my @current = @startDirSegments; while (@targetSegments) { my $x = shift(@targetSegments); if ($x eq '..') { pop(@current); return '' unless @current; # We can't go higher than /, must be # an invalid symlink. } elsif ($x) { push(@current, $x); } } # Now @current describes the absolute path to the symlink's target, # so if @current and @stowDirSegments have a common prefix, the # symlink points within the stow directory. while (@current && @stowDirSegments) { if (shift(@current) ne shift(@stowDirSegments)) { return ''; } } return '' if @stowDirSegments; return join('/', @current); } sub parent { my($path) = join('/', @_); my(@elts) = split(/\/+/, $path); pop(@elts); return join('/', @elts); } sub get_ignore_re_from_file { my ($file) = @_; # Bootstrap issue - first time we stow, we will be stowing # .cvsignore so it won't exist in ~ yet. At that time, use # a sensible default instead. open(REGEXPS, $file) or return qr!\.cfgsave\.|^(CVS)$!; my @regexps; while () { chomp; push @regexps, glob_to_re($_); } close(REGEXPS); my $re = join '|', @regexps; warn "#% ignore regexp is $re\n" if $opts{verbose}; return qr/$re/; } 1;