How to make a new release of GNU Stow ===================================== Prerequisite reading -------------------- First read the official information for maintainers of GNU software: Release procedure ----------------- - Ensure contains the number of the new unreleased version. This should follow Semantic Versioning as described at: - To make the following steps easier, set the $version shell variable to the same version number as above, e.g. version=$( tools/get-version ) && echo $version - Ensure NEWS contains the latest changes. If necessary, commit any additions: git commit -m "Prepare NEWS for $version release" - Check CPAN distribution will work via Module::Build: - Start from a clean slate: make maintainer-clean autoreconf -iv - Generate stow, chkstow, and lib/ via: eval `perl -V:siteprefix` automake --add-missing ./configure --prefix=$siteprefix && make (N.B. the CPAN distribution will contain these files, whereas the GNU distribution will not.) - Make sure all the following commands all run successfully: perl Build.PL --prefix=/tmp/stow-test ./Build test ./Build install ./Build distcheck ./Build distmeta ./Build dist - Check META.yml and META.json have the new version number. They already should if the final step of this document was carried out after the previous release was publised, but if not: git commit -m "Bump version to $version" - Ensure all changes are committed to git. - Run make distcheck and ensure that everything looks good. It should generate the distribution files for you. - Run the tests on various Perl versions via Docker: ./ ./ Obviously if there are any failures, they will need to be fixed first, and then repeat the above steps. - At this point we have a release candidate. Tag the current git HEAD with the new version number: git tag -s v$version -m "Release $version" - Upload the resulting Stow-v7.8.9.tar.gz to CPAN via - Wait until PAUSE has accepted the upload as a valid module. If you are the maintainer of the module, you should receive two email notifications: a CPAN upload confirmation, and a PAUSE indexer report. This provides some valuable final validation, as learnt the hard way during the non-release of 2.2.1. - Push HEAD and tag to savannah and GitHub: git push savannah master git push --tags savannah git push github master git push --tags github - Upload the new release to This is easiest using gnupload: - git clone git:// - Copy gnulib/build-aux/gnupload to somewhere on your $PATH - Run gnupload --to --symlink-regex stow-7.8.9.tar.* - Regenerate the documentation for the website: # First check out gnulib repository via: # git clone git:// # and stow-web CVS repository via the instructions here: # # Set paths: stow_repo=/path/to/stow/git/repo stow_web_repo=/path/to/stow-web/CVS/working/dir gnulib_repo=/path/to/gnulib/git/repo cd $stow_repo export GENDOCS_TEMPLATE_DIR=$gnulib_repo/doc $gnulib_repo/util/ \ -s doc/stow.texi \ -o $stow_web_repo/manual \ --email \ stow "GNU Stow manual" cd $stow_web_repo # Check that the changes look OK cvs diff # Then commit cvs commit -m "Update manual to v$version" - Update the news section of stow.html in the stow-web CVS repository to mention the new release. cd $stow_web_repo # Check that the changes look OK cvs diff # Then commit cvs commit -m "Update home page to v$version" - Send release announcements to - - - - See for more on making release announcements. Excerpts of NEWS can be formatted for inclusion in the email by selecting the relevant version subtree via M-x org-mark-element, minus the "* Changes in version x.y.z", running M-x org-export-dispatch, and exporting as plain text. - Update the git repositories to the next expected version, so that anyone who builds from git gets a version of Stow which is higher than the release which was just cut: - Increment the patchlevel of the version number in - Run this again: version=$( tools/get-version ) && echo $version - In order to update META.yml and META.json, repeat the same procedure listed above, starting at "make distclean" and finishing after "./Build distmeta". - Check META.yml and META.json now have the new versions. - git add META.{yml,json} - git commit -m "Bump version to $version for development of next release" - git push savannah master - git push github master