From 3fff521fa1f0b7477b37be2da3351f706e7f7168 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Spiers Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 22:38:16 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Import version 1.3.2 --- AUTHORS | 7 + COPYING | 339 ++++ ChangeLog | 144 ++ INSTALL | 108 ++ | 18 + | 279 +++ NEWS | 22 + README | 28 + THANKS | 16 + TODO | 47 + aclocal.m4 | 7 + configure | 867 ++++++++++ | 21 + install-sh | 238 +++ mdate-sh | 91 + mkinstalldirs | 36 + stamp-vti | 1 + | 542 ++++++ | 1131 +++++++++++++ stow.texi | 1201 +++++++++++++ texinfo.tex | 4506 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ version.texi | 3 + 22 files changed, 9652 insertions(+) create mode 100644 AUTHORS create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 ChangeLog create mode 100644 INSTALL create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 NEWS create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 THANKS create mode 100644 TODO create mode 100644 aclocal.m4 create mode 100755 configure create mode 100644 create mode 100755 install-sh create mode 100755 mdate-sh create mode 100755 mkinstalldirs create mode 100644 stamp-vti create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 stow.texi create mode 100644 texinfo.tex create mode 100644 version.texi diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ee9e3c --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Stow was written by Bob Glickstein , Zanshin +Software, Inc. + +Contributions from Gord Matzigkeit . + +John Bazik wrote `fastcwd', the Perl subroutine for computing the +current working directory. diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a43ea21 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) 19yy + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..891242c --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +Fri Oct 11 22:09:45 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * stow.html, Version 1.3.2. + + * README, stow.texi: Correct the URL again. + +Fri Oct 11 18:20:42 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * Version 1.3.1. + + * stow.html: Update Stow manual URL. Mention version 1.3.1. + + * README: Update Stow URL. + + * stow-manual.html -> manual.html. + + * stow.texi: + Add a reference to the Stow home page on the GNU web server. Change + several occurrences of "which" to "that" for grammatical superiority. + +Wed Oct 9 00:34:07 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * + Add maintainer-only rules for stow-manual.html and stow-manual.texi. + +Wed Oct 9 00:32:31 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * README: Refer to the new location for the Stow home page. + + * stow.html: Make it right for the GNU web server. + +Tue Oct 8 21:54:09 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * stow.texi: Document --restow + + * Add --restow (-R) option + + * Add "perl4" to search for Perl binary. + Bump version number to 1.3. + +Mon Jun 24 23:23:03 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * stow.texi: Delete trailing whitespace. + +Fri Jun 21 19:44:26 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * + Don't explicitly mention version.texi. Automake now does it + automagically, by noticing the `@include version.texi' in + stow.texi. Awesome. + + * stow.texi: + Use @include instead of @input. This is more Texinfoid, plus + allows Automake to automatically deduce the need for + version.texi. + + * + Elide trailing slashes from package names, then complain if + package names have slashes in them. + +Tue Jun 18 23:19:04 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * README: Call it "Gnu Stow". + +Tue Jun 18 22:15:45 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * + Bump version number to 1.2. + + Look for Perl under the names `perl' and `perl5'. If not found, + print a warning. + + * stow.texi: + Add a section about bootstrapping. Add text about hacking Gnu + Make output. + + * INSTALL: + Describe what happens when Perl isn't found during `configure'. + +Mon Jun 17 19:43:25 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * THANKS: Thank Fritz. + +Fri Jun 14 19:18:50 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * AUTHORS: Credit John Bazik and Gord Matzigkeit. + + * stow.texi: Remove a "known bug" -- the pwd dependency is gone. + + * + Use fastcwd, from (which is GPL'd), to remove + dependency on an external pwd binary. Suggested by Gord + Matzigkeit. + + * Add a missing comma. + +Thu Jun 13 21:52:10 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * + Change three occurrences of `my' to `local' for Perl 4 + compatibility. + +Thu Jun 13 18:07:37 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * Bump version number to 1.1. + + * + Add `stow' to the list of clean targets. Don't redirect output + directly into a make target. + + * AUTHORS, README: + Use as the contact address. + + * TODO: New file. + + * + Refer to "Gnu Stow" in a few places. Use + as the contact address. Handle long and short options. Handle + `version' and `help' options. Refer to "packages," not + "collections," for consistency with the manual. + + * stow.texi: + Refer to "Gnu Stow" in a few places. Use + as the contact address. Add sections on Reporting bugs and Known + bugs. Create a master menu. Minor rewording. Remove the period + from a node name. + + * TODO, THANKS: New files. + +Mon Jun 10 14:44:13 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * NEWS: Create NEWS file for release. 1.0 now ready. + + * stow.texi: Big revisions in preparation for release. + +Sun Jun 9 15:47:19 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * Enhance argument parsing, losing Perl 4 support in the + process. + (later) Perl 4 support restored. + +Fri Jun 7 12:13:33 1996 Bob Glickstein + + * Created stow, formerly "depot." diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbe11cc --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +Basic Installation +================== + +Stow is a Perl script. You must have Perl 4 or Perl 5 in order for it +to run. + +The steps in building stow are: + +1. `cd' to the directory containing the source code (and this file) + and type `./configure' to configure stow for your system. This + step will attempt to locate your copy of perl and use its location + to create `stow' from `'. If perl can't be found, you'll + have to edit line 1 of `stow' from `#!false' to `#!/path/to/perl' + (where /path/to/perl is wherever perl will be found when stow + runs). + +2. Type `make' to create from stow.texi. + +3. Type `make install' to install `stow' and `'. + +4. You can remove the generated files from the source code directory + by typing `make clean'. To also remove the files that `configure' + created (so you can compile the package for a different computer), + type `make distclean'. There is also a `make maintainer-clean' + target, but that is intended mainly for stow's developers. If you + use it, you may have to get all sorts of other programs in order + to regenerate files that came with the distribution. + +Installation Names +================== + +By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin' and `/usr/local/info'. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + +If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' +the option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Since `stow' is concerned with separating a package's installation +tree from its run-time tree, you might want to install `stow' into a +directory such as `/usr/local/stow/stow' but have it run out of +`/usr/local'. Do this by giving the run-time prefix (e.g., +/usr/local) to configure as described above; then run `make'; then run +`make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/stow'. For more information on +this technique, see the Stow manual. + +The configuration system +======================== + +The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' and to create the `stow' script +itself, using and as templates. Finally, it +creates a shell script `config.status' that you can run in the future +to recreate the current configuration, a file `config.cache' that +saves the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring, and a file +`config.log' containing other output. + +The file `' is used to create `configure' by a program +called `autoconf'. You only need `' if you want to change +it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The file `' is used to create `' by a program +called `automake'. You only need `' if you want to change +it or regenerate `' using a newer version of `automake'. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + +If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Operation Controls +================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of + `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for + debugging `configure'. + +`--help' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`--version' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fac483 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +## Process this file with Automake to produce + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-shar + +bin_SCRIPTS = stow +info_TEXINFOS = stow.texi + +CLEANFILES = stow manual.html manual.texi + +# The rules for manual.html and manual.texi are only used by +# the developer +manual.html: manual.texi + -rm -f $@ + texi2html -expandinfo -menu -monolithic -verbose $< + +manual.texi: stow.texi + -rm -f $@ + cp $< $@ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d94357 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +# generated automatically by automake 1.0 from + +# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. + + +SHELL = /bin/sh + +srcdir = @srcdir@ +top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ +VPATH = @srcdir@ +prefix = @prefix@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ + +bindir = @bindir@ +sbindir = @sbindir@ +libexecdir = @libexecdir@ +datadir = @datadir@ +sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@ +sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@ +localstatedir = @localstatedir@ +libdir = @libdir@ +infodir = @infodir@ +mandir = @mandir@ +includedir = @includedir@ +oldincludedir = /usr/include + +pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@ +pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@ + +top_builddir = . + +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ +INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +transform = @program_transform_name@ + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-shar + +bin_SCRIPTS = stow +info_TEXINFOS = stow.texi + +CLEANFILES = stow manual.html manual.texi +ACLOCAL = aclocal.m4 +mkinstalldirs = $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs +SCRIPTS = $(bin_SCRIPTS) + + +MAKEINFO = makeinfo +TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi +INFOS =* +INFO_DEPS = +DVIS = stow.dvi +TEXINFOS = stow.texi + +DIST_COMMON = README AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL \ NEWS README THANKS TODO aclocal.m4 configure \ +install-sh mdate-sh mkinstalldirs stamp-vti texinfo.tex \ +version.texi + + +PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ +VERSION = @VERSION@ + +DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(SOURCES) $(BUILT_SOURCES) $(HEADERS) \ + $(TEXINFOS) $(INFOS) $(MANS) $(EXTRA_DIST) $(DATA) +DEP_DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(SOURCES) $(BUILT_SOURCES) $(HEADERS) \ + $(TEXINFOS) $(INFO_DEPS) $(MANS) $(EXTRA_DIST) $(DATA) + +TAR = tar +default: all + + +$(srcdir)/ + cd $(srcdir) && automake Makefile + +# For an explanation of the following Makefile rules, see node +# `Automatic Remaking' in GNU Autoconf documentation. +Makefile: config.status + CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= ./config.status +config.status: configure + ./config.status --recheck +$(srcdir)/configure: $(ACLOCAL) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) + cd $(srcdir) && autoconf +stow: $(top_builddir)/config.status + cd $(top_builddir) && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= ./config.status + +install-binSCRIPTS: $(bin_SCRIPTS) + $(mkinstalldirs) $(bindir) + list="$(bin_SCRIPTS)"; for p in $$list; do \ + if test -f $$p; then \ + $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $$p $(bindir)/`echo $$p|sed '$(transform)'`; \ + else if test -f $(srcdir)/$$p; then \ + $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/$$p \ + $(bindir)/`echo $$p|sed '$(transform)'`; \ + else :; fi; fi; \ + done + +uninstall-binSCRIPTS: + list="$(bin_SCRIPTS)"; for p in $$list; do \ + rm -f $(bindir)/`echo $$p|sed '$(transform)'`; \ + done + +version.texi: stamp-vti + +stamp-vti: stow.texi $(top_srcdir)/ + echo "@set UPDATED `cd $(srcdir) \ + && $(SHELL) ./mdate-sh stow.texi`" > vti.tmp + echo "@set EDITION $(VERSION)" >> vti.tmp + echo "@set VERSION $(VERSION)" >> vti.tmp + if cmp -s vti.tmp $(srcdir)/version.texi; then \ + rm vti.tmp; \ + else \ + mv vti.tmp $(srcdir)/version.texi; \ + fi + echo timestamp > $(srcdir)/stamp-vti + +mostlyclean-vti: + rm -f vti.tmp + +clean-vti: + +distclean-vti: + +maintainer-clean-vti: + rm -f stamp-vti version.texi + stow.texi version.texi + + + $(MAKEINFO) -I$(srcdir) $< -o $(srcdir)/$@ + +.texi.dvi: + TEXINPUTS=$(srcdir):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $< + +install-info: $(INFO_DEPS) + $(mkinstalldirs) $(infodir) + for file in $(INFO_DEPS); do \ + for ifile in `cd $(srcdir) && echo $$file*`; do \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$ifile $(infodir)/$$ifile; \ + done; \ + done + +uninstall-info: + cd $(srcdir) && for file in *.info*; do \ + rm -f $(infodir)/$$file; \ + done + +mostlyclean-info: + rm -f stow.aux stow.cp stow.cps stow.dvi stow.fn stow.fns \ + stow.log stow.toc stow.vr stow.op + +clean-info: + +distclean-info: + +maintainer-clean-info: + rm -f $(INFOS) +tags: TAGS +TAGS: + + +distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) +# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration. Then +# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another +# tarfile. +distcheck: dist + rm -rf $(distdir) + $(TAR) zxf $(distdir).tar.gz + mkdir $(distdir)/=build + mkdir $(distdir)/=inst + dc_install_base=`cd $(distdir)/=inst && pwd`; \ + cd $(distdir)/=build \ + && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix=$$dc_install_base \ + && $(MAKE) \ + && $(MAKE) check \ + && $(MAKE) install \ + && $(MAKE) installcheck \ + && $(MAKE) dist + rm -rf $(distdir) + @echo "========================"; \ + echo "$(distdir).tar.gz is ready for distribution"; \ + echo "========================" +dist: distdir + chmod -R a+r $(distdir) + $(TAR) chozf $(distdir).tar.gz $(distdir) + rm -rf $(distdir) +dist-shar: distdir + chmod -R a+r $(distdir) + shar $(distdir) | gzip > $(distdir).shar.gz + rm -rf $(distdir) +distdir: $(DEP_DISTFILES) + rm -rf $(distdir) + mkdir $(distdir) + chmod 777 $(distdir) + @for file in `cd $(srcdir) && echo $(DISTFILES)`; do \ + test -f $(distdir)/$$file \ + || ln $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)/$$file 2> /dev/null \ + || cp -p $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)/$$file; \ + done +info: $(INFO_DEPS) + +dvi: $(DVIS) + +check: all + +installcheck: + +install-exec: install-binSCRIPTS + +install-data: install-info + +install: install-exec install-data all + @: + +uninstall: uninstall-binSCRIPTS uninstall-info + +all: $(INFO_DEPS) $(SCRIPTS) Makefile + +install-strip: + $(MAKE) INSTALL_PROGRAM='$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -s' install +installdirs: + $(mkinstalldirs) $(bindir) $(infodir) + + +mostlyclean-generic: + test -z "$(MOSTLYCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(MOSTLYCLEANFILES) + +clean-generic: + test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES) + +distclean-generic: + rm -f Makefile $(DISTCLEANFILES) + rm -f config.cache config.log $(CONFIG_HEADER) stamp-h + +maintainer-clean-generic: + test -z "$(MAINTAINERCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(MAINTAINERCLEANFILES) + test -z "$(BUILT_SOURCES)" || rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES) +mostlyclean: mostlyclean-vti mostlyclean-info mostlyclean-generic + +clean: clean-vti clean-info clean-generic mostlyclean + +distclean: distclean-vti distclean-info distclean-generic clean + rm -f config.status + +maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-vti maintainer-clean-info \ + maintainer-clean-generic distclean + @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" + @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." + rm -f config.status + +.PHONY: default uninstall-binSCRIPTS install-binSCRIPTS mostlyclean-vti \ +distclean-vti clean-vti maintainer-clean-vti install-info \ +uninstall-info mostlyclean-info distclean-info clean-info \ +maintainer-clean-info tags distdir info dvi check installcheck \ +install-exec install-data install uninstall all installdirs \ +mostlyclean-generic distclean-generic clean-generic \ +maintainer-clean-generic clean mostlyclean distclean maintainer-clean + + +# The rules for manual.html and manual.texi are only used by +# the developer +manual.html: manual.texi + -rm -f $@ + texi2html -expandinfo -menu -monolithic -verbose $< + +manual.texi: stow.texi + -rm -f $@ + cp $< $@ +.SUFFIXES: +.SUFFIXES: .texi .info .dvi + +# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. +# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. +.NOEXPORT: diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..837fc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +News file for Stow. + +* Changes in version 1.3: +** Added --restow option. +** Fixed handling of slashes in package names. +** Expanded configure-time search for Perl binary. + +* Changes in version 1.2: +** Dependency on `pwd' removed. +** Perl 4 compatibility fixes. +** Manual expanded even more. + +* Changes in version 1.1: +** Long and short options now accepted. +** Manual expanded. +** `make clean' removes stow (which is generated from + +* Initial public release (v1.0) of Stow. + +Local variables: +mode: outline +End: diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1eef38a --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +This is GNU Stow, a program for managing the installation of software +packages, keeping them separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs +vs. /usr/local/stow/perl, for example) while making them appear to be +installed in the same place (/usr/local). + +Stow is a Perl script which should run correctly under Perl 4 and Perl +5. You must install Perl before running Stow. For more information +about Perl, see + +You can get the latest information about Stow from + + +Stow was inspired by Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program, but is +substantially simpler. Whereas Depot requires database files to keep +things in sync, Stow stores no extra state between runs, so there's no +danger (as there is in Depot) of mangling directories when file +hierarchies don't match the database. Also unlike Depot, Stow will +never delete any files, directories, or links that appear in a Stow +directory (e.g., /usr/local/stow/emacs), so it's always possible to +rebuild the target tree (e.g., /usr/local). + +Stow is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License, +which can be found in the file COPYING. + +See INSTALL for installation instructions. + +Please mail comments, questions, and criticisms to the author, Bob +Glickstein, . diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8bf351 --- /dev/null +++ b/THANKS @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Thanks to the following people for testing, using, commenting on, and +otherwise aiding the creation of Stow: + +Miles Bader +Greg Fox +David Hartmann +Ben Liblit +Gord Matzigkeit +Roland McGrath +Jim Meyering +Fritz Mueller +Bart Schaefer +Richard Stallman +Spencer Sun +Tom Tromey +Steve Webster diff --git a/TODO b/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3ba084 --- /dev/null +++ b/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +-*- outline -*- + +* Autodetect "foreign" stow directories + +* Fix empty-dir problem (see "Known bugs" in the manual) + +* Continue after conflicts. + +When detecting a conflict, affected subparts of the Stow traversal can +be skipped while continuing with other subparts. + +* Traverse links in the target tree? + +From e-mail with + + > My /usr/local/info equivalent is a symlink to /share/info + > because I want installs on all systems to put info files in that + > directory. With that set-up, stow chokes on fact that + > /usr/local/info is a symlink. + + [...] Stow is designed to be paranoid about modifying anything it + doesn't "own." If it finds a symlink in the target tree (e.g., + /usr/local/info) which doesn't point into the stow tree, its + paranoid response is to leave it the hell alone. But I can see in + this case how traversing the link and populating the directory on + the far end would be OK. Question: is that a special + circumstance, or would it always be OK to populate the far end of + a symlink in the target tree (when the symlink points to a + directory in a context where a directory is needed)? And: if it's + a special circumstance requiring a command-line option, should the + option be a mere boolean (such as, "--traverse-target-links") or + should it be an enumeration of which links are OK to traverse + (such as, "--traversable='info man doc'")? + +* Develop a mechanism for sharing files between packages. + +This would solve the problem of maintaining N platform-specific copies +of a package, all of which have many platform-*independent* files +which could be shared, such as man pages, info files, etc. + +* Option to ignore certain files in the stow tree. + +For example, --ignore='*~ .#*' (skip Emacs and CVS backup files). + +* Option to ignore links in the stow tree to certain places. + +For example, --ignore-link='/*' (skip absolute links). diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62e372a --- /dev/null +++ b/aclocal.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +dnl This definition comes from automake 1.0 + +AC_DEFUN(fp_PROG_INSTALL, +[AC_PROG_INSTALL +test -z "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" && INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL} -m 755' +AC_SUBST(INSTALL_SCRIPT)dnl +]) diff --git a/configure b/configure new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7911856 --- /dev/null +++ b/configure @@ -0,0 +1,867 @@ +#! /bin/sh + +# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. +# Generated automatically using autoconf version 2.10 +# Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it. + +# Defaults: +ac_help= +ac_default_prefix=/usr/local +# Any additions from + +# Initialize some variables set by options. +# The variables have the same names as the options, with +# dashes changed to underlines. +build=NONE +cache_file=./config.cache +exec_prefix=NONE +host=NONE +no_create= +nonopt=NONE +no_recursion= +prefix=NONE +program_prefix=NONE +program_suffix=NONE +program_transform_name=s,x,x, +silent= +site= +srcdir= +target=NONE +verbose= +x_includes=NONE +x_libraries=NONE +bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' +sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' +libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec' +datadir='${prefix}/share' +sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' +sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' +localstatedir='${prefix}/var' +libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib' +includedir='${prefix}/include' +oldincludedir='/usr/include' +infodir='${prefix}/info' +mandir='${prefix}/man' + +# Initialize some other variables. +subdirs= +MFLAGS= MAKEFLAGS= + +ac_prev= +for ac_option +do + + # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it. + if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + eval "$ac_prev=\$ac_option" + ac_prev= + continue + fi + + case "$ac_option" in + -*=*) ac_optarg=`echo "$ac_option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;; + *) ac_optarg= ;; + esac + + # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos. + + case "$ac_option" in + + -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi) + ac_prev=bindir ;; + -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*) + bindir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu) + ac_prev=build ;; + -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*) + build="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \ + | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c) + ac_prev=cache_file ;; + -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \ + | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*) + cache_file="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad | --data | --dat | --da) + ac_prev=datadir ;; + -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=* | --data=* | --dat=* \ + | --da=*) + datadir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -disable-* | --disable-*) + ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*disable-//'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then + { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi + ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'` + eval "enable_${ac_feature}=no" ;; + + -enable-* | --enable-*) + ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*enable-//' -e 's/=.*//'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then + { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi + ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'` + case "$ac_option" in + *=*) ;; + *) ac_optarg=yes ;; + esac + eval "enable_${ac_feature}='$ac_optarg'" ;; + + -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \ + | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \ + | --exec | --exe | --ex) + ac_prev=exec_prefix ;; + -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \ + | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \ + | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*) + exec_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -gas | --gas | --ga | --g) + # Obsolete; use --with-gas. + with_gas=yes ;; + + -help | --help | --hel | --he) + # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. + # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. + cat << EOF +Usage: configure [options] [host] +Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions] +Configuration: + --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE + --help print this message + --no-create do not create output files + --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages + --version print the version of autoconf that created configure +Directory and file names: + --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX + [$ac_default_prefix] + --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX + [same as prefix] + --bindir=DIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin] + --sbindir=DIR system admin executables in DIR [EPREFIX/sbin] + --libexecdir=DIR program executables in DIR [EPREFIX/libexec] + --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data in DIR + [PREFIX/share] + --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/etc] + --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data in DIR + [PREFIX/com] + --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/var] + --libdir=DIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib] + --includedir=DIR C header files in DIR [PREFIX/include] + --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc in DIR [/usr/include] + --infodir=DIR info documentation in DIR [PREFIX/info] + --mandir=DIR man documentation in DIR [PREFIX/man] + --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or ..] + --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names + --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names + --program-transform-name=PROGRAM + run sed PROGRAM on installed program names +EOF + cat << EOF +Host type: + --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [BUILD=HOST] + --host=HOST configure for HOST [guessed] + --target=TARGET configure for TARGET [TARGET=HOST] +Features and packages: + --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) + --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] + --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] + --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no) + --x-includes=DIR X include files are in DIR + --x-libraries=DIR X library files are in DIR +EOF + if test -n "$ac_help"; then + echo "--enable and --with options recognized:$ac_help" + fi + exit 0 ;; + + -host | --host | --hos | --ho) + ac_prev=host ;; + -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*) + host="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \ + | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc) + ac_prev=includedir ;; + -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \ + | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*) + includedir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf) + ac_prev=infodir ;; + -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*) + infodir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd) + ac_prev=libdir ;; + -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*) + libdir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \ + | --libexe | --libex | --libe) + ac_prev=libexecdir ;; + -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \ + | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*) + libexecdir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \ + | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst \ + | --locals | --local | --loca | --loc | --lo) + ac_prev=localstatedir ;; + -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \ + | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* \ + | --locals=* | --local=* | --loca=* | --loc=* | --lo=*) + localstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m) + ac_prev=mandir ;; + -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*) + mandir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -nfp | --nfp | --nf) + # Obsolete; use --without-fp. + with_fp=no ;; + + -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \ + | --no-cr | --no-c) + no_create=yes ;; + + -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \ + | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) + no_recursion=yes ;; + + -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \ + | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \ + | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o) + ac_prev=oldincludedir ;; + -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \ + | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \ + | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*) + oldincludedir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p) + ac_prev=prefix ;; + -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*) + prefix="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \ + | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p) + ac_prev=program_prefix ;; + -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \ + | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*) + program_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \ + | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s) + ac_prev=program_suffix ;; + -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \ + | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*) + program_suffix="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \ + | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \ + | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \ + | --program-transform | --program-transfor \ + | --program-transfo | --program-transf \ + | --program-trans | --program-tran \ + | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t) + ac_prev=program_transform_name ;; + -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \ + | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \ + | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \ + | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \ + | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \ + | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \ + | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*) + program_transform_name="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \ + | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) + silent=yes ;; + + -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb) + ac_prev=sbindir ;; + -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \ + | --sbi=* | --sb=*) + sbindir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \ + | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \ + | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \ + | --sha | --sh) + ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;; + -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \ + | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \ + | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \ + | --sha=* | --sh=*) + sharedstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -site | --site | --sit) + ac_prev=site ;; + -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*) + site="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr) + ac_prev=srcdir ;; + -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*) + srcdir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \ + | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy) + ac_prev=sysconfdir ;; + -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \ + | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*) + sysconfdir="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t) + ac_prev=target ;; + -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*) + target="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb) + verbose=yes ;; + + -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers) + echo "configure generated by autoconf version 2.10" + exit 0 ;; + + -with-* | --with-*) + ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*with-//' -e 's/=.*//'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then + { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi + ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'` + case "$ac_option" in + *=*) ;; + *) ac_optarg=yes ;; + esac + eval "with_${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;; + + -without-* | --without-*) + ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*without-//'` + # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names. + if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then + { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi + ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'` + eval "with_${ac_package}=no" ;; + + --x) + # Obsolete; use --with-x. + with_x=yes ;; + + -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \ + | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i) + ac_prev=x_includes ;; + -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \ + | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*) + x_includes="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \ + | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l) + ac_prev=x_libraries ;; + -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \ + | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*) + x_libraries="$ac_optarg" ;; + + -*) { echo "configure: error: $ac_option: invalid option; use --help to show usage" 1>&2; exit 1; } + ;; + + *) + if test -n "`echo $ac_option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then + echo "configure: warning: $ac_option: invalid host type" 1>&2 + fi + if test "x$nonopt" != xNONE; then + { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi + nonopt="$ac_option" + ;; + + esac +done + +if test -n "$ac_prev"; then + { echo "configure: error: missing argument to --`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`" 1>&2; exit 1; } +fi + +trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15 + +# File descriptor usage: +# 0 standard input +# 1 file creation +# 2 errors and warnings +# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty +# 4 used on the Kubota Titan +# 6 checking for... messages and results +# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log +if test "$silent" = yes; then + exec 6>/dev/null +else + exec 6>&1 +fi +exec 5>./config.log + +echo "\ +This file contains any messages produced by compilers while +running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. +" 1>&5 + +# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up. +# Also quote any args containing shell metacharacters. +ac_configure_args= +for ac_arg +do + case "$ac_arg" in + -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \ + | --no-cr | --no-c) ;; + -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \ + | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) ;; + *" "*|*" "*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*) + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;; + *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args $ac_arg" ;; + esac +done + +# NLS nuisances. +# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set. +# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand +# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO). +if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi +if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi + +# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed. +rm -rf conftest* confdefs.h +# AIX cpp loses on an empty file, so make sure it contains at least a newline. +echo > confdefs.h + +# A filename unique to this package, relative to the directory that +# configure is in, which we can look for to find out if srcdir is correct. + +# Find the source files, if location was not specified. +if test -z "$srcdir"; then + ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes + # Try the directory containing this script, then its parent. + ac_prog=$0 + ac_confdir=`echo $ac_prog|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` + test "x$ac_confdir" = "x$ac_prog" && ac_confdir=. + srcdir=$ac_confdir + if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then + srcdir=.. + fi +else + ac_srcdir_defaulted=no +fi +if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then + if test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes; then + { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $ac_confdir or .." 1>&2; exit 1; } + else + { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $srcdir" 1>&2; exit 1; } + fi +fi +srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'` + +# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones. +if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then + if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then + CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/" + else + CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/" + fi +fi +for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do + if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then + echo "loading site script $ac_site_file" + . "$ac_site_file" + fi +done + +if test -r "$cache_file"; then + echo "loading cache $cache_file" + . $cache_file +else + echo "creating cache $cache_file" + > $cache_file +fi + +ac_ext=c +# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options. +ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5' +ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5' + +if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then + # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says + if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then + ac_n= ac_c=' +' ac_t=' ' + else + ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t= + fi +else + ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t= +fi + + + +PACKAGE=stow +VERSION=1.3.2 + + + +if test "$program_transform_name" = s,x,x,; then + program_transform_name= +else + # Double any \ or $. echo might interpret backslashes. + cat <<\EOF_SED > conftestsed +s,\\,\\\\,g; s,\$,$$,g +EOF_SED + program_transform_name="`echo $program_transform_name|sed -f conftestsed`" + rm -f conftestsed +fi +test "$program_prefix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s,^,${program_prefix},; $program_transform_name" +# Use a double $ so make ignores it. +test "$program_suffix" != NONE && + program_transform_name="s,\$\$,${program_suffix},; $program_transform_name" + +# sed with no file args requires a program. +test "$program_transform_name" = "" && program_transform_name="s,x,x," + + +ac_aux_dir= +for ac_dir in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../..; do + if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c" + break + elif test -f $ac_dir/; then + ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir + ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c" + break + fi +done +if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then + { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2; exit 1; } +fi +ac_config_guess=$ac_aux_dir/config.guess +ac_config_sub=$ac_aux_dir/config.sub +ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure. + +# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster), +# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or +# incompatible versions: +# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install +# SunOS /usr/etc/install +# IRIX /sbin/install +# AIX /bin/install +# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args +# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff" +# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./ +echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +if test -z "$INSTALL"; then +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:" + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements. + case "$ac_dir/" in + /|./|.//|/etc/*|/usr/sbin/*|/usr/etc/*|/sbin/*|/usr/afsws/bin/*|/usr/ucb/*) ;; + *) + # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install. + for ac_prog in ginstall installbsd scoinst install; do + if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_prog; then + if test $ac_prog = install && + grep dspmsg $ac_dir/$ac_prog >/dev/null 2>&1; then + # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention. + # OSF/1 installbsd also uses dspmsg, but is usable. + : + else + ac_cv_path_install="$ac_dir/$ac_prog -c" + break 2 + fi + fi + done + ;; + esac + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + +fi + if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then + INSTALL="$ac_cv_path_install" + else + # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. We don't cache a + # path for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will + # break other packages using the cache if that directory is + # removed, or if the path is relative. + INSTALL="$ac_install_sh" + fi +fi +echo "$ac_t""$INSTALL" 1>&6 + +# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}. +# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution. +test -z "$INSTALL_PROGRAM" && INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL}' + +test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644' + +test -z "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" && INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL} -m 755' + + +for ac_prog in perl perl5 perl4 +do +# Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2 +echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6 +if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_PERL'+set}'`\" = set"; then + echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6 +else + case "$PERL" in + /*) + ac_cv_path_PERL="$PERL" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:" + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then + ac_cv_path_PERL="$ac_dir/$ac_word" + break + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" + ;; +esac +fi +PERL="$ac_cv_path_PERL" +if test -n "$PERL"; then + echo "$ac_t""$PERL" 1>&6 +else + echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6 +fi + +test -n "$PERL" && break +done +test -n "$PERL" || PERL="false" + + +if test "x$PERL" = xfalse +then + echo 'WARNING: Perl not found; you must edit line 1 of `stow'"'" +fi + +trap '' 1 2 15 +cat > confcache <<\EOF +# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure +# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure +# scripts and configure runs. It is not useful on other systems. +# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. +# +# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file, +# creating it if it does not exist already. You can give configure +# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is +# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in +# subdirectories, so they share the cache. +# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure. +# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the +# --recheck option to rerun configure. +# +EOF +# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly, +# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars. +(set) 2>&1 | + sed -n "s/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=\${\1='\2'}/p" \ + >> confcache +if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then + : +else + if test -w $cache_file; then + echo "updating cache $cache_file" + cat confcache > $cache_file + else + echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" + fi +fi +rm -f confcache + +trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15 + +test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix +# Let make expand exec_prefix. +test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}' + +# Any assignment to VPATH causes Sun make to only execute +# the first set of double-colon rules, so remove it if not needed. +# If there is a colon in the path, we need to keep it. +if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then + ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[^:]*$/d' +fi + +trap 'rm -f $CONFIG_STATUS conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15 + +# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS. +# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules. +# Protect against Makefile macro expansion. +cat > conftest.defs <<\EOF +s%#define \([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\) *\(.*\)%-D\1=\2%g +s%[ `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'"<>?]%\\&%g +s%\[%\\&%g +s%\]%\\&%g +s%\$%$$%g +EOF +DEFS=`sed -f conftest.defs confdefs.h | tr '\012' ' '` +rm -f conftest.defs + + +# Without the "./", some shells look in PATH for config.status. +: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status} + +echo creating $CONFIG_STATUS +rm -f $CONFIG_STATUS +cat > $CONFIG_STATUS </dev/null | sed 1q`: +# +# $0 $ac_configure_args +# +# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging +# configure, is in ./config.log if it exists. + +ac_cs_usage="Usage: $CONFIG_STATUS [--recheck] [--version] [--help]" +for ac_option +do + case "\$ac_option" in + -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r) + echo "running \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion" + exec \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion ;; + -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v) + echo "$CONFIG_STATUS generated by autoconf version 2.10" + exit 0 ;; + -help | --help | --hel | --he | --h) + echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 0 ;; + *) echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 1 ;; + esac +done + +ac_given_srcdir=$srcdir +ac_given_INSTALL="$INSTALL" + +trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile stow" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15 +EOF +cat >> $CONFIG_STATUS < conftest.subs <<\\CEOF +$ac_vpsub +$extrasub +s%@CFLAGS@%$CFLAGS%g +s%@CPPFLAGS@%$CPPFLAGS%g +s%@CXXFLAGS@%$CXXFLAGS%g +s%@DEFS@%$DEFS%g +s%@LDFLAGS@%$LDFLAGS%g +s%@LIBS@%$LIBS%g +s%@exec_prefix@%$exec_prefix%g +s%@prefix@%$prefix%g +s%@program_transform_name@%$program_transform_name%g +s%@bindir@%$bindir%g +s%@sbindir@%$sbindir%g +s%@libexecdir@%$libexecdir%g +s%@datadir@%$datadir%g +s%@sysconfdir@%$sysconfdir%g +s%@sharedstatedir@%$sharedstatedir%g +s%@localstatedir@%$localstatedir%g +s%@libdir@%$libdir%g +s%@includedir@%$includedir%g +s%@oldincludedir@%$oldincludedir%g +s%@infodir@%$infodir%g +s%@mandir@%$mandir%g +s%@PACKAGE@%$PACKAGE%g +s%@VERSION@%$VERSION%g +s%@INSTALL_PROGRAM@%$INSTALL_PROGRAM%g +s%@INSTALL_DATA@%$INSTALL_DATA%g +s%@INSTALL_SCRIPT@%$INSTALL_SCRIPT%g +s%@PERL@%$PERL%g + +CEOF +EOF +cat >> $CONFIG_STATUS <> $CONFIG_STATUS <<\EOF +for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then + # Support "outfile[:infile]", defaulting infile="". + case "$ac_file" in + *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%.*:%%'` + ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; + *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;; + esac + + # Adjust relative srcdir, etc. for subdirectories. + + # Remove last slash and all that follows it. Not all systems have dirname. + ac_dir=`echo $ac_file|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` + if test "$ac_dir" != "$ac_file" && test "$ac_dir" != .; then + # The file is in a subdirectory. + test ! -d "$ac_dir" && mkdir "$ac_dir" + ac_dir_suffix="/`echo $ac_dir|sed 's%^\./%%'`" + # A "../" for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix. + ac_dots=`echo $ac_dir_suffix|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` + else + ac_dir_suffix= ac_dots= + fi + + case "$ac_given_srcdir" in + .) srcdir=. + if test -z "$ac_dots"; then top_srcdir=. + else top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'`; fi ;; + /*) srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + *) # Relative path. + srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix" + top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + esac + + case "$ac_given_INSTALL" in + [/$]*) INSTALL="$ac_given_INSTALL" ;; + *) INSTALL="$ac_dots$ac_given_INSTALL" ;; + esac + echo creating "$ac_file" + rm -f "$ac_file" + configure_input="Generated automatically from `echo $ac_file_in|sed 's%.*/%%'` by configure." + case "$ac_file" in + *Makefile*) ac_comsub="1i\\ +# $configure_input" ;; + *) ac_comsub= ;; + esac + sed -e "$ac_comsub +s%@configure_input@%$configure_input%g +s%@srcdir@%$srcdir%g +s%@top_srcdir@%$top_srcdir%g +s%@INSTALL@%$INSTALL%g +" -f conftest.subs $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_file_in > $ac_file +fi; done +rm -f conftest.subs + + + +exit 0 +EOF +chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS +rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files +test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1 + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3d0674 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +dnl Process this file with Autoconf to produce configure + +AC_INIT( + +PACKAGE=stow +VERSION=1.3.2 +AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) +AC_SUBST(VERSION) + +AC_ARG_PROGRAM + +fp_PROG_INSTALL + +AC_PATH_PROGS(PERL, perl perl5 perl4, false) + +if test "x$PERL" = xfalse +then + echo 'WARNING: Perl not found; you must edit line 1 of `stow'"'" +fi + +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile stow) diff --git a/install-sh b/install-sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5871924 --- /dev/null +++ b/install-sh @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# +# install - install a program, script, or datafile +# This comes from X11R5. +# +# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over, to prevent +# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it +# when there is no Makefile. +# +# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written +# from scratch. +# + + +# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script + +# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it. +doit="${DOITPROG-}" + + +# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars. + +mvprog="${MVPROG-mv}" +cpprog="${CPPROG-cp}" +chmodprog="${CHMODPROG-chmod}" +chownprog="${CHOWNPROG-chown}" +chgrpprog="${CHGRPPROG-chgrp}" +stripprog="${STRIPPROG-strip}" +rmprog="${RMPROG-rm}" +mkdirprog="${MKDIRPROG-mkdir}" + +transformbasename="" +transform_arg="" +instcmd="$mvprog" +chmodcmd="$chmodprog 0755" +chowncmd="" +chgrpcmd="" +stripcmd="" +rmcmd="$rmprog -f" +mvcmd="$mvprog" +src="" +dst="" +dir_arg="" + +while [ x"$1" != x ]; do + case $1 in + -c) instcmd="$cpprog" + shift + continue;; + + -d) dir_arg=true + shift + continue;; + + -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2" + shift + shift + continue;; + + -s) stripcmd="$stripprog" + shift + continue;; + + -t=*) transformarg=`echo $1 | sed 's/-t=//'` + shift + continue;; + + -b=*) transformbasename=`echo $1 | sed 's/-b=//'` + shift + continue;; + + *) if [ x"$src" = x ] + then + src=$1 + else + # this colon is to work around a 386BSD /bin/sh bug + : + dst=$1 + fi + shift + continue;; + esac +done + +if [ x"$src" = x ] +then + echo "install: no input file specified" + exit 1 +else + true +fi + +if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]; then + dst=$src + src="" + + if [ -d $dst ]; then + instcmd=: + else + instcmd=mkdir + fi +else + +# Waiting for this to be detected by the "$instcmd $src $dsttmp" command +# might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad +# if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'. + + if [ -f $src -o -d $src ] + then + true + else + echo "install: $src does not exist" + exit 1 + fi + + if [ x"$dst" = x ] + then + echo "install: no destination specified" + exit 1 + else + true + fi + +# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system +# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic + + if [ -d $dst ] + then + dst="$dst"/`basename $src` + else + true + fi +fi + +## this sed command emulates the dirname command +dstdir=`echo $dst | sed -e 's,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,'` + +# Make sure that the destination directory exists. +# this part is taken from Noah Friedman's mkinstalldirs script + +# Skip lots of stat calls in the usual case. +if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then +defaultIFS=' +' +IFS="${IFS-${defaultIFS}}" + +oIFS="${IFS}" +# Some sh's can't handle IFS=/ for some reason. +IFS='%' +set - `echo ${dstdir} | sed -e 's@/@%@g' -e 's@^%@/@'` +IFS="${oIFS}" + +pathcomp='' + +while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do + pathcomp="${pathcomp}${1}" + shift + + if [ ! -d "${pathcomp}" ] ; + then + $mkdirprog "${pathcomp}" + else + true + fi + + pathcomp="${pathcomp}/" +done +fi + +if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ] +then + $doit $instcmd $dst && + + if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dst; else true ; fi && + if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dst; else true ; fi +else + +# If we're going to rename the final executable, determine the name now. + + if [ x"$transformarg" = x ] + then + dstfile=`basename $dst` + else + dstfile=`basename $dst $transformbasename | + sed $transformarg`$transformbasename + fi + +# don't allow the sed command to completely eliminate the filename + + if [ x"$dstfile" = x ] + then + dstfile=`basename $dst` + else + true + fi + +# Make a temp file name in the proper directory. + + dsttmp=$dstdir/#inst.$$# + +# Move or copy the file name to the temp name + + $doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp && + + trap "rm -f ${dsttmp}" 0 && + +# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits + +# If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing. If we want to +# ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore +# errors from the above "$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp" command. + + if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi && + +# Now rename the file to the real destination. + + $doit $rmcmd -f $dstdir/$dstfile && + $doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dstdir/$dstfile + +fi && + + +exit 0 diff --git a/mdate-sh b/mdate-sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0845b8b --- /dev/null +++ b/mdate-sh @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# mdate-sh - get modification time of a file and pretty-print it +# Copyright (C) 1995 Software Foundation, Inc. +# Written by Ulrich Drepper , June 1995 +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +# Prevent date giving response in another language. +LANG=C +export LANG +LC_ALL=C +export LC_ALL +LC_TIME=C +export LC_TIME + +# Get the extended ls output of the file. +if ls -L /dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then + set - `ls -L -l $1` +else + set - `ls -l $1` +fi +# The month is at least the fourth argument. +# (3 shifts here, the next inside the loop) +shift +shift +shift + +# Find the month. Next argument is day, followed by the year or time. +month= +until test $month +do + shift + case $1 in + Jan) month=January; nummonth=1;; + Feb) month=February; nummonth=2;; + Mar) month=March; nummonth=3;; + Apr) month=April; nummonth=4;; + May) month=May; nummonth=5;; + Jun) month=June; nummonth=6;; + Jul) month=July; nummonth=7;; + Aug) month=August; nummonth=8;; + Sep) month=September; nummonth=9;; + Oct) month=October; nummonth=10;; + Nov) month=November; nummonth=11;; + Dec) month=December; nummonth=12;; + esac +done + +day=$2 + +# Here we have to deal with the problem that the ls output gives either +# the time of day or the year. +case $3 in + *:*) set `date`; eval year=\$$# + case $2 in + Jan) nummonthtod=1;; + Feb) nummonthtod=2;; + Mar) nummonthtod=3;; + Apr) nummonthtod=4;; + May) nummonthtod=5;; + Jun) nummonthtod=6;; + Jul) nummonthtod=7;; + Aug) nummonthtod=8;; + Sep) nummonthtod=9;; + Oct) nummonthtod=10;; + Nov) nummonthtod=11;; + Dec) nummonthtod=12;; + esac + # For the first six month of the year the time notation can also + # be used for files modified in the last year. + if (expr $nummonth \> $nummonthtod) > /dev/null; + then + year=`expr $year - 1` + fi;; + *) year=$3;; +esac + +# The result. +echo $day $month $year diff --git a/mkinstalldirs b/mkinstalldirs new file mode 100755 index 0000000..cc8783e --- /dev/null +++ b/mkinstalldirs @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# mkinstalldirs --- make directory hierarchy +# Author: Noah Friedman +# Created: 1993-05-16 +# Last modified: 1994-03-25 +# Public domain + +errstatus=0 + +for file in ${1+"$@"} ; do + set fnord `echo ":$file" | sed -ne 's/^:\//#/;s/^://;s/\// /g;s/^#/\//;p'` + shift + + pathcomp= + for d in ${1+"$@"} ; do + pathcomp="$pathcomp$d" + case "$pathcomp" in + -* ) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;; + esac + + if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then + echo "mkdir $pathcomp" 1>&2 + mkdir "$pathcomp" > /dev/null 2>&1 || lasterr=$? + fi + + if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then + errstatus=$lasterr + fi + + pathcomp="$pathcomp/" + done +done + +exit $errstatus + +# mkinstalldirs ends here diff --git a/stamp-vti b/stamp-vti new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9788f70 --- /dev/null +++ b/stamp-vti @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +timestamp diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bb9994 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,542 @@ +#!@PERL@ + +# GNU Stow - manage the installation of multiple software packages +# Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by Bob Glickstein +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +$ProgramName = $0; +$ProgramName =~ s,.*/,,; + +$Version = '@VERSION@'; + +$Conflicts = 0; +$Delete = 0; +$NotReally = 0; +$Verbose = 0; +$ReportHelp = 0; +$Stow = &fastcwd; +$Target = undef; +$Restow = 0; + +while (@ARGV && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) && /^-/) { + $opt = $'; + shift; + last if /^--$/; + + if ($opt =~ /^-/) { + $opt = $'; + if ($opt =~ /^no?$/i) { + $NotReally = 1; + } elsif ($opt =~ /^c(o(n(f(l(i(c(ts?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?$/i) { + $Conflicts = 1; + $NotReally = 1; + } elsif ($opt =~ /^dir?/i) { + $remainder = $'; + if ($remainder =~ /^=/) { + $Stow = $'; # the stuff after the = + } else { + $Stow = shift; + } + } elsif ($opt =~ /^t(a(r(g(et?)?)?)?)?/i) { + $remainder = $'; + if ($remainder =~ /^=/) { + $Target = $'; # the stuff after the = + } else { + $Target = shift; + } + } elsif ($opt =~ /^verb(o(se?)?)?/i) { + $remainder = $'; + if ($remainder =~ /^=(\d+)/) { + $Verbose = $1; + } else { + ++$Verbose; + } + } elsif ($opt =~ /^de(l(e(te?)?)?)?$/i) { + $Delete = 1; + } elsif ($opt =~ /^r(e(s(t(o(w?)?)?)?)?)?$/i) { + $Restow = 1; + } elsif ($opt =~ /^vers(i(on?)?)?$/i) { + &version(); + } else { + &usage(($opt =~ /^h(e(lp?)?)?$/) ? undef : + "unknown or ambiguous option: $opt"); + } + } else { + @opts = split(//, $opt); + while ($_ = shift(@opts)) { + if ($_ eq 'n') { + $NotReally = 1; + } elsif ($_ eq 'c') { + $Conflicts = 1; + $NotReally = 1; + } elsif ($_ eq 'd') { + $Stow = (join('', @opts) || shift); + @opts = (); + } elsif ($_ eq 't') { + $Target = (join('', @opts) || shift); + @opts = (); + } elsif ($_ eq 'v') { + ++$Verbose; + } elsif ($_ eq 'D') { + $Delete = 1; + } elsif ($_ eq 'R') { + $Restow = 1; + } elsif ($_ eq 'V') { + &version(); + } else { + &usage(($_ eq 'h') ? undef : "unknown option: $_"); + } + } + } +} + +&usage("No packages named") unless @ARGV; + +$Target = &parent($Stow) unless $Target; + +chdir($Target) || die "Cannot chdir to target tree $Target ($!)\n"; +$Target = &fastcwd; + +foreach $package (@ARGV) { + $package =~ s,/+$,,; # delete trailing slashes + if ($package =~ m,/,) { + die "$ProgramName: slashes not permitted in package names\n"; + } +} + +if ($Delete || $Restow) { + @Collections = @ARGV; + &Unstow('', &RelativePath($Target, $Stow)); +} + +if (!$Delete || $Restow) { + foreach $Collection (@ARGV) { + warn "Stowing package $Collection...\n" if $Verbose; + &StowContents($Collection, &RelativePath($Target, $Stow)); + } +} + +sub CommonParent { + local($dir1, $dir2) = @_; + local($result, $x); + local(@d1) = split(/\/+/, $dir1); + local(@d2) = split(/\/+/, $dir2); + + while (@d1 && @d2 && (($x = shift(@d1)) eq shift(@d2))) { + $result .= "$x/"; + } + chop($result); + $result; +} + +sub RelativePath { + local($a, $b) = @_; + local($c) = &CommonParent($a, $b); + local(@a) = split(/\/+/, $a); + local(@b) = split(/\/+/, $b); + local(@c) = split(/\/+/, $c); + + splice(@a, 0, @c + 0); + splice(@b, 0, @c + 0); + unshift(@b, (('..') x (@a + 0))); + &JoinPaths(@b); +} + +sub JoinPaths { + local(@paths, @parts); + local ($x, $y); + local($result) = ''; + + $result = '/' if ($_[0] =~ /^\//); + foreach $x (@_) { + @parts = split(/\/+/, $x); + foreach $y (@parts) { + push(@paths, $y) if $y; + } + } + $result .= join('/', @paths); +} + +sub Unstow { + local($targetdir, $stow) = @_; + local(@contents); + local($content); + local($linktarget, $stowmember, $collection); + local(@stowmember); + local($pure, $othercollection) = (1, ''); + local($subpure, $subother); + local(@puresubdirs); + + return (0, '') if (&JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir) eq $Stow); + return (0, '') if (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, '.stow')); + warn sprintf("Unstowing in %s\n", &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir)) + if ($Verbose > 1); + opendir(DIR, &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir)) || + die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n"; + @contents = readdir(DIR); + closedir(DIR); + foreach $content (@contents) { + next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..')); + if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content)) { + ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target, + $targetdir, + $content))) + || die sprintf("%s: Cannot read link %s (%s)\n", + $ProgramName, + &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content), + $!); + if ($stowmember = &FindStowMember(&JoinPaths($Target, + $targetdir), + $linktarget)) { + @stowmember = split(/\/+/, $stowmember); + $collection = shift(@stowmember); + if (grep(($collection eq $_), @Collections)) { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content)); + } elsif ($pure) { + if ($othercollection) { + $pure = 0 if ($collection ne $othercollection); + } else { + $othercollection = $collection; + } + } + } else { + $pure = 0; + } + } elsif (-d &JoinPaths($Target, $targetdir, $content)) { + ($subpure, $subother) = &Unstow(&JoinPaths($targetdir, $content), + &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); + if ($subpure) { + push(@puresubdirs, "$content/$subother"); + } + if ($pure) { + if ($subpure) { + if ($othercollection) { + if ($subother) { + if ($othercollection ne $subother) { + $pure = 0; + } + } + } elsif ($subother) { + $othercollection = $subother; + } + } else { + $pure = 0; + } + } + } else { + $pure = 0; + } + } + if ((!$pure || !$targetdir) && @puresubdirs) { + &CoalesceTrees($targetdir, $stow, @puresubdirs); + } + ($pure, $othercollection); +} + +sub CoalesceTrees { + local($parent, $stow, @trees) = @_; + local($tree, $collection, $x); + + foreach $x (@trees) { + ($tree, $collection) = ($x =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)/); + &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree)); + &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree)); + if ($collection) { + &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $collection, $parent, $tree), + &JoinPaths($Target, $parent, $tree)); + } + } +} + +sub EmptyTree { + local($dir) = @_; + local(@contents); + local($content); + + opendir(DIR, $dir) + || die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n"; + @contents = readdir(DIR); + closedir(DIR); + foreach $content (@contents) { + next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..')); + if (-l &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); + } elsif (-d &JoinPaths($dir, $content)) { + &EmptyTree(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); + &DoRmdir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); + } else { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($dir, $content)); + } + } +} + +sub StowContents { + local($dir, $stow) = @_; + local(@contents); + local($content); + + warn "Stowing contents of $dir\n" if ($Verbose > 1); + opendir(DIR, &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir)) + || die "$ProgramName: Cannot read directory \"$dir\" ($!)\n"; + @contents = readdir(DIR); + closedir(DIR); + foreach $content (@contents) { + next if (($content eq '.') || ($content eq '..')); + if (-d &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir, $content)) { + &StowDir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow); + } else { + &StowNondir(&JoinPaths($dir, $content), $stow); + } + } +} + +sub StowDir { + local($dir, $stow) = @_; + local(@dir) = split(/\/+/, $dir); + local($collection) = shift(@dir); + local($subdir) = join('/', @dir); + local($linktarget, $stowsubdir); + + warn "Stowing directory $dir\n" if ($Verbose > 1); + if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) { + ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir))) + || die sprintf("%s: Could not read link %s (%s)\n", + $ProgramName, + &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir), + $!); + ($stowsubdir = + &FindStowMember(sprintf('%s/%s', $Target, + join('/', @dir[0..($#dir - 1)])), + $linktarget)) + || (&Conflict($dir, $subdir), return); + if (-e &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubdir)) { + if ($stowsubdir eq $dir) { + warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n", + &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir), + &JoinPaths($Stow, $dir)) + if ($Verbose > 2); + return; + } + if (-d &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubdir)) { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)); + &DoMkdir(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)); + &StowContents($stowsubdir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); + &StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); + } else { + (&Conflict($dir, $subdir), return); + } + } else { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)); + &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir), + &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)); + } + } elsif (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) { + if (-d &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)) { + &StowContents($dir, &JoinPaths('..', $stow)); + } else { + &Conflict($dir, $subdir); + } + } else { + &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $dir), + &JoinPaths($Target, $subdir)); + } +} + +sub StowNondir { + local($file, $stow) = @_; + local(@file) = split(/\/+/, $file); + local($collection) = shift(@file); + local($subfile) = join('/', @file); + local($linktarget, $stowsubfile); + + if (-l &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)) { + ($linktarget = readlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subfile))) + || die sprintf("%s: Could not read link %s (%s)\n", + $ProgramName, + &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile), + $!); + ($stowsubfile = + &FindStowMember(sprintf('%s/%s', $Target, + join('/', @file[0..($#file - 1)])), + $linktarget)) + || (&Conflict($file, $subfile), return); + if (-e &JoinPaths($Stow, $stowsubfile)) { + (&Conflict($file, $subfile), return) + unless ($stowsubfile eq $file); + warn sprintf("%s already points to %s\n", + &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile), + &JoinPaths($Stow, $file)) + if ($Verbose > 2); + } else { + &DoUnlink(&JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)); + &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file), + &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)); + } + } elsif (-e &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)) { + &Conflict($file, $subfile); + } else { + &DoLink(&JoinPaths($stow, $file), + &JoinPaths($Target, $subfile)); + } +} + +sub DoUnlink { + local($file) = @_; + + warn "UNLINK $file\n" if $Verbose; + (unlink($file) || die "$ProgramName: Could not unlink $file ($!)\n") + unless $NotReally; +} + +sub DoRmdir { + local($dir) = @_; + + warn "RMDIR $dir\n" if $Verbose; + (rmdir($dir) || die "$ProgramName: Could not rmdir $dir ($!)\n") + unless $NotReally; +} + +sub DoLink { + local($target, $name) = @_; + + warn "LINK $name to $target\n" if $Verbose; + (symlink($target, $name) || + die "$ProgramName: Could not symlink $name to $target ($!)\n") + unless $NotReally; +} + +sub DoMkdir { + local($dir) = @_; + + warn "MKDIR $dir\n" if $Verbose; + (mkdir($dir, 0777) + || die "$ProgramName: Could not make directory $dir ($!)\n") + unless $NotReally; +} + +sub Conflict { + local($a, $b) = @_; + + if ($Conflicts) { + warn sprintf("CONFLICT: %s vs. %s\n", &JoinPaths($Stow, $a), + &JoinPaths($Target, $b)); + } else { + die sprintf("%s: CONFLICT: %s vs. %s\n", + $ProgramName, + &JoinPaths($Stow, $a), + &JoinPaths($Target, $b)); + } +} + +sub FindStowMember { + local($start, $path) = @_; + local(@x) = split(/\/+/, $start); + local(@path) = split(/\/+/, $path); + local($x); + local(@d) = split(/\/+/, $Stow); + + while (@path) { + $x = shift(@path); + if ($x eq '..') { + pop(@x); + return '' unless @x; + } elsif ($x) { + push(@x, $x); + } + } + while (@x && @d) { + if (($x = shift(@x)) ne shift(@d)) { + return ''; + } + } + return '' if @d; + join('/', @x); +} + +sub parent { + local($path) = join('/', @_); + local(@elts) = split(/\/+/, $path); + pop(@elts); + join('/', @elts); +} + +sub usage { + local($msg) = shift; + + if ($msg) { + print "$ProgramName: $msg\n"; + } + print "$ProgramName (GNU Stow) version $Version\n\n"; + print "Usage: $ProgramName [OPTION ...] PACKAGE ...\n"; + print <. + + Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this +manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are +preserved on all copies. + + Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of +this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also +that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included with +the modified manual, and provided that the entire resulting derived +work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to +this one. + + Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this +manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified +versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a +translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. + + +File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) + + This manual describes GNU Stow 1.3.2, a program for managing the +installation of software packages. + +* Menu: + +* Introduction:: Description of Stow. +* Terminology:: Terms used by this manual. +* Invoking Stow:: Option summary. +* Installing packages:: Using Stow to install. +* Deleting packages:: Using Stow to uninstall. +* Caveats:: Pitfalls and difficulties to beware. +* Bootstrapping:: When stow and perl are not yet stowed. +* Reporting bugs:: How, what, where, and when to report. +* Known bugs:: Don't report any of these. +* GNU General Public License:: Copying terms. +* Index:: Index of concepts. + + -- The Detailed Node Listing -- + +Caveats + +* Compile-time and install-time:: Faking out `make install'. +* Multiple stow directories:: Further segregating software. +* Conflicts:: When Stow can't stow. + +Compile-time and install-time + +* GNU Emacs:: +* Other FSF software:: +* Cygnus software:: +* Perl and Perl 5 modules:: + + +File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Terminology, Prev: Top, Up: Top + +Introduction +************ + + Stow is a tool for managing the installation of multiple software +packages in the same run-time directory tree. One historical difficulty +of this task has been the need to administer, upgrade, install, and +remove files in independent packages without confusing them with other +files sharing the same filesystem space. For instance, it is common to +install Perl and Emacs in `/usr/local'. When one does so, one winds up +with the following files(1) in `/usr/local/man/man1': `a2p.1'; +`ctags.1'; `emacs.1'; `etags.1'; `h2ph.1'; `perl.1'; and `s2p.1'. Now +suppose it's time to uninstall Perl. Which man pages get removed? +Obviously `perl.1' is one of them, but it should not be the +administrator's responsibility to memorize the ownership of individual +files by separate packages. + + The approach used by Stow is to install each package into its own +tree, then use symbolic links to make it appear as though the files are +installed in the common tree. Administration can be performed in the +package's private tree in isolation from clutter from other packages. +Stow can then be used to update the symbolic links. The structure of +each private tree should reflect the desired structure in the common +tree; i.e. (in the typical case) there should be a `bin' directory +containing executables, a `man/man1' directory containing section 1 man +pages, and so on. + + Stow was inspired by Carnegie Mellon's Depot program, but is +substantially simpler and safer. Whereas Depot required database files +to keep things in sync, Stow stores no extra state between runs, so +there's no danger (as there was in Depot) of mangling directories when +file hierarchies don't match the database. Also unlike Depot, Stow will +never delete any files, directories, or links that appear in a Stow +directory (e.g., `/usr/local/stow/emacs'), so it's always possible to +rebuild the target tree (e.g., `/usr/local'). + + For information about the latest version of Stow, you can refer to + + + ---------- Footnotes ---------- + + (1) As of Perl 4.036 and Emacs 19.22. + + +File:, Node: Terminology, Next: Invoking Stow, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top + +Terminology +*********** + + A "package" is a related collection of files and directories that +you wish to administer as a unit--e.g., Perl or Emacs--and that needs +to be installed in a particular directory structure--e.g., with `bin', +`lib', and `man' subdirectories. + + A "target directory" is the root of a tree in which one or more +packages wish to *appear* to be installed. A common, but by no means +the only such location is `/usr/local'. The examples in this manual +will use `/usr/local' as the target directory. + + A "stow directory" is the root of a tree containing separate +packages in private subtrees. When Stow runs, it uses the current +directory as the default stow directory. The examples in this manual +will use `/usr/local/stow' as the stow directory, so that individual +packages will be, for example, `/usr/local/stow/perl' and +`/usr/local/stow/emacs'. + + An "installation image" is the layout of files and directories +required by a package, relative to the target directory. Thus, the +installation image for Perl includes: a `bin' directory containing +`perl' and `a2p' (among others); an `info' directory containing Texinfo +documentation; a `lib/perl' directory containing Perl libraries; and a +`man/man1' directory containing man pages. + + A "package directory" is the root of a tree containing the +installation image for a particular package. Each package directory +must reside in a stow directory--e.g., the package directory +`/usr/local/stow/perl' must reside in the stow directory +`/usr/local/stow'. The "name" of a package is the name of its +directory within the stow directory--e.g., `perl'. + + Thus, the Perl executable might reside in +`/usr/local/stow/perl/bin/perl', where `/usr/local' is the target +directory, `/usr/local/stow' is the stow directory, +`/usr/local/stow/perl' is the package directory, and `bin/perl' within +is part of the installation image. + + A "symlink" is a symbolic link. A symlink can be "relative" or +"absolute". An absolute symlink names a full path; that is, one +starting from `/'. A relative symlink names a relative path; that is, +one not starting from `/'. The target of a relative symlink is +computed starting from the symlink's own directory. Stow only creates +relative symlinks. + + +File:, Node: Invoking Stow, Next: Installing packages, Prev: Terminology, Up: Top + +Invoking Stow +************* + + The syntax of the `stow' command is: + + stow [OPTIONS] PACKAGE ... + + The stow directory is assumed to be the current directory, and the +target directory is assumed to be the parent of the current directory +(so it is typical to execute `stow' from the directory +`/usr/local/stow'). Each PACKAGE is the name of a package in the stow +directory (e.g., `perl'). By default, they are installed into the +target directory (but they can be deleted instead using `-D'). + + The options are: + +`-n' +`--no' + Do not perform any operations that modify the filesystem; merely + show what would happen. Since no actual operations are performed, + `stow -n' could report conflicts when none would actually take + place (*note Conflicts::.); but it won't fail to report conflicts + that *would* take place. + +`-c' +`--conflicts' + Do not exit immediately when a conflict is encountered. This + option implies `-n', and is used to search for all conflicts that + might arise from an actual Stow operation. As with `-n', however, + false conflicts might be reported (*note Conflicts::.). + +`-d DIR' +`--dir=DIR' + Set the stow directory to DIR instead of the current directory. + This also has the effect of making the default target directory be + the parent of DIR. + +`-t DIR' +`--target=DIR' + Set the target directory to DIR instead of the parent of the stow + directory. + +`-v' +`--verbose[=N]' + Send verbose output to standard error describing what Stow is + doing. Verbosity levels are 0, 1, 2, and 3; 0 is the default. + Using `-v' or `--verbose' increases the verbosity by one; using + `--verbose=N' sets it to N. + +`-D' +`--delete' + Delete packages from the target directory rather than installing + them. + +`-R' +`--restow' + Restow packages (first unstow, then stow again). This is useful + for pruning obsolete symlinks from the target tree after updating + the software in a package. + +`-V' +`--version' + Show Stow version number, and exit. + +`-h' +`--help' + Show Stow command syntax, and exit. + + +File:, Node: Installing packages, Next: Deleting packages, Prev: Invoking Stow, Up: Top + +Installing packages +******************* + + The default action of Stow is to install a package. This means +creating symlinks in the target tree that point into the package tree. +Stow attempts to do this with as few symlinks as possible; in other +words, if Stow can create a single symlink that points to an entire +subtree within the package tree, it will choose to do that rather than +create a directory in the target tree and populate it with symlinks. + + For example, suppose that no packages have yet been installed in +`/usr/local'; it's completely empty (except for the `stow' +subdirectory, of course). Now suppose the Perl package is installed. +Recall that it includes the following directories in its installation +image: `bin'; `info'; `lib/perl'; `man/man1'. Rather than creating +the directory `/usr/local/bin' and populating it with symlinks to +`../stow/perl/bin/perl' and `../stow/perl/bin/a2p' (and so on), Stow +will create a single symlink, `/usr/local/bin', which points to +`stow/perl/bin'. In this way, it still works to refer to +`/usr/local/bin/perl' and `/usr/local/bin/a2p', and fewer symlinks have +been created. This is called "tree folding", since an entire subtree +is "folded" into a single symlink. + + To complete this example, Stow will also create the symlink +`/usr/local/info' pointing to `stow/perl/info'; the symlink +`/usr/local/lib' pointing to `stow/perl/lib'; and the symlink +`/usr/local/man' pointing to `stow/perl/man'. + + Now suppose that instead of installing the Perl package into an empty +target tree, the target tree is not empty to begin with. Instead, it +contains several files and directories installed under a different +system-administration philosophy. In particular, `/usr/local/bin' +already exists and is a directory, as are `/usr/local/lib' and +`/usr/local/man/man1'. In this case, Stow will descend into +`/usr/local/bin' and create symlinks to `../stow/perl/bin/perl' and +`../stow/perl/bin/a2p' (etc.), and it will descend into +`/usr/local/lib' and create the tree-folding symlink `perl' pointing to +`../stow/perl/lib/perl', and so on. As a rule, Stow only descends as +far as necessary into the target tree when it can create a tree-folding +symlink. + + The time often comes when a tree-folding symlink has to be undone +because another package uses one or more of the folded subdirectories in +its installation image. This operation is called "splitting open" a +folded tree. It involves removing the original symlink from the target +tree, creating a true directory in its place, and then populating the +new directory with symlinks to the newly-installed package *and* to the +old package that used the old symlink. For example, suppose that after +installing Perl into an empty `/usr/local', we wish to install Emacs. +Emacs's installation image includes a `bin' directory containing the +`emacs' and `etags' executables, among others. Stow must make these +files appear to be installed in `/usr/local/bin', but presently +`/usr/local/bin' is a symlink to `stow/perl/bin'. Stow therefore takes +the following steps: the symlink `/usr/local/bin' is deleted; the +directory `/usr/local/bin' is created; links are made from +`/usr/local/bin' to `../stow/emacs/bin/emacs' and +`../stow/emacs/bin/etags'; and links are made from `/usr/local/bin' to +`../stow/perl/bin/perl' and `../stow/perl/bin/a2p'. + + When splitting open a folded tree, Stow makes sure that the symlink +it is about to remove points inside a valid package in the current stow +directory. *Stow will never delete anything that it doesn't own*. +Stow "owns" everything living in the target tree that points into a +package in the stow directory. Anything Stow owns, it can recompute if +lost. Note that by this definition, Stow doesn't "own" anything *in* +the stow directory or in any of the packages. + + If Stow needs to create a directory or a symlink in the target tree +and it cannot because that name is already in use and is not owned by +Stow, then a conflict has arisen. *Note Conflicts::. + + +File:, Node: Deleting packages, Next: Caveats, Prev: Installing packages, Up: Top + +Deleting packages +***************** + + When the `-D' option is given, the action of Stow is to delete a +package from the target tree. Note that Stow will not delete anything +it doesn't "own". Deleting a package does *not* mean removing it from +the stow directory or discarding the package tree. + + To delete a package, Stow recursively scans the target tree, +skipping over the stow directory (since that is usually a subdirectory +of the target tree) and any other stow directories it encounters (*note +Multiple stow directories::.). Any symlink it finds that points into +the package being deleted is removed. Any directory that contained +only symlinks to the package being deleted is removed. Any directory +that, after removing symlinks and empty subdirectories, contains only +symlinks to a single other package, is considered to be a previously +"folded" tree that was "split open." Stow will re-fold the tree by +removing the symlinks to the surviving package, removing the directory, +then linking the directory back to the surviving package. + + +File:, Node: Caveats, Next: Bootstrapping, Prev: Deleting packages, Up: Top + +Caveats +******* + + This chapter describes the common problems that arise with Stow. + +* Menu: + +* Compile-time and install-time:: Faking out `make install'. +* Multiple stow directories:: Further segregating software. +* Conflicts:: When Stow can't stow. + + +File:, Node: Compile-time and install-time, Next: Multiple stow directories, Prev: Caveats, Up: Caveats + +Compile-time and install-time +============================= + + Software whose installation is managed with Stow needs to be +installed in one place (the package directory, e.g. +`/usr/local/stow/perl') but needs to appear to run in another place +(the target tree, e.g., `/usr/local'). Why is this important? What's +wrong with Perl, for instance, looking for its files in +`/usr/local/stow/perl' instead of in `/usr/local'? + + The answer is that there may be another package, e.g., +`/usr/local/stow/perl-extras', stowed under `/usr/local'. If Perl is +configured to find its files in `/usr/local/stow/perl', it will never +find the extra files in the `perl-extras' package, even though they're +intended to be found by Perl. On the other hand, if Perl looks for its +files in `/usr/local', then it will find the intermingled Perl and +`perl-extras' files. + + This means that when you compile a package, you must tell it the +location of the run-time, or target tree; but when you install it, you +must place it in the stow tree. + + Some software packages allow you to specify, at compile-time, +separate locations for installation and for run-time. Perl is one such +package; see *Note Perl and Perl 5 modules::. Others allow you to +compile the package, then give a different destination in the `make +install' step without causing the binaries or other files to get +rebuilt. Most GNU software falls into this category; Emacs is a +notable exception. See *Note GNU Emacs::, and *Note Other FSF +software::. + + Still other software packages cannot abide the idea of separate +installation and run-time locations at all. If you try to `make +install prefix=/usr/local/stow/FOO', then first the whole package will +be recompiled to hardwire the `/usr/local/stow/FOO' path. With these +packages, it is best to compile normally, then run `make -n install', +which should report all the steps needed to install the just-built +software. Place this output into a file, edit the commands in the file +to remove recompilation steps and to reflect the Stow-based +installation location, and execute the edited file as a shell script in +place of `make install'. Be sure to execute the script using the same +shell that `make install' would have used. + + (If you use GNU Make and a shell [such as GNU bash] that understands +`pushd' and `popd', you can do the following: + + 1. Replace all lines matching `make[N]: Entering directory `DIR'' + with `pushd DIR'. + + 2. Replace all lines matching `make[N]: Leaving directory `DIR'' with + `popd'. + + 3. Delete all lines matching `make[N]: Nothing to be done for RULE'. + + Then find other lines in the output containing `cd' or `make' +commands and rewrite or delete them. In particular, you should be able +to delete sections of the script that resemble this: + + for i in DIR_1 DIR_2 ...; do \ + (cd $i; make ARGS ...) \ + done + +Note, that's "should be able to," not "can." Be sure to modulate these +guidelines with plenty of your own intelligence.) + + The details of stowing some specific packages are described in the +following sections. + +* Menu: + +* GNU Emacs:: +* Other FSF software:: +* Cygnus software:: +* Perl and Perl 5 modules:: + + +File:, Node: GNU Emacs, Next: Other FSF software, Prev: Compile-time and install-time, Up: Compile-time and install-time + +GNU Emacs +--------- + + Although the Free Software Foundation has many enlightened practices +regarding Makefiles and software installation (see *note Other FSF +software::.), Emacs, its flagship program, doesn't quite follow the +rules. In particular, most GNU software allows you to write: + + make + make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/PACKAGE + +If you try this with Emacs, then the new value for `prefix' in the +`make install' step will cause some files to get recompiled with the +new value of `prefix' wired into them. In Emacs 19.23 and later,(1) +the way to work around this problem is: + + make + make install-arch-dep install-arch-indep prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs + + In 19.22 and some prior versions of Emacs, the workaround was: + + make + make do-install prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs + + ---------- Footnotes ---------- + + (1) As I write this, the current version of Emacs is 19.31. + + +File:, Node: Other FSF software, Next: Cygnus software, Prev: GNU Emacs, Up: Compile-time and install-time + +Other FSF software +------------------ + + The Free Software Foundation, the organization behind the GNU +project, has been unifying the build procedure for its tools for some +time. Thanks to its tools `autoconf' and `automake', most packages now +respond well to these simple steps, with no other intervention +necessary: + + ./configure OPTIONS + make + make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/PACKAGE + + Hopefully, these tools can evolve to be aware of Stow-managed +packages, such that providing an option to `configure' can allow `make' +and `make install' steps to work correctly without needing to "fool" +the build process. + + +File:, Node: Cygnus software, Next: Perl and Perl 5 modules, Prev: Other FSF software, Up: Compile-time and install-time + +Cygnus software +--------------- + + Cygnus is a commercial supplier and supporter of GNU software. It +has also written several of its own packages, released under the terms +of the GNU General Public License; and it has taken over the +maintenance of other packages. Among the packages released by Cygnus +are `gdb', `gnats', and `dejagnu'. + + Cygnus packages have the peculiarity that each one unpacks into a +directory tree with a generic top-level Makefile, which is set up to +compile *all* of Cygnus' packages, any number of which may reside under +the top-level directory. In other words, even if you're only building +`gnats', the top-level Makefile will look for, and try to build, `gdb' +and `dejagnu' subdirectories, among many others. + + The result is that if you try `make -n install +prefix=/usr/local/stow/PACKAGE' at the top level of a Cygnus package, +you'll get a bewildering amount of output. It will then be very +difficult to visually scan the output to see whether the install will +proceed correctly. Unfortunately, it's not always clear how to invoke +an install from the subdirectory of interest. + + In cases like this, the best approach is to run your `make install +prefix=...', but be ready to interrupt it if you detect that it is +recompiling files. Usually it will work just fine; otherwise, install +manually. + + +File:, Node: Perl and Perl 5 modules, Prev: Cygnus software, Up: Compile-time and install-time + +Perl and Perl 5 modules +----------------------- + + Perl 4.036 allows you to specify different locations for installation +and for run-time. It is the only widely-used package in this author's +experience that allows this, though hopefully more packages will adopt +this model. + + Unfortunately, the authors of Perl believed that only AFS sites need +this ability. The configuration instructions for Perl 4 misleadingly +state that some occult means are used under AFS to transport files from +their installation tree to their run-time tree. In fact, that confusion +arises from the fact that Depot, Stow's predecessor, originated at +Carnegie Mellon University, which was also the birthplace of AFS. CMU's +need to separate install-time and run-time trees stemmed from its use of +Depot, not from AFS. + + The result of this confusion is that Perl 5's configuration script +doesn't even offer the option of separating install-time and run-time +trees *unless* you're running AFS. Fortunately, after you've entered +all the configuration settings, Perl's setup script gives you the +opportunity to edit those settings in a file called `'. When +prompted, you should edit this file and replace occurrences of + + inst.../usr/local... + +with + + inst.../usr/local/stow/perl... + +You can do this with the following Unix command: + + sed 's,^\(inst.*/usr/local\),\1/stow/perl,' > + mv + + Hopefully, the Perl authors will correct this deficiency in Perl 5's +configuration mechanism. + + Perl 5 modules--i.e., extensions to Perl 5--generally conform to a +set of standards for building and installing them. The standard says +that the package comes with a top-level `Makefile.PL', which is a Perl +script. When it runs, it generates a `Makefile'. + + If you followed the instructions above for editing `' when +Perl was built, then when you create a `Makefile' from a `Makefile.PL', +it will contain separate locations for run-time (`/usr/local') and +install-time (`/usr/local/stow/perl'). Thus you can do + + perl Makefile.PL + make + make install + +and the files will be installed into `/usr/local/stow/perl'. However, +you might prefer each Perl module to be stowed separately. In that +case, you must edit the resulting Makefile, replacing +`/usr/local/stow/perl' with `/usr/local/stow/MODULE'. The best way to +do this is: + + perl Makefile.PL + find . -name Makefile -print | \ + xargs perl -pi~ -e 's,^(INST.*/stow)/perl,$1/MODULE,;' + make + make install + +(The use of `find' and `xargs' ensures that all Makefiles in the +module's source tree, even those in subdirectories, get edited.) A +good convention to follow is to name the stow directory for a Perl +MODULE `cpan.MODULE', where `cpan' stands for Comprehensive Perl +Archive Network, a collection of FTP sites that is the source of most +Perl 5 extensions. This way, it's easy to tell at a glance which of +the subdirectories of `/usr/local/stow' are Perl 5 extensions. + + When you stow separate Perl 5 modules separately, you are likely to +encounter conflicts (*note Conflicts::.) with files named `.exists' and +`perllocal.pod'. One way to work around this is to remove those files +before stowing the module. If you use the `cpan.MODULE' naming +convention, you can simply do this: + + cd /usr/local/stow + find cpan.* \( -name .exists -o -name perllocal.pod \) -print | \ + xargs rm + + +File:, Node: Multiple stow directories, Next: Conflicts, Prev: Compile-time and install-time, Up: Caveats + +Multiple stow directories +========================= + + If there are two or more system administrators who wish to maintain +software separately, or if there is any other reason to want two or more +stow directories, it can be done by creating a file named `.stow' in +each stow directory. The presence of `/usr/local/foo/.stow' informs +Stow that, though `foo' is not the current stow directory, and though +it is a subdirectory of the target directory, nevertheless it is *a* +stow directory and as such Stow doesn't "own" anything in it (*note +Installing packages::.). This will protect the contents of `foo' from +a `stow -D', for instance. + + When multiple stow directories share a target tree, the effectiveness +of Stow is reduced. If a tree-folding symlink is encountered and needs +to be split open during an installation, but the symlink points into +the wrong stow directory, Stow will report a conflict rather than split +open the tree (because it doesn't consider itself to own the symlink, +and thus cannot remove it). + + +File:, Node: Conflicts, Prev: Multiple stow directories, Up: Caveats + +Conflicts +========= + + If, during installation, a file or symlink exists in the target tree +and has the same name as something Stow needs to create, and if the +existing name is not a folded tree that can be split open, then a +"conflict" has arisen. A conflict also occurs if a directory exists +where Stow needs to place a symlink to a non-directory. On the other +hand, if the existing name is merely a symlink that already points +where Stow needs it to, then no conflict has occurred. (Thus it is +harmless to install a package that has already been installed.) + + A conflict causes Stow to exit immediately and print a warning +(unless `-c' is given), even if that means aborting an installation in +mid-package. + + When running Stow with the `-n' or `-c' options, no actual +filesystem-modifying operations take place. Thus if a folded tree would +have been split open, but instead was left in place because `-n' or +`-c' was used, then Stow will report a "false conflict", since the +directory that Stow was expecting to populate has remained an +unpopulatable symlink. + + +File:, Node: Bootstrapping, Next: Reporting bugs, Prev: Caveats, Up: Top + +Bootstrapping +************* + + Suppose you have a stow directory all set up and ready to go: +`/usr/local/stow/perl' contains the Perl installation, +`/usr/local/stow/stow' contains Stow itself, and perhaps you have other +packages waiting to be stowed. You'd like to be able to do this: + + cd /usr/local/stow + stow -vv * + +but `stow' is not yet in your `PATH'. Nor can you do this: + + cd /usr/local/stow + stow/bin/stow -vv * + +because the `#!' line at the beginning of `stow' tries to locate Perl +(usually in `/usr/local/bin/perl'), and that won't be found. The +solution you must use is: + + cd /usr/local/stow + perl/bin/perl stow/bin/stow -vv * + + +File:, Node: Reporting bugs, Next: Known bugs, Prev: Bootstrapping, Up: Top + +Reporting bugs +************** + + Please send bug reports to the author, Bob Glickstein, by electronic +mail. The address to use is `'. Please include: + + * the version number of Stow (`stow --version'); + + * the version number of Perl (`perl -v'); + + * the system information, which can often be obtained with `uname + -a'; + + * a description of the bug; + + * the precise command you gave; + + * the output from the command (preferably verbose output, obtained by + adding `--verbose=3' to the Stow command line). + + Before reporting a bug, please read the manual carefully, especially +*Note Known bugs::, and *Note Caveats::, to see whether you're +encountering something that doesn't need reporting, such as a "false +conflict" (*note Conflicts::.). + + +File:, Node: Known bugs, Next: GNU General Public License, Prev: Reporting bugs, Up: Top + +Known bugs +********** + + * The empty-directory problem. If package FOO includes an empty + directory--say, FOO/BAR--then: + + 1. if no other package has a BAR subdirectory, everything's fine. + + 2. if another stowed package, QUUX, has a BAR subdirectory, then + when stowing, TARGETDIR/BAR will be "split open" and the + contents of QUUX/BAR will be individually stowed. So far, so + good. But when unstowing QUUX, TARGETDIR/BAR will be + removed, even though FOO/BAR needs it to remain. A + workaround for this problem is to create a file in FOO/BAR as + a placeholder. If you name that file `.placeholder', it will + be easy to find and remove such files when this bug is fixed. + + * When using multiple stow directories (*note Multiple stow + directories::.), Stow fails to "split open" tree-folding symlinks + (*note Installing packages::.) that point into a stow directory + which is not the one in use by the current Stow command. Before + failing, it should search the target of the link to see whether + any element of the path contains a `.stow' file. If it finds one, + it can "learn" about the cooperating stow directory to + short-circuit the `.stow' search the next time it encounters a + tree-folding symlink. + + +File:, Node: GNU General Public License, Next: Index, Prev: Known bugs, Up: Top + +GNU General Public License +************************** + + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +Preamble +======== + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in +new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, +and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a + notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed + under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", + below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on + the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under + copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a + portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or + translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is + included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each + licensee is addressed as "you". + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are + not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act + of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the + Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on + the Program (independent of having been made by running the + Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's + source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you + conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate + copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the + notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any + warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of + this License along with the Program. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, + and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange + for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion + of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and + distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 + above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a. You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b. You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that + in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program + or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge + to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + c. If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display + an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and + a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you + provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the + program under these conditions, and telling the user how to + view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program + itself is interactive but does not normally print such an + announcement, your work based on the Program is not required + to print an announcement.) + + These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If + identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the + Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate + works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not + apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate + works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a + whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of + the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions + for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each + and every part regardless of who wrote it. + + Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or + contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the + intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of + derivative or collective works based on the Program. + + In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the + Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on + a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the + other work under the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, + under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms + of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the + following: + + a. Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of + Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for + software interchange; or, + + b. Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a + medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c. Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with + such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + + The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for + making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete + source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, + plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts + used to control compilation and installation of the executable. + However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need + not include anything that is normally distributed (in either + source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, + kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable + runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. + + If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering + access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent + access to copy the source code from the same place counts as + distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not + compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program + except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt + otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is + void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this + License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, + from you under this License will not have their licenses + terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not + signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify + or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions + are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. + Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work + based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this + License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, + distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the + Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the + original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program + subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any + further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights + granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance + by third parties to this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent + infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent + issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, + agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this + License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this + License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously + your obligations under this License and any other pertinent + obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the + Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit + royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who + receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only + way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain + entirely from distribution of the Program. + + If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable + under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is + intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply + in other circumstances. + + It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any + patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of + any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting + the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is + implemented by public license practices. Many people have made + generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed + through that system in reliance on consistent application of that + system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is + willing to distribute software through any other system and a + licensee cannot impose that choice. + + This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed + to be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in + certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, + the original copyright holder who places the Program under this + License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation + excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only + in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this + License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of + this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new + versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such + new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but + may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the + Program specifies a version number of this License which applies + to it and "any later version", you have the option of following + the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later + version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program + does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose + any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free + programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the + author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted + by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software + Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision + will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of + all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing + and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO + WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE + LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT + HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT + WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT + NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE + QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE + PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY + SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN + WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY + MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE + LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, + INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR + INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF + DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU + OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY + OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN + ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs +============================================= + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these +terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + ONE LINE TO GIVE THE PROGRAM'S NAME AND AN IDEA OF WHAT IT DOES. + Copyright (C) 19YY NAME OF AUTHOR + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + + Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper +mail. + + If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like +this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19YY NAME OF AUTHOR + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details + type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome + to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' + for details. + + The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the +appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the +commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show +c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your +program. + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or +your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, +if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright + interest in the program `Gnomovision' + (which makes passes at compilers) written + by James Hacker. + + SIGNATURE OF TY COON, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + + This General Public License does not permit incorporating your +program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine +library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary +applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the +GNU Library General Public License instead of this License. + + +File:, Node: Index, Prev: GNU General Public License, Up: Top + +Index +***** + +* Menu: + +* absolute symlink: Terminology. +* conflict: Installing packages. +* deletion: Deleting packages. +* directory folding: Installing packages. +* false conflict: Conflicts. +* folding trees: Installing packages. +* installation: Installing packages. +* installation image: Terminology. +* ownership: Installing packages. +* package: Terminology. +* package directory: Terminology. +* package name: Terminology. +* relative symlink: Terminology. +* splitting open folded trees: Installing packages. +* stow directory: Terminology. +* symlink: Terminology. +* target directory: Terminology. +* tree folding: Installing packages. + + + +Tag Table: +Node: Top1103 +Node: Introduction2273 +Node: Terminology4480 +Node: Invoking Stow6830 +Node: Installing packages9026 +Node: Deleting packages13143 +Node: Caveats14294 +Node: Compile-time and install-time14661 +Node: GNU Emacs17963 +Node: Other FSF software19013 +Node: Cygnus software19769 +Node: Perl and Perl 5 modules21242 +Node: Multiple stow directories24792 +Node: Conflicts25941 +Node: Bootstrapping27099 +Node: Reporting bugs27856 +Node: Known bugs28737 +Node: GNU General Public License30169 +Node: Index49343 + +End Tag Table diff --git a/stow.texi b/stow.texi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71c4631 --- /dev/null +++ b/stow.texi @@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@ +\input texinfo @c -*- texinfo -*- +@c %**start of header +@setfilename +@settitle Stow +@finalout +@c @smallbook +@c @setchapternewpage odd +@c @footnotestyle separate +@c %**end of header + +@include version.texi + +@ifinfo +This file describes GNU Stow version @value{VERSION}, a program for +managing the installation of software packages. + +Software and documentation Copyright @copyright{} 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 +by Bob Glickstein . + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this +manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are +preserved on all copies. + +@ignore +Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the +results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission +notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph +(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). +@end ignore + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' is included with the +modified manual, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is +distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this +one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation +approved by the Free Software Foundation. +@end ifinfo + +@titlepage +@title Stow @value{VERSION} +@subtitle Managing the installation of software packages +@author Bob Glickstein, Zanshin Software, Inc. +@page +@vskip 0pt plus 1filll +This manual describes GNU Stow version @value{VERSION}, a program for +managing the installation of software packages. + +Software and documentation Copyright @copyright{} 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 +by Bob Glickstein . + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this +manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are +preserved on all copies. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' is included with the +modified manual, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is +distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this +one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation +approved by the Free Software Foundation. +@end titlepage + +@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir) + +@ifinfo +This manual describes GNU Stow @value{VERSION}, a program for managing +the installation of software packages. +@end ifinfo + +@menu +* Introduction:: Description of Stow. +* Terminology:: Terms used by this manual. +* Invoking Stow:: Option summary. +* Installing packages:: Using Stow to install. +* Deleting packages:: Using Stow to uninstall. +* Caveats:: Pitfalls and difficulties to beware. +* Bootstrapping:: When stow and perl are not yet stowed. +* Reporting bugs:: How, what, where, and when to report. +* Known bugs:: Don't report any of these. +* GNU General Public License:: Copying terms. +* Index:: Index of concepts. + + --- The Detailed Node Listing --- + +Caveats + +* Compile-time and install-time:: Faking out `make install'. +* Multiple stow directories:: Further segregating software. +* Conflicts:: When Stow can't stow. + +Compile-time and install-time + +* GNU Emacs:: +* Other FSF software:: +* Cygnus software:: +* Perl and Perl 5 modules:: +@end menu + +@node Introduction, Terminology, Top, Top +@chapter Introduction + +Stow is a tool for managing the installation of multiple software +packages in the same run-time directory tree. One historical difficulty +of this task has been the need to administer, upgrade, install, and +remove files in independent packages without confusing them with other +files sharing the same filesystem space. For instance, it is common to +install Perl and Emacs in @file{/usr/local}. When one does so, one +winds up with the following files@footnote{As of Perl 4.036 and Emacs +19.22.} in @file{/usr/local/man/man1}: @file{a2p.1}; @file{ctags.1}; +@file{emacs.1}; @file{etags.1}; @file{h2ph.1}; @file{perl.1}; and +@file{s2p.1}. Now suppose it's time to uninstall Perl. Which man pages +get removed? Obviously @file{perl.1} is one of them, but it should not +be the administrator's responsibility to memorize the ownership of +individual files by separate packages. + +The approach used by Stow is to install each package into its own +tree, then use symbolic links to make it appear as though the files are +installed in the common tree. Administration can be performed in the +package's private tree in isolation from clutter from other packages. +Stow can then be used to update the symbolic links. The structure +of each private tree should reflect the desired structure in the common +tree; i.e. (in the typical case) there should be a @file{bin} directory +containing executables, a @file{man/man1} directory containing section 1 +man pages, and so on. + +Stow was inspired by Carnegie Mellon's Depot program, but is +substantially simpler and safer. Whereas Depot required database files +to keep things in sync, Stow stores no extra state between runs, so +there's no danger (as there was in Depot) of mangling directories when +file hierarchies don't match the database. Also unlike Depot, Stow will +never delete any files, directories, or links that appear in a Stow +directory (e.g., @file{/usr/local/stow/emacs}), so it's always possible +to rebuild the target tree (e.g., @file{/usr/local}). + +For information about the latest version of Stow, you can refer to + + +@node Terminology, Invoking Stow, Introduction, Top +@chapter Terminology + +@cindex package +A @dfn{package} is a related collection of files and directories that +you wish to administer as a unit---e.g., Perl or Emacs---and that needs +to be installed in a particular directory structure---e.g., with +@file{bin}, @file{lib}, and @file{man} subdirectories. + +@cindex target directory +A @dfn{target directory} is the root of a tree in which one or more +packages wish to @emph{appear} to be installed. A common, but by no +means the only such location is @file{/usr/local}. The examples in this +manual will use @file{/usr/local} as the target directory. + +@cindex stow directory +A @dfn{stow directory} is the root of a tree containing separate +packages in private subtrees. When Stow runs, it uses the current +directory as the default stow directory. The examples in this manual +will use @file{/usr/local/stow} as the stow directory, so that +individual packages will be, for example, @file{/usr/local/stow/perl} +and @file{/usr/local/stow/emacs}. + +@cindex installation image +An @dfn{installation image} is the layout of files and directories +required by a package, relative to the target directory. Thus, the +installation image for Perl includes: a @file{bin} directory containing +@file{perl} and @file{a2p} (among others); an @file{info} directory +containing Texinfo documentation; a @file{lib/perl} directory containing +Perl libraries; and a @file{man/man1} directory containing man pages. + +@cindex package directory +@cindex package name +A @dfn{package directory} is the root of a tree containing the +installation image for a particular package. Each package directory +must reside in a stow directory---e.g., the package directory +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl} must reside in the stow directory +@file{/usr/local/stow}. The @dfn{name} of a package is the name of its +directory within the stow directory---e.g., @file{perl}. + +Thus, the Perl executable might reside in +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl/bin/perl}, where @file{/usr/local} is the +target directory, @file{/usr/local/stow} is the stow directory, +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl} is the package directory, and +@file{bin/perl} within is part of the installation image. + +@cindex symlink +@cindex relative symlink +@cindex absolute symlink +A @dfn{symlink} is a symbolic link. A symlink can be @dfn{relative} or +@dfn{absolute}. An absolute symlink names a full path; that is, one +starting from @file{/}. A relative symlink names a relative path; that +is, one not starting from @file{/}. The target of a relative symlink is +computed starting from the symlink's own directory. Stow only +creates relative symlinks. + +@node Invoking Stow, Installing packages, Terminology, Top +@chapter Invoking Stow + +The syntax of the @code{stow} command is: + +@example +stow @var{[options]} @var{package @dots{}} +@end example + +The stow directory is assumed to be the current directory, and the +target directory is assumed to be the parent of the current directory +(so it is typical to execute @code{stow} from the directory +@file{/usr/local/stow}). Each @var{package} is the name of a package in +the stow directory (e.g., @samp{perl}). By default, they are installed +into the target directory (but they can be deleted instead using +@samp{-D}). + +The options are: + +@table @samp +@item -n +@itemx --no +Do not perform any operations that modify the filesystem; merely show +what would happen. Since no actual operations are performed, +@samp{stow -n} could report conflicts when none would actually take +place (@pxref{Conflicts}); but it won't fail to report conflicts that +@emph{would} take place. + +@item -c +@itemx --conflicts +Do not exit immediately when a conflict is encountered. This option +implies @samp{-n}, and is used to search for all conflicts that might +arise from an actual Stow operation. As with @samp{-n}, however, +false conflicts might be reported (@pxref{Conflicts}). + +@item -d @var{dir} +@itemx --dir=@var{dir} +Set the stow directory to @var{dir} instead of the current directory. +This also has the effect of making the default target directory be the +parent of @var{dir}. + +@item -t @var{dir} +@itemx --target=@var{dir} +Set the target directory to @var{dir} instead of the parent of the stow +directory. + +@item -v +@itemx --verbose[=@var{n}] +Send verbose output to standard error describing what Stow is +doing. Verbosity levels are 0, 1, 2, and 3; 0 is the default. Using +@samp{-v} or @samp{--verbose} increases the verbosity by one; using +@samp{--verbose=@var{n}} sets it to @var{n}. + +@item -D +@itemx --delete +Delete packages from the target directory rather than installing them. + +@item -R +@itemx --restow +Restow packages (first unstow, then stow again). This is useful for +pruning obsolete symlinks from the target tree after updating the +software in a package. + +@item -V +@itemx --version +Show Stow version number, and exit. + +@item -h +@itemx --help +Show Stow command syntax, and exit. +@end table + +@node Installing packages, Deleting packages, Invoking Stow, Top +@chapter Installing packages + +@cindex installation +The default action of Stow is to install a package. This means creating +symlinks in the target tree that point into the package tree. Stow +attempts to do this with as few symlinks as possible; in other words, if +Stow can create a single symlink that points to an entire subtree within +the package tree, it will choose to do that rather than create a +directory in the target tree and populate it with symlinks. + +@cindex tree folding +@cindex directory folding +@cindex folding trees +For example, suppose that no packages have yet been installed in +@file{/usr/local}; it's completely empty (except for the @file{stow} +subdirectory, of course). Now suppose the Perl package is installed. +Recall that it includes the following directories in its installation +image: @file{bin}; @file{info}; @file{lib/perl}; @file{man/man1}. +Rather than creating the directory @file{/usr/local/bin} and populating +it with symlinks to @file{../stow/perl/bin/perl} and +@file{../stow/perl/bin/a2p} (and so on), Stow will create a +single symlink, @file{/usr/local/bin}, which points to +@file{stow/perl/bin}. In this way, it still works to refer to +@file{/usr/local/bin/perl} and @file{/usr/local/bin/a2p}, and fewer +symlinks have been created. This is called @dfn{tree folding}, since an +entire subtree is ``folded'' into a single symlink. + +To complete this example, Stow will also create the symlink +@file{/usr/local/info} pointing to @file{stow/perl/info}; the symlink +@file{/usr/local/lib} pointing to @file{stow/perl/lib}; and the symlink +@file{/usr/local/man} pointing to @file{stow/perl/man}. + +Now suppose that instead of installing the Perl package into an empty +target tree, the target tree is not empty to begin with. Instead, it +contains several files and directories installed under a different +system-administration philosophy. In particular, @file{/usr/local/bin} +already exists and is a directory, as are @file{/usr/local/lib} and +@file{/usr/local/man/man1}. In this case, Stow will descend into +@file{/usr/local/bin} and create symlinks to +@file{../stow/perl/bin/perl} and @file{../stow/perl/bin/a2p} (etc.), +and it will descend into @file{/usr/local/lib} and create the +tree-folding symlink @file{perl} pointing to +@file{../stow/perl/lib/perl}, and so on. As a rule, Stow only +descends as far as necessary into the target tree when it can create a +tree-folding symlink. + +@cindex splitting open folded trees +The time often comes when a tree-folding symlink has to be undone +because another package uses one or more of the folded subdirectories in +its installation image. This operation is called @dfn{splitting open} a +folded tree. It involves removing the original symlink from the target +tree, creating a true directory in its place, and then populating the +new directory with symlinks to the newly-installed package @emph{and} to +the old package that used the old symlink. For example, suppose that +after installing Perl into an empty @file{/usr/local}, we wish to +install Emacs. Emacs's installation image includes a @file{bin} +directory containing the @file{emacs} and @file{etags} executables, +among others. Stow must make these files appear to be installed +in @file{/usr/local/bin}, but presently @file{/usr/local/bin} is a +symlink to @file{stow/perl/bin}. Stow therefore takes the +following steps: the symlink @file{/usr/local/bin} is deleted; the +directory @file{/usr/local/bin} is created; links are made from +@file{/usr/local/bin} to @file{../stow/emacs/bin/emacs} and +@file{../stow/emacs/bin/etags}; and links are made from +@file{/usr/local/bin} to @file{../stow/perl/bin/perl} and +@file{../stow/perl/bin/a2p}. + +@cindex ownership +When splitting open a folded tree, Stow makes sure that the +symlink it is about to remove points inside a valid package in the +current stow directory. @emph{Stow will never delete anything +that it doesn't own}. Stow @dfn{owns} everything living in the +target tree that points into a package in the stow directory. Anything +Stow owns, it can recompute if lost. Note that by this +definition, Stow doesn't ``own'' anything @emph{in} the stow +directory or in any of the packages. + +@cindex conflict +If Stow needs to create a directory or a symlink in the target +tree and it cannot because that name is already in use and is not owned +by Stow, then a conflict has arisen. @xref{Conflicts}. + +@node Deleting packages, Caveats, Installing packages, Top +@chapter Deleting packages + +@cindex deletion +When the @samp{-D} option is given, the action of Stow is to +delete a package from the target tree. Note that Stow will not +delete anything it doesn't ``own''. Deleting a package does @emph{not} +mean removing it from the stow directory or discarding the package +tree. + +To delete a package, Stow recursively scans the target tree, +skipping over the stow directory (since that is usually a subdirectory +of the target tree) and any other stow directories it encounters +(@pxref{Multiple stow directories}). Any symlink it finds that points +into the package being deleted is removed. Any directory that +contained only symlinks to the package being deleted is removed. Any +directory that, after removing symlinks and empty subdirectories, +contains only symlinks to a single other package, is considered to be a +previously ``folded'' tree that was ``split open.'' Stow will +re-fold the tree by removing the symlinks to the surviving package, +removing the directory, then linking the directory back to the surviving +package. + +@node Caveats, Bootstrapping, Deleting packages, Top +@chapter Caveats + +This chapter describes the common problems that arise with Stow. + +@menu +* Compile-time and install-time:: Faking out `make install'. +* Multiple stow directories:: Further segregating software. +* Conflicts:: When Stow can't stow. +@end menu + +@node Compile-time and install-time, Multiple stow directories, Caveats, Caveats +@section Compile-time and install-time + +Software whose installation is managed with Stow needs to be installed +in one place (the package directory, e.g. @file{/usr/local/stow/perl}) +but needs to appear to run in another place (the target tree, e.g., +@file{/usr/local}). Why is this important? What's wrong with Perl, for +instance, looking for its files in @file{/usr/local/stow/perl} instead +of in @file{/usr/local}? + +The answer is that there may be another package, e.g., +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl-extras}, stowed under @file{/usr/local}. If +Perl is configured to find its files in @file{/usr/local/stow/perl}, it +will never find the extra files in the @samp{perl-extras} package, even +though they're intended to be found by Perl. On the other hand, if Perl +looks for its files in @file{/usr/local}, then it will find the +intermingled Perl and @samp{perl-extras} files. + +This means that when you compile a package, you must tell it the +location of the run-time, or target tree; but when you install it, you +must place it in the stow tree. + +Some software packages allow you to specify, at compile-time, separate +locations for installation and for run-time. Perl is one such package; +see @ref{Perl and Perl 5 modules}. Others allow you to compile the +package, then give a different destination in the @samp{make install} +step without causing the binaries or other files to get rebuilt. Most +GNU software falls into this category; Emacs is a notable exception. +See @ref{GNU Emacs}, and @ref{Other FSF software}. + +Still other software packages cannot abide the idea of separate +installation and run-time locations at all. If you try to @samp{make +install prefix=/usr/local/stow/@var{foo}}, then first the whole package +will be recompiled to hardwire the @file{/usr/local/stow/@var{foo}} +path. With these packages, it is best to compile normally, then run +@samp{make -n install}, which should report all the steps needed to +install the just-built software. Place this output into a file, edit +the commands in the file to remove recompilation steps and to reflect +the Stow-based installation location, and execute the edited file as a +shell script in place of @samp{make install}. Be sure to execute the +script using the same shell that @samp{make install} would have used. + +(If you use GNU Make and a shell [such as GNU bash] that understands +@code{pushd} and @code{popd}, you can do the following: + +@enumerate +@item +Replace all lines matching @samp{make[@var{n}]: Entering directory +`@var{dir}'} with @code{pushd @var{dir}}. +@item +Replace all lines matching @samp{make[@var{n}]: Leaving directory +`@var{dir}'} with @code{popd}. +@item +Delete all lines matching @samp{make[@var{n}]: Nothing to be done for +@var{rule}}. +@end enumerate + +Then find other lines in the output containing @code{cd} or @code{make} +commands and rewrite or delete them. In particular, you should be able +to delete sections of the script that resemble this: + +@example +for i in @var{dir_1} @var{dir_2} @r{@dots{}}; do \ + (cd $i; make @var{args} @r{@dots{}}) \ +done +@end example + +@noindent +Note, that's ``should be able to,'' not ``can.'' Be sure to modulate +these guidelines with plenty of your own intelligence.) + +The details of stowing some specific packages are described in the +following sections. + +@menu +* GNU Emacs:: +* Other FSF software:: +* Cygnus software:: +* Perl and Perl 5 modules:: +@end menu + +@node GNU Emacs, Other FSF software, Compile-time and install-time, Compile-time and install-time +@subsection GNU Emacs + +Although the Free Software Foundation has many enlightened practices +regarding Makefiles and software installation (see @pxref{Other FSF +software}), Emacs, its flagship program, doesn't quite follow the +rules. In particular, most GNU software allows you to write: + +@example +make +make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/@var{package} +@end example + +@noindent +If you try this with Emacs, then the new value for @code{prefix} in the +@samp{make install} step will cause some files to get recompiled with +the new value of @code{prefix} wired into them. In Emacs 19.23 and +later,@footnote{As I write this, the current version of Emacs is 19.31.} +the way to work around this problem is: + +@example +make +make install-arch-dep install-arch-indep prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs +@end example + +In 19.22 and some prior versions of Emacs, the workaround was: + +@example +make +make do-install prefix=/usr/local/stow/emacs +@end example + +@node Other FSF software, Cygnus software, GNU Emacs, Compile-time and install-time +@subsection Other FSF software + +The Free Software Foundation, the organization behind the GNU project, +has been unifying the build procedure for its tools for some time. +Thanks to its tools @samp{autoconf} and @samp{automake}, most packages +now respond well to these simple steps, with no other intervention +necessary: + +@example +./configure @var{options} +make +make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/@var{package} +@end example + +Hopefully, these tools can evolve to be aware of Stow-managed packages, +such that providing an option to @samp{configure} can allow @samp{make} +and @samp{make install} steps to work correctly without needing to +``fool'' the build process. + +@node Cygnus software, Perl and Perl 5 modules, Other FSF software, Compile-time and install-time +@subsection Cygnus software + +Cygnus is a commercial supplier and supporter of GNU software. It has +also written several of its own packages, released under the terms of +the GNU General Public License; and it has taken over the maintenance of +other packages. Among the packages released by Cygnus are @samp{gdb}, +@samp{gnats}, and @samp{dejagnu}. + +Cygnus packages have the peculiarity that each one unpacks into a +directory tree with a generic top-level Makefile, which is set up to +compile @emph{all} of Cygnus' packages, any number of which may reside +under the top-level directory. In other words, even if you're only +building @samp{gnats}, the top-level Makefile will look for, and try to +build, @file{gdb} and @file{dejagnu} subdirectories, among many others. + +The result is that if you try @samp{make -n install +prefix=/usr/local/stow/@var{package}} at the top level of a Cygnus +package, you'll get a bewildering amount of output. It will then be +very difficult to visually scan the output to see whether the install +will proceed correctly. Unfortunately, it's not always clear how to +invoke an install from the subdirectory of interest. + +In cases like this, the best approach is to run your @samp{make install +prefix=@r{@dots{}}}, but be ready to interrupt it if you detect that it +is recompiling files. Usually it will work just fine; otherwise, +install manually. + +@node Perl and Perl 5 modules, , Cygnus software, Compile-time and install-time +@subsection Perl and Perl 5 modules + +Perl 4.036 allows you to specify different locations for installation +and for run-time. It is the only widely-used package in this author's +experience that allows this, though hopefully more packages will adopt +this model. + +Unfortunately, the authors of Perl believed that only AFS sites need +this ability. The configuration instructions for Perl 4 misleadingly +state that some occult means are used under AFS to transport files from +their installation tree to their run-time tree. In fact, that confusion +arises from the fact that Depot, Stow's predecessor, originated at +Carnegie Mellon University, which was also the birthplace of AFS. CMU's +need to separate install-time and run-time trees stemmed from its use of +Depot, not from AFS. + +The result of this confusion is that Perl 5's configuration script +doesn't even offer the option of separating install-time and run-time +trees @emph{unless} you're running AFS. Fortunately, after you've +entered all the configuration settings, Perl's setup script gives you +the opportunity to edit those settings in a file called +@file{}. When prompted, you should edit this file and replace +occurrences of + +@example +inst@r{@dots{}}/usr/local@r{@dots{}} +@end example + +@noindent +with + +@example +inst@r{@dots{}}/usr/local/stow/perl@r{@dots{}} +@end example + +@noindent +You can do this with the following Unix command: + +@example +sed 's,^\(inst.*/usr/local\),\1/stow/perl,' > +mv +@end example + +Hopefully, the Perl authors will correct this deficiency in Perl 5's +configuration mechanism. + +Perl 5 modules---i.e., extensions to Perl 5---generally conform to a set +of standards for building and installing them. The standard says that +the package comes with a top-level @file{Makefile.PL}, which is a Perl +script. When it runs, it generates a @file{Makefile}. + +If you followed the instructions above for editing @file{} when +Perl was built, then when you create a @file{Makefile} from a +@file{Makefile.PL}, it will contain separate locations for run-time +(@file{/usr/local}) and install-time (@file{/usr/local/stow/perl}). +Thus you can do + +@example +perl Makefile.PL +make +make install +@end example + +@noindent +and the files will be installed into @file{/usr/local/stow/perl}. +However, you might prefer each Perl module to be stowed separately. In +that case, you must edit the resulting Makefile, replacing +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl} with @file{/usr/local/stow/@var{module}}. +The best way to do this is: + +@example +perl Makefile.PL +find . -name Makefile -print | \ + xargs perl -pi~ -e 's,^(INST.*/stow)/perl,$1/@var{module},;' +make +make install +@end example + +@noindent +(The use of @samp{find} and @samp{xargs} ensures that all Makefiles in +the module's source tree, even those in subdirectories, get edited.) A +good convention to follow is to name the stow directory for a Perl +@var{module} @file{cpan.@var{module}}, where @samp{cpan} stands for +Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, a collection of FTP sites that is +the source of most Perl 5 extensions. This way, it's easy to tell at a +glance which of the subdirectories of @file{/usr/local/stow} are Perl 5 +extensions. + +When you stow separate Perl 5 modules separately, you are likely to +encounter conflicts (@pxref{Conflicts}) with files named @file{.exists} +and @file{perllocal.pod}. One way to work around this is to remove +those files before stowing the module. If you use the +@file{cpan.@var{module}} naming convention, you can simply do this: + +@example +cd /usr/local/stow +find cpan.* \( -name .exists -o -name perllocal.pod \) -print | \ + xargs rm +@end example + +@node Multiple stow directories, Conflicts, Compile-time and install-time, Caveats +@section Multiple stow directories + +If there are two or more system administrators who wish to maintain +software separately, or if there is any other reason to want two or more +stow directories, it can be done by creating a file named @file{.stow} +in each stow directory. The presence of @file{/usr/local/foo/.stow} +informs Stow that, though @file{foo} is not the current stow +directory, and though it is a subdirectory of the target directory, +nevertheless it is @emph{a} stow directory and as such Stow +doesn't ``own'' anything in it (@pxref{Installing packages}). This will +protect the contents of @file{foo} from a @samp{stow -D}, for instance. + +When multiple stow directories share a target tree, the effectiveness +of Stow is reduced. If a tree-folding symlink is encountered and +needs to be split open during an installation, but the symlink points +into the wrong stow directory, Stow will report a conflict rather +than split open the tree (because it doesn't consider itself to own the +symlink, and thus cannot remove it). + +@node Conflicts, , Multiple stow directories, Caveats +@section Conflicts + +If, during installation, a file or symlink exists in the target tree and +has the same name as something Stow needs to create, and if the +existing name is not a folded tree that can be split open, then a +@dfn{conflict} has arisen. A conflict also occurs if a directory exists +where Stow needs to place a symlink to a non-directory. On the +other hand, if the existing name is merely a symlink that already points +where Stow needs it to, then no conflict has occurred. (Thus it +is harmless to install a package that has already been installed.) + +A conflict causes Stow to exit immediately and print a warning +(unless @samp{-c} is given), even if that means aborting an installation +in mid-package. + +@cindex false conflict +When running Stow with the @samp{-n} or @samp{-c} options, no actual +filesystem-modifying operations take place. Thus if a folded tree would +have been split open, but instead was left in place because @samp{-n} or +@samp{-c} was used, then Stow will report a @dfn{false conflict}, since +the directory that Stow was expecting to populate has remained an +unpopulatable symlink. + +@node Bootstrapping, Reporting bugs, Caveats, Top +@chapter Bootstrapping + +Suppose you have a stow directory all set up and ready to go: +@file{/usr/local/stow/perl} contains the Perl installation, +@file{/usr/local/stow/stow} contains Stow itself, and perhaps you have +other packages waiting to be stowed. You'd like to be able to do this: + +@example +cd /usr/local/stow +stow -vv * +@end example + +@noindent +but @code{stow} is not yet in your @code{PATH}. Nor can you do this: + +@example +cd /usr/local/stow +stow/bin/stow -vv * +@end example + +@noindent +because the @samp{#!} line at the beginning of @code{stow} tries to +locate Perl (usually in @file{/usr/local/bin/perl}), and that won't be +found. The solution you must use is: + +@example +cd /usr/local/stow +perl/bin/perl stow/bin/stow -vv * +@end example + +@node Reporting bugs, Known bugs, Bootstrapping, Top +@chapter Reporting bugs + +Please send bug reports to the author, Bob Glickstein, by electronic +mail. The address to use is @samp{}. Please +include: + +@itemize @bullet +@item +the version number of Stow (@samp{stow --version}); + +@item +the version number of Perl (@samp{perl -v}); + +@item +the system information, which can often be obtained with @samp{uname +-a}; + +@item +a description of the bug; + +@item +the precise command you gave; + +@item +the output from the command (preferably verbose output, obtained by +adding @samp{--verbose=3} to the Stow command line). +@end itemize + +Before reporting a bug, please read the manual carefully, especially +@ref{Known bugs}, and @ref{Caveats}, to see whether you're encountering +something that doesn't need reporting, such as a ``false conflict'' +(@pxref{Conflicts}). + +@node Known bugs, GNU General Public License, Reporting bugs, Top +@chapter Known bugs + +@itemize @bullet +@item +The empty-directory problem. If package @var{foo} includes an empty +directory---say, @var{foo}/@var{bar}---then: + +@enumerate +@item +if no other package has a @var{bar} subdirectory, everything's fine. + +@item +if another stowed package, @var{quux}, has a @var{bar} subdirectory, +then when stowing, @var{targetdir}/@var{bar} will be ``split open'' and +the contents of @var{quux}/@var{bar} will be individually stowed. So +far, so good. But when unstowing @var{quux}, @var{targetdir}/@var{bar} +will be removed, even though @var{foo}/@var{bar} needs it to remain. A +workaround for this problem is to create a file in @var{foo}/@var{bar} +as a placeholder. If you name that file @file{.placeholder}, it will be +easy to find and remove such files when this bug is fixed. +@end enumerate + +@item +When using multiple stow directories (@pxref{Multiple stow +directories}), Stow fails to ``split open'' tree-folding symlinks +(@pxref{Installing packages}) that point into a stow directory which is +not the one in use by the current Stow command. Before failing, it +should search the target of the link to see whether any element of the +path contains a @file{.stow} file. If it finds one, it can ``learn'' +about the cooperating stow directory to short-circuit the @file{.stow} +search the next time it encounters a tree-folding symlink. +@end itemize + +@node GNU General Public License, Index, Known bugs, Top +@unnumbered GNU General Public License + +@center Version 2, June 1991 + +@display +Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. +@end display + +@unnumberedsec Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software---to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + +@iftex +@unnumberedsec TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +@end ifinfo + +@enumerate 0 +@item +This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The ``Program'', below, +refers to any such program or work, and a ``work based on the Program'' +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term ``modification''.) Each licensee is addressed as ``you''. + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + +@item +You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + +@item +You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + +@enumerate a +@item +You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices +stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + +@item +You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in +whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any +part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third +parties under the terms of this License. + +@item +If the modified program normally reads commands interactively +when run, you must cause it, when started running for such +interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an +announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a +notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide +a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under +these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this +License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but +does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on +the Program is not required to print an announcement.) +@end enumerate + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + +@item +You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + +@enumerate a +@item +Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable +source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections +1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + +@item +Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three +years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your +cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete +machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be +distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium +customarily used for software interchange; or, + +@item +Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer +to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is +allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you +received the program in object code or executable form with such +an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) +@end enumerate + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + +@item +You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + +@item +You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + +@item +Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + +@item +If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + +@item +If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + +@item +The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and ``any +later version'', you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + +@item +If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + +@iftex +@heading NO WARRANTY +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center NO WARRANTY +@end ifinfo + +@item +BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW@. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM ``AS IS'' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE@. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU@. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + +@item +IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. +@end enumerate + +@iftex +@heading END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS +@end iftex +@ifinfo +@center END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS +@end ifinfo + +@page +@unnumberedsec How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the ``copyright'' line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + +@smallexample +@var{one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.} +Copyright (C) 19@var{yy} @var{name of author} + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE@. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. +@end smallexample + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + +@smallexample +Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19@var{yy} @var{name of author} +Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details +type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome +to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' +for details. +@end smallexample + +The hypothetical commands @samp{show w} and @samp{show c} should show +the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the +commands you use may be called something other than @samp{show w} and +@samp{show c}; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items---whatever +suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a ``copyright disclaimer'' for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + +@smallexample +@group +Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright +interest in the program `Gnomovision' +(which makes passes at compilers) written +by James Hacker. + +@var{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989 +Ty Coon, President of Vice +@end group +@end smallexample + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications +with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library +General Public License instead of this License. + +@node Index, , GNU General Public License, Top +@unnumbered Index + +@printindex cp + +@contents +@bye diff --git a/texinfo.tex b/texinfo.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5957ca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/texinfo.tex @@ -0,0 +1,4506 @@ +%% TeX macros to handle texinfo files + +% Copyright (C) 1985, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, +% 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +%This texinfo.tex file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +%modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +%published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at +%your option) any later version. + +%This texinfo.tex file is distributed in the hope that it will be +%useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty +%of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +%General Public License for more details. + +%You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +%along with this texinfo.tex file; see the file COPYING. If not, write +%to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, +%Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + + +%In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program. +%You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve +%what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding! + + +% Send bug reports to +% Please include a *precise* test case in each bug report. + + +% Make it possible to create a .fmt file just by loading this file: +% if the underlying format is not loaded, start by loading it now. +% Added by gildea November 1993. +\expandafter\ifx\csname fmtname\endcsname\relax\input plain\fi + +% This automatically updates the version number based on RCS. +\def\deftexinfoversion$#1: #2 ${\def\texinfoversion{#2}} +\deftexinfoversion$Revision: 1.1 $ +\message{Loading texinfo package [Version \texinfoversion]:} + +% If in a .fmt file, print the version number +% and turn on active characters that we couldn't do earlier because +% they might have appeared in the input file name. +\everyjob{\message{[Texinfo version \texinfoversion]}\message{} + \catcode`+=\active \catcode`\_=\active} + +% Save some parts of plain tex whose names we will redefine. + +\let\ptextilde=\~ +\let\ptexlbrace=\{ +\let\ptexrbrace=\} +\let\ptexdots=\dots +\let\ptexdot=\. +\let\ptexstar=\* +\let\ptexend=\end +\let\ptexbullet=\bullet +\let\ptexb=\b +\let\ptexc=\c +\let\ptexi=\i +\let\ptext=\t +\let\ptexl=\l +\let\ptexL=\L + +% Be sure we're in horizontal mode when doing a tie, since we make space +% equivalent to this in @example-like environments. Otherwise, a space +% at the beginning of a line will start with \penalty -- and +% since \penalty is valid in vertical mode, we'd end up putting the +% penalty on the vertical list instead of in the new paragraph. +{\catcode`@ = 11 + % Avoid using \@M directly, because that causes trouble + % if the definition is written into an index file. + \global\let\tiepenalty = \@M + \gdef\tie{\leavevmode\penalty\tiepenalty\ } +} +\let\~ = \tie % And make it available as @~. + +\message{Basics,} +\chardef\other=12 + +% If this character appears in an error message or help string, it +% starts a new line in the output. +\newlinechar = `^^J + +% Set up fixed words for English. +\ifx\putwordChapter\undefined{\gdef\putwordChapter{Chapter}}\fi% +\def\putwordInfo{Info}% +\ifx\putwordSee\undefined{\gdef\putwordSee{See}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordsee\undefined{\gdef\putwordsee{see}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordfile\undefined{\gdef\putwordfile{file}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordpage\undefined{\gdef\putwordpage{page}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordsection\undefined{\gdef\putwordsection{section}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordSection\undefined{\gdef\putwordSection{Section}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordTableofContents\undefined{\gdef\putwordTableofContents{Table of Contents}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordShortContents\undefined{\gdef\putwordShortContents{Short Contents}}\fi% +\ifx\putwordAppendix\undefined{\gdef\putwordAppendix{Appendix}}\fi% + +% Ignore a token. +% +\def\gobble#1{} + +\hyphenation{ap-pen-dix} +\hyphenation{mini-buf-fer mini-buf-fers} +\hyphenation{eshell} + +% Margin to add to right of even pages, to left of odd pages. +\newdimen \bindingoffset \bindingoffset=0pt +\newdimen \normaloffset \normaloffset=\hoffset +\newdimen\pagewidth \newdimen\pageheight +\pagewidth=\hsize \pageheight=\vsize + +% Sometimes it is convenient to have everything in the transcript file +% and nothing on the terminal. We don't just call \tracingall here, +% since that produces some useless output on the terminal. +% +\def\gloggingall{\begingroup \globaldefs = 1 \loggingall \endgroup}% +\def\loggingall{\tracingcommands2 \tracingstats2 + \tracingpages1 \tracingoutput1 \tracinglostchars1 + \tracingmacros2 \tracingparagraphs1 \tracingrestores1 + \showboxbreadth\maxdimen\showboxdepth\maxdimen +}% + +%---------------------Begin change----------------------- +% +%%%% For @cropmarks command. +% Dimensions to add cropmarks at corners Added by P. A. MacKay, 12 Nov. 1986 +% +\newdimen\cornerlong \newdimen\cornerthick +\newdimen \topandbottommargin +\newdimen \outerhsize \newdimen \outervsize +\cornerlong=1pc\cornerthick=.3pt % These set size of cropmarks +\outerhsize=7in +%\outervsize=9.5in +% Alternative @smallbook page size is 9.25in +\outervsize=9.25in +\topandbottommargin=.75in +% +%---------------------End change----------------------- + +% \onepageout takes a vbox as an argument. Note that \pagecontents +% does insertions itself, but you have to call it yourself. +\chardef\PAGE=255 \output={\onepageout{\pagecontents\PAGE}} +\def\onepageout#1{\hoffset=\normaloffset +\ifodd\pageno \advance\hoffset by \bindingoffset +\else \advance\hoffset by -\bindingoffset\fi +{\escapechar=`\\\relax % makes sure backslash is used in output files. +\shipout\vbox{{\let\hsize=\pagewidth \makeheadline} \pagebody{#1}% +{\let\hsize=\pagewidth \makefootline}}}% +\advancepageno \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi} + +%%%% For @cropmarks command %%%% + +% Here is a modification of the main output routine for Near East Publications +% This provides right-angle cropmarks at all four corners. +% The contents of the page are centerlined into the cropmarks, +% and any desired binding offset is added as an \hskip on either +% site of the centerlined box. (P. A. MacKay, 12 November, 1986) +% +\def\croppageout#1{\hoffset=0pt % make sure this doesn't mess things up +{\escapechar=`\\\relax % makes sure backslash is used in output files. + \shipout + \vbox to \outervsize{\hsize=\outerhsize + \vbox{\line{\ewtop\hfill\ewtop}} + \nointerlineskip + \line{\vbox{\moveleft\cornerthick\nstop} + \hfill + \vbox{\moveright\cornerthick\nstop}} + \vskip \topandbottommargin + \centerline{\ifodd\pageno\hskip\bindingoffset\fi + \vbox{ + {\let\hsize=\pagewidth \makeheadline} + \pagebody{#1} + {\let\hsize=\pagewidth \makefootline}} + \ifodd\pageno\else\hskip\bindingoffset\fi} + \vskip \topandbottommargin plus1fill minus1fill + \boxmaxdepth\cornerthick + \line{\vbox{\moveleft\cornerthick\nsbot} + \hfill + \vbox{\moveright\cornerthick\nsbot}} + \nointerlineskip + \vbox{\line{\ewbot\hfill\ewbot}} + }} + \advancepageno + \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi} +% +% Do @cropmarks to get crop marks +\def\cropmarks{\let\onepageout=\croppageout } + +\newinsert\margin \dimen\margin=\maxdimen + +\def\pagebody#1{\vbox to\pageheight{\boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth #1}} +{\catcode`\@ =11 +\gdef\pagecontents#1{\ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi +% marginal hacks, juha@viisa.uucp (Juha Takala) +\ifvoid\margin\else % marginal info is present + \rlap{\kern\hsize\vbox to\z@{\kern1pt\box\margin \vss}}\fi +\dimen@=\dp#1 \unvbox#1 +\ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\footnoterule \unvbox\footins\fi +\ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi} +} + +% +% Here are the rules for the cropmarks. Note that they are +% offset so that the space between them is truly \outerhsize or \outervsize +% (P. A. MacKay, 12 November, 1986) +% +\def\ewtop{\vrule height\cornerthick depth0pt width\cornerlong} +\def\nstop{\vbox + {\hrule height\cornerthick depth\cornerlong width\cornerthick}} +\def\ewbot{\vrule height0pt depth\cornerthick width\cornerlong} +\def\nsbot{\vbox + {\hrule height\cornerlong depth\cornerthick width\cornerthick}} + +% Parse an argument, then pass it to #1. The argument is the rest of +% the input line (except we remove a trailing comment). #1 should be a +% macro which expects an ordinary undelimited TeX argument. +% +\def\parsearg#1{% + \let\next = #1% + \begingroup + \obeylines + \futurelet\temp\parseargx +} + +% If the next token is an obeyed space (from an @example environment or +% the like), remove it and recurse. Otherwise, we're done. +\def\parseargx{% + % \obeyedspace is defined far below, after the definition of \sepspaces. + \ifx\obeyedspace\temp + \expandafter\parseargdiscardspace + \else + \expandafter\parseargline + \fi +} + +% Remove a single space (as the delimiter token to the macro call). +{\obeyspaces % + \gdef\parseargdiscardspace {\futurelet\temp\parseargx}} + +{\obeylines % + \gdef\parseargline#1^^M{% + \endgroup % End of the group started in \parsearg. + % + % First remove any @c comment, then any @comment. + % Result of each macro is put in \toks0. + \argremovec #1\c\relax % + \expandafter\argremovecomment \the\toks0 \comment\relax % + % + % Call the caller's macro, saved as \next in \parsearg. + \expandafter\next\expandafter{\the\toks0}% + }% +} + +% Since all \c{,omment} does is throw away the argument, we can let TeX +% do that for us. The \relax here is matched by the \relax in the call +% in \parseargline; it could be more or less anything, its purpose is +% just to delimit the argument to the \c. +\def\argremovec#1\c#2\relax{\toks0 = {#1}} +\def\argremovecomment#1\comment#2\relax{\toks0 = {#1}} + +% \argremovec{,omment} might leave us with trailing spaces, though; e.g., +% @end itemize @c foo +% will have two active spaces as part of the argument with the +% `itemize'. Here we remove all active spaces from #1, and assign the +% result to \toks0. +% +% This loses if there are any *other* active characters besides spaces +% in the argument -- _ ^ +, for example -- since they get expanded. +% Fortunately, Texinfo does not define any such commands. (If it ever +% does, the catcode of the characters in questionwill have to be changed +% here.) But this means we cannot call \removeactivespaces as part of +% \argremovec{,omment}, since @c uses \parsearg, and thus the argument +% that \parsearg gets might well have any character at all in it. +% +\def\removeactivespaces#1{% + \begingroup + \ignoreactivespaces + \edef\temp{#1}% + \global\toks0 = \expandafter{\temp}% + \endgroup +} + +% Change the active space to expand to nothing. +% +\begingroup + \obeyspaces + \gdef\ignoreactivespaces{\obeyspaces\let =\empty} +\endgroup + + +\def\flushcr{\ifx\par\lisppar \def\next##1{}\else \let\next=\relax \fi \next} + +%% These are used to keep @begin/@end levels from running away +%% Call \inENV within environments (after a \begingroup) +\newif\ifENV \ENVfalse \def\inENV{\ifENV\relax\else\ENVtrue\fi} +\def\ENVcheck{% +\ifENV\errmessage{Still within an environment. Type Return to continue.} +\endgroup\fi} % This is not perfect, but it should reduce lossage + +% @begin foo is the same as @foo, for now. +\newhelp\EMsimple{Type to continue.} + +\outer\def\begin{\parsearg\beginxxx} + +\def\beginxxx #1{% +\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax +{\errhelp=\EMsimple \errmessage{Undefined command @begin #1}}\else +\csname #1\endcsname\fi} + +% @end foo executes the definition of \Efoo. +% +\def\end{\parsearg\endxxx} +\def\endxxx #1{% + \removeactivespaces{#1}% + \edef\endthing{\the\toks0}% + % + \expandafter\ifx\csname E\endthing\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifx\csname \endthing\endcsname\relax + % There's no \foo, i.e., no ``environment'' foo. + \errhelp = \EMsimple + \errmessage{Undefined command `@end \endthing'}% + \else + \unmatchedenderror\endthing + \fi + \else + % Everything's ok; the right environment has been started. + \csname E\endthing\endcsname + \fi +} + +% There is an environment #1, but it hasn't been started. Give an error. +% +\def\unmatchedenderror#1{% + \errhelp = \EMsimple + \errmessage{This `@end #1' doesn't have a matching `@#1'}% +} + +% Define the control sequence \E#1 to give an unmatched @end error. +% +\def\defineunmatchedend#1{% + \expandafter\def\csname E#1\endcsname{\unmatchedenderror{#1}}% +} + + +% Single-spacing is done by various environments (specifically, in +% \nonfillstart and \quotations). +\newskip\singlespaceskip \singlespaceskip = 12.5pt +\def\singlespace{% + % Why was this kern here? It messes up equalizing space above and below + % environments. --karl, 6may93 + %{\advance \baselineskip by -\singlespaceskip + %\kern \baselineskip}% + \setleading \singlespaceskip +} + +%% Simple single-character @ commands + +% @@ prints an @ +% Kludge this until the fonts are right (grr). +\def\@{{\tt \char '100}} + +% This is turned off because it was never documented +% and you can use @w{...} around a quote to suppress ligatures. +%% Define @` and @' to be the same as ` and ' +%% but suppressing ligatures. +%\def\`{{`}} +%\def\'{{'}} + +% Used to generate quoted braces. + +\def\mylbrace {{\tt \char '173}} +\def\myrbrace {{\tt \char '175}} +\let\{=\mylbrace +\let\}=\myrbrace + +% @: forces normal size whitespace following. +\def\:{\spacefactor=1000 } + +% @* forces a line break. +\def\*{\hfil\break\hbox{}\ignorespaces} + +% @. is an end-of-sentence period. +\def\.{.\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @enddots{} is an end-of-sentence ellipsis. +\gdef\enddots{$\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}$\spacefactor=3000} + +% @! is an end-of-sentence bang. +\gdef\!{!\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @? is an end-of-sentence query. +\gdef\?{?\spacefactor=3000 } + +% @w prevents a word break. Without the \leavevmode, @w at the +% beginning of a paragraph, when TeX is still in vertical mode, would +% produce a whole line of output instead of starting the paragraph. +\def\w#1{\leavevmode\hbox{#1}} + +% @group ... @end group forces ... to be all on one page, by enclosing +% it in a TeX vbox. We use \vtop instead of \vbox to construct the box +% to keep its height that of a normal line. According to the rules for +% \topskip (p.114 of the TeXbook), the glue inserted is +% max (\topskip - \ht (first item), 0). If that height is large, +% therefore, no glue is inserted, and the space between the headline and +% the text is small, which looks bad. +% +\def\group{\begingroup + \ifnum\catcode13=\active \else + \errhelp = \groupinvalidhelp + \errmessage{@group invalid in context where filling is enabled}% + \fi + % + % The \vtop we start below produces a box with normal height and large + % depth; thus, TeX puts \baselineskip glue before it, and (when the + % next line of text is done) \lineskip glue after it. (See p.82 of + % the TeXbook.) Thus, space below is not quite equal to space + % above. But it's pretty close. + \def\Egroup{% + \egroup % End the \vtop. + \endgroup % End the \group. + }% + % + \vtop\bgroup + % We have to put a strut on the last line in case the @group is in + % the midst of an example, rather than completely enclosing it. + % Otherwise, the interline space between the last line of the group + % and the first line afterwards is too small. But we can't put the + % strut in \Egroup, since there it would be on a line by itself. + % Hence this just inserts a strut at the beginning of each line. + \everypar = {\strut}% + % + % Since we have a strut on every line, we don't need any of TeX's + % normal interline spacing. + \offinterlineskip + % + % OK, but now we have to do something about blank + % lines in the input in @example-like environments, which normally + % just turn into \lisppar, which will insert no space now that we've + % turned off the interline space. Simplest is to make them be an + % empty paragraph. + \ifx\par\lisppar + \edef\par{\leavevmode \par}% + % + % Reset ^^M's definition to new definition of \par. + \obeylines + \fi + % + % Do @comment since we are called inside an environment such as + % @example, where each end-of-line in the input causes an + % end-of-line in the output. We don't want the end-of-line after + % the `@group' to put extra space in the output. Since @group + % should appear on a line by itself (according to the Texinfo + % manual), we don't worry about eating any user text. + \comment +} +% +% TeX puts in an \escapechar (i.e., `@') at the beginning of the help +% message, so this ends up printing `@group can only ...'. +% +\newhelp\groupinvalidhelp{% +group can only be used in environments such as @example,^^J% +where each line of input produces a line of output.} + +% @need space-in-mils +% forces a page break if there is not space-in-mils remaining. + +\newdimen\mil \mil=0.001in + +\def\need{\parsearg\needx} + +% Old definition--didn't work. +%\def\needx #1{\par % +%% This method tries to make TeX break the page naturally +%% if the depth of the box does not fit. +%{\baselineskip=0pt% +%\vtop to #1\mil{\vfil}\kern -#1\mil\penalty 10000 +%\prevdepth=-1000pt +%}} + +\def\needx#1{% + % Go into vertical mode, so we don't make a big box in the middle of a + % paragraph. + \par + % + % Don't add any leading before our big empty box, but allow a page + % break, since the best break might be right here. + \allowbreak + \nointerlineskip + \vtop to #1\mil{\vfil}% + % + % TeX does not even consider page breaks if a penalty added to the + % main vertical list is 10000 or more. But in order to see if the + % empty box we just added fits on the page, we must make it consider + % page breaks. On the other hand, we don't want to actually break the + % page after the empty box. So we use a penalty of 9999. + % + % There is an extremely small chance that TeX will actually break the + % page at this \penalty, if there are no other feasible breakpoints in + % sight. (If the user is using lots of big @group commands, which + % almost-but-not-quite fill up a page, TeX will have a hard time doing + % good page breaking, for example.) However, I could not construct an + % example where a page broke at this \penalty; if it happens in a real + % document, then we can reconsider our strategy. + \penalty9999 + % + % Back up by the size of the box, whether we did a page break or not. + \kern -#1\mil + % + % Do not allow a page break right after this kern. + \nobreak +} + +% @br forces paragraph break + +\let\br = \par + +% @dots{} output some dots + +\def\dots{$\ldots$} + +% @page forces the start of a new page + +\def\page{\par\vfill\supereject} + +% @exdent text.... +% outputs text on separate line in roman font, starting at standard page margin + +% This records the amount of indent in the innermost environment. +% That's how much \exdent should take out. +\newskip\exdentamount + +% This defn is used inside fill environments such as @defun. +\def\exdent{\parsearg\exdentyyy} +\def\exdentyyy #1{{\hfil\break\hbox{\kern -\exdentamount{\rm#1}}\hfil\break}} + +% This defn is used inside nofill environments such as @example. +\def\nofillexdent{\parsearg\nofillexdentyyy} +\def\nofillexdentyyy #1{{\advance \leftskip by -\exdentamount +\leftline{\hskip\leftskip{\rm#1}}}} + +% @inmargin{TEXT} puts TEXT in the margin next to the current paragraph. + +\def\inmargin#1{% +\strut\vadjust{\nobreak\kern-\strutdepth + \vtop to \strutdepth{\baselineskip\strutdepth\vss + \llap{\rightskip=\inmarginspacing \vbox{\noindent #1}}\null}}} +\newskip\inmarginspacing \inmarginspacing=1cm +\def\strutdepth{\dp\strutbox} + +%\hbox{{\rm#1}}\hfil\break}} + +% @include file insert text of that file as input. +% Allow normal characters that we make active in the argument (a file name). +\def\include{\begingroup + \catcode`\\=12 + \catcode`~=12 + \catcode`^=12 + \catcode`_=12 + \catcode`|=12 + \catcode`<=12 + \catcode`>=12 + \catcode`+=12 + \parsearg\includezzz} +% Restore active chars for included file. +\def\includezzz#1{\endgroup\begingroup + % Read the included file in a group so nested @include's work. + \def\thisfile{#1}% + \input\thisfile +\endgroup} + +\def\thisfile{} + +% @center line outputs that line, centered + +\def\center{\parsearg\centerzzz} +\def\centerzzz #1{{\advance\hsize by -\leftskip +\advance\hsize by -\rightskip +\centerline{#1}}} + +% @sp n outputs n lines of vertical space + +\def\sp{\parsearg\spxxx} +\def\spxxx #1{\par \vskip #1\baselineskip} + +% @comment ...line which is ignored... +% @c is the same as @comment +% @ignore ... @end ignore is another way to write a comment + +\def\comment{\catcode 64=\other \catcode 123=\other \catcode 125=\other% +\parsearg \commentxxx} + +\def\commentxxx #1{\catcode 64=0 \catcode 123=1 \catcode 125=2 } + +\let\c=\comment + +% Prevent errors for section commands. +% Used in @ignore and in failing conditionals. +\def\ignoresections{% +\let\chapter=\relax +\let\unnumbered=\relax +\let\top=\relax +\let\unnumberedsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsection=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsection=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsubsec=\relax +\let\unnumberedsubsubsection=\relax +\let\section=\relax +\let\subsec=\relax +\let\subsubsec=\relax +\let\subsection=\relax +\let\subsubsection=\relax +\let\appendix=\relax +\let\appendixsec=\relax +\let\appendixsection=\relax +\let\appendixsubsec=\relax +\let\appendixsubsection=\relax +\let\appendixsubsubsec=\relax +\let\appendixsubsubsection=\relax +\let\contents=\relax +\let\smallbook=\relax +\let\titlepage=\relax +} + +% Used in nested conditionals, where we have to parse the Texinfo source +% and so want to turn off most commands, in case they are used +% incorrectly. +% +\def\ignoremorecommands{% + \let\defcv = \relax + \let\deffn = \relax + \let\deffnx = \relax + \let\defindex = \relax + \let\defivar = \relax + \let\defmac = \relax + \let\defmethod = \relax + \let\defop = \relax + \let\defopt = \relax + \let\defspec = \relax + \let\deftp = \relax + \let\deftypefn = \relax + \let\deftypefun = \relax + \let\deftypevar = \relax + \let\deftypevr = \relax + \let\defun = \relax + \let\defvar = \relax + \let\defvr = \relax + \let\ref = \relax + \let\xref = \relax + \let\printindex = \relax + \let\pxref = \relax + \let\settitle = \relax + \let\setchapternewpage = \relax + \let\setchapterstyle = \relax + \let\everyheading = \relax + \let\evenheading = \relax + \let\oddheading = \relax + \let\everyfooting = \relax + \let\evenfooting = \relax + \let\oddfooting = \relax + \let\headings = \relax + \let\include = \relax + \let\lowersections = \relax + \let\down = \relax + \let\raisesections = \relax + \let\up = \relax + \let\set = \relax + \let\clear = \relax + \let\item = \relax + \let\message = \relax +} + +% Ignore @ignore ... @end ignore. +% +\def\ignore{\doignore{ignore}} + +% Also ignore @ifinfo, @ifhtml, @html, @menu, and @direntry text. +% +\def\ifinfo{\doignore{ifinfo}} +\def\ifhtml{\doignore{ifhtml}} +\def\html{\doignore{html}} +\def\menu{\doignore{menu}} +\def\direntry{\doignore{direntry}} + +% @dircategory CATEGORY -- specify a category of the dir file +% which this file should belong to. Ignore this in TeX. + +\def\dircategory{\comment} + +% Ignore text until a line `@end #1'. +% +\def\doignore#1{\begingroup + % Don't complain about control sequences we have declared \outer. + \ignoresections + % + % Define a command to swallow text until we reach `@end #1'. + \long\def\doignoretext##1\end #1{\enddoignore}% + % + % Make sure that spaces turn into tokens that match what \doignoretext wants. + \catcode32 = 10 + % + % And now expand that command. + \doignoretext +} + +% What we do to finish off ignored text. +% +\def\enddoignore{\endgroup\ignorespaces}% + +\newif\ifwarnedobs\warnedobsfalse +\def\obstexwarn{% + \ifwarnedobs\relax\else + % We need to warn folks that they may have trouble with TeX 3.0. + % This uses \immediate\write16 rather than \message to get newlines. + \immediate\write16{} + \immediate\write16{***WARNING*** for users of Unix TeX 3.0!} + \immediate\write16{This manual trips a bug in TeX version 3.0 (tex hangs).} + \immediate\write16{If you are running another version of TeX, relax.} + \immediate\write16{If you are running Unix TeX 3.0, kill this TeX process.} + \immediate\write16{ Then upgrade your TeX installation if you can.} + \immediate\write16{If you are stuck with version 3.0, run the} + \immediate\write16{ script ``tex3patch'' from the Texinfo distribution} + \immediate\write16{ to use a workaround.} + \immediate\write16{} + \global\warnedobstrue + \fi +} + +% **In TeX 3.0, setting text in \nullfont hangs tex. For a +% workaround (which requires the file ``dummy.tfm'' to be installed), +% uncomment the following line: +%%%%%\font\nullfont=dummy\let\obstexwarn=\relax + +% Ignore text, except that we keep track of conditional commands for +% purposes of nesting, up to an `@end #1' command. +% +\def\nestedignore#1{% + \obstexwarn + % We must actually expand the ignored text to look for the @end + % command, so that nested ignore constructs work. Thus, we put the + % text into a \vbox and then do nothing with the result. To minimize + % the change of memory overflow, we follow the approach outlined on + % page 401 of the TeXbook: make the current font be a dummy font. + % + \setbox0 = \vbox\bgroup + % Don't complain about control sequences we have declared \outer. + \ignoresections + % + % Define `@end #1' to end the box, which will in turn undefine the + % @end command again. + \expandafter\def\csname E#1\endcsname{\egroup\ignorespaces}% + % + % We are going to be parsing Texinfo commands. Most cause no + % trouble when they are used incorrectly, but some commands do + % complicated argument parsing or otherwise get confused, so we + % undefine them. + % + % We can't do anything about stray @-signs, unfortunately; + % they'll produce `undefined control sequence' errors. + \ignoremorecommands + % + % Set the current font to be \nullfont, a TeX primitive, and define + % all the font commands to also use \nullfont. We don't use + % dummy.tfm, as suggested in the TeXbook, because not all sites + % might have that installed. Therefore, math mode will still + % produce output, but that should be an extremely small amount of + % stuff compared to the main input. + % + \nullfont + \let\tenrm = \nullfont \let\tenit = \nullfont \let\tensl = \nullfont + \let\tenbf = \nullfont \let\tentt = \nullfont \let\smallcaps = \nullfont + \let\tensf = \nullfont + % Similarly for index fonts (mostly for their use in + % smallexample) + \let\indrm = \nullfont \let\indit = \nullfont \let\indsl = \nullfont + \let\indbf = \nullfont \let\indtt = \nullfont \let\indsc = \nullfont + \let\indsf = \nullfont + % + % Don't complain when characters are missing from the fonts. + \tracinglostchars = 0 + % + % Don't bother to do space factor calculations. + \frenchspacing + % + % Don't report underfull hboxes. + \hbadness = 10000 + % + % Do minimal line-breaking. + \pretolerance = 10000 + % + % Do not execute instructions in @tex + \def\tex{\doignore{tex}} +} + +% @set VAR sets the variable VAR to an empty value. +% @set VAR REST-OF-LINE sets VAR to the value REST-OF-LINE. +% +% Since we want to separate VAR from REST-OF-LINE (which might be +% empty), we can't just use \parsearg; we have to insert a space of our +% own to delimit the rest of the line, and then take it out again if we +% didn't need it. +% +\def\set{\parsearg\setxxx} +\def\setxxx#1{\setyyy#1 \endsetyyy} +\def\setyyy#1 #2\endsetyyy{% + \def\temp{#2}% + \ifx\temp\empty \global\expandafter\let\csname SET#1\endcsname = \empty + \else \setzzz{#1}#2\endsetzzz % Remove the trailing space \setxxx inserted. + \fi +} +% Can't use \xdef to pre-expand #2 and save some time, since \temp or +% \next or other control sequences that we've defined might get us into +% an infinite loop. Consider `@set foo @cite{bar}'. +\def\setzzz#1#2 \endsetzzz{\expandafter\gdef\csname SET#1\endcsname{#2}} + +% @clear VAR clears (i.e., unsets) the variable VAR. +% +\def\clear{\parsearg\clearxxx} +\def\clearxxx#1{\global\expandafter\let\csname SET#1\endcsname=\relax} + +% @value{foo} gets the text saved in variable foo. +% +\def\value#1{\expandafter + \ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + {\{No value for ``#1''\}} + \else \csname SET#1\endcsname \fi} + +% @ifset VAR ... @end ifset reads the `...' iff VAR has been defined +% with @set. +% +\def\ifset{\parsearg\ifsetxxx} +\def\ifsetxxx #1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifsetfail + \else + \expandafter\ifsetsucceed + \fi +} +\def\ifsetsucceed{\conditionalsucceed{ifset}} +\def\ifsetfail{\nestedignore{ifset}} +\defineunmatchedend{ifset} + +% @ifclear VAR ... @end ifclear reads the `...' iff VAR has never been +% defined with @set, or has been undefined with @clear. +% +\def\ifclear{\parsearg\ifclearxxx} +\def\ifclearxxx #1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname SET#1\endcsname\relax + \expandafter\ifclearsucceed + \else + \expandafter\ifclearfail + \fi +} +\def\ifclearsucceed{\conditionalsucceed{ifclear}} +\def\ifclearfail{\nestedignore{ifclear}} +\defineunmatchedend{ifclear} + +% @iftex always succeeds; we read the text following, through @end +% iftex). But `@end iftex' should be valid only after an @iftex. +% +\def\iftex{\conditionalsucceed{iftex}} +\defineunmatchedend{iftex} + +% We can't just want to start a group at @iftex (for example) and end it +% at @end iftex, since then @set commands inside the conditional have no +% effect (they'd get reverted at the end of the group). So we must +% define \Eiftex to redefine itself to be its previous value. (We can't +% just define it to fail again with an ``unmatched end'' error, since +% the @ifset might be nested.) +% +\def\conditionalsucceed#1{% + \edef\temp{% + % Remember the current value of \E#1. + \let\nece{prevE#1} = \nece{E#1}% + % + % At the `@end #1', redefine \E#1 to be its previous value. + \def\nece{E#1}{\let\nece{E#1} = \nece{prevE#1}}% + }% + \temp +} + +% We need to expand lots of \csname's, but we don't want to expand the +% control sequences after we've constructed them. +% +\def\nece#1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname} + +% @asis just yields its argument. Used with @table, for example. +% +\def\asis#1{#1} + +% @math means output in math mode. +% We don't use $'s directly in the definition of \math because control +% sequences like \math are expanded when the toc file is written. Then, +% we read the toc file back, the $'s will be normal characters (as they +% should be, according to the definition of Texinfo). So we must use a +% control sequence to switch into and out of math mode. +% +% This isn't quite enough for @math to work properly in indices, but it +% seems unlikely it will ever be needed there. +% +\let\implicitmath = $ +\def\math#1{\implicitmath #1\implicitmath} + +% @bullet and @minus need the same treatment as @math, just above. +\def\bullet{\implicitmath\ptexbullet\implicitmath} +\def\minus{\implicitmath-\implicitmath} + +\def\node{\ENVcheck\parsearg\nodezzz} +\def\nodezzz#1{\nodexxx [#1,]} +\def\nodexxx[#1,#2]{\gdef\lastnode{#1}} +\let\nwnode=\node +\let\lastnode=\relax + +\def\donoderef{\ifx\lastnode\relax\else +\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\setref{\lastnode}\fi +\global\let\lastnode=\relax} + +\def\unnumbnoderef{\ifx\lastnode\relax\else +\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\unnumbsetref{\lastnode}\fi +\global\let\lastnode=\relax} + +\def\appendixnoderef{\ifx\lastnode\relax\else +\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\appendixsetref{\lastnode}\fi +\global\let\lastnode=\relax} + +\let\refill=\relax + +% @setfilename is done at the beginning of every texinfo file. +% So open here the files we need to have open while reading the input. +% This makes it possible to make a .fmt file for texinfo. +\def\setfilename{% + \readauxfile + \opencontents + \openindices + \fixbackslash % Turn off hack to swallow `\input texinfo'. + \global\let\setfilename=\comment % Ignore extra @setfilename cmds. + \comment % Ignore the actual filename. +} + +\outer\def\bye{\pagealignmacro\tracingstats=1\ptexend} + +\def\inforef #1{\inforefzzz #1,,,,**} +\def\inforefzzz #1,#2,#3,#4**{\putwordSee{} \putwordInfo{} \putwordfile{} \file{\ignorespaces #3{}}, + node \samp{\ignorespaces#1{}}} + +\message{fonts,} + +% Font-change commands. + +% Texinfo supports the sans serif font style, which plain TeX does not. +% So we set up a \sf analogous to plain's \rm, etc. +\newfam\sffam +\def\sf{\fam=\sffam \tensf} +\let\li = \sf % Sometimes we call it \li, not \sf. + +% We don't need math for this one. +\def\ttsl{\tenttsl} + +%% Try out Computer Modern fonts at \magstephalf +\let\mainmagstep=\magstephalf + +% Set the font macro #1 to the font named #2, adding on the +% specified font prefix (normally `cm'). +% #3 is the font's design size, #4 is a scale factor +\def\setfont#1#2#3#4{\font#1=\fontprefix#2#3 scaled #4} + +% Use cm as the default font prefix. +% To specify the font prefix, you must define \fontprefix +% before you read in texinfo.tex. +\ifx\fontprefix\undefined +\def\fontprefix{cm} +\fi +% Support font families that don't use the same naming scheme as CM. +\def\rmshape{r} +\def\rmbshape{bx} %where the normal face is bold +\def\bfshape{b} +\def\bxshape{bx} +\def\ttshape{tt} +\def\ttbshape{tt} +\def\ttslshape{sltt} +\def\itshape{ti} +\def\itbshape{bxti} +\def\slshape{sl} +\def\slbshape{bxsl} +\def\sfshape{ss} +\def\sfbshape{ss} +\def\scshape{csc} +\def\scbshape{csc} + +\ifx\bigger\relax +\let\mainmagstep=\magstep1 +\setfont\textrm\rmshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\texttt\ttshape{12}{1000} +\else +\setfont\textrm\rmshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\texttt\ttshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\fi +% Instead of cmb10, you many want to use cmbx10. +% cmbx10 is a prettier font on its own, but cmb10 +% looks better when embedded in a line with cmr10. +\setfont\textbf\bfshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textit\itshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsl\slshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsf\sfshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textsc\scshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\setfont\textttsl\ttslshape{10}{\mainmagstep} +\font\texti=cmmi10 scaled \mainmagstep +\font\textsy=cmsy10 scaled \mainmagstep + +% A few fonts for @defun, etc. +\setfont\defbf\bxshape{10}{\magstep1} %was 1314 +\setfont\deftt\ttshape{10}{\magstep1} +\def\df{\let\tentt=\deftt \let\tenbf = \defbf \bf} + +% Fonts for indices and small examples. +% We actually use the slanted font rather than the italic, +% because texinfo normally uses the slanted fonts for that. +% Do not make many font distinctions in general in the index, since they +% aren't very useful. +\setfont\ninett\ttshape{9}{1000} +\setfont\indrm\rmshape{9}{1000} +\setfont\indit\slshape{9}{1000} +\let\indsl=\indit +\let\indtt=\ninett +\let\indttsl=\ninett +\let\indsf=\indrm +\let\indbf=\indrm +\setfont\indsc\scshape{10}{900} +\font\indi=cmmi9 +\font\indsy=cmsy9 + +% Fonts for headings +\setfont\chaprm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep2} +\setfont\chapit\itbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chapsl\slbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chaptt\ttbshape{12}{\magstep2} +\setfont\chapttsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep3} +\setfont\chapsf\sfbshape{12}{\magstep2} +\let\chapbf=\chaprm +\setfont\chapsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep3} +\font\chapi=cmmi12 scaled \magstep2 +\font\chapsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep3 + +\setfont\secrm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\setfont\secit\itbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\secsl\slbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\sectt\ttbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\setfont\secttsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep2} +\setfont\secsf\sfbshape{12}{\magstep1} +\let\secbf\secrm +\setfont\secsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep2} +\font\seci=cmmi12 scaled \magstep1 +\font\secsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep2 + +% \setfont\ssecrm\bxshape{10}{\magstep1} % This size an font looked bad. +% \setfont\ssecit\itshape{10}{\magstep1} % The letters were too crowded. +% \setfont\ssecsl\slshape{10}{\magstep1} +% \setfont\ssectt\ttshape{10}{\magstep1} +% \setfont\ssecsf\sfshape{10}{\magstep1} + +%\setfont\ssecrm\bfshape{10}{1315} % Note the use of cmb rather than cmbx. +%\setfont\ssecit\itshape{10}{1315} % Also, the size is a little larger than +%\setfont\ssecsl\slshape{10}{1315} % being scaled magstep1. +%\setfont\ssectt\ttshape{10}{1315} +%\setfont\ssecsf\sfshape{10}{1315} + +%\let\ssecbf=\ssecrm + +\setfont\ssecrm\rmbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\setfont\ssecit\itbshape{10}{1315} +\setfont\ssecsl\slbshape{10}{1315} +\setfont\ssectt\ttbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\setfont\ssecttsl\ttslshape{10}{\magstep1} +\setfont\ssecsf\sfbshape{12}{\magstephalf} +\let\ssecbf\ssecrm +\setfont\ssecsc\scbshape{10}{\magstep1} +\font\sseci=cmmi12 scaled \magstephalf +\font\ssecsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep1 +% The smallcaps and symbol fonts should actually be scaled \magstep1.5, +% but that is not a standard magnification. + +% Fonts for title page: +\setfont\titlerm\rmbshape{12}{\magstep3} +\let\authorrm = \secrm + +% In order for the font changes to affect most math symbols and letters, +% we have to define the \textfont of the standard families. Since +% texinfo doesn't allow for producing subscripts and superscripts, we +% don't bother to reset \scriptfont and \scriptscriptfont (which would +% also require loading a lot more fonts). +% +\def\resetmathfonts{% + \textfont0 = \tenrm \textfont1 = \teni \textfont2 = \tensy + \textfont\itfam = \tenit \textfont\slfam = \tensl \textfont\bffam = \tenbf + \textfont\ttfam = \tentt \textfont\sffam = \tensf +} + + +% The font-changing commands redefine the meanings of \tenSTYLE, instead +% of just \STYLE. We do this so that font changes will continue to work +% in math mode, where it is the current \fam that is relevant in most +% cases, not the current font. Plain TeX does \def\bf{\fam=\bffam +% \tenbf}, for example. By redefining \tenbf, we obviate the need to +% redefine \bf itself. +\def\textfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\textrm \let\tenit=\textit \let\tensl=\textsl + \let\tenbf=\textbf \let\tentt=\texttt \let\smallcaps=\textsc + \let\tensf=\textsf \let\teni=\texti \let\tensy=\textsy \let\tenttsl=\textttsl + \resetmathfonts} +\def\chapfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\chaprm \let\tenit=\chapit \let\tensl=\chapsl + \let\tenbf=\chapbf \let\tentt=\chaptt \let\smallcaps=\chapsc + \let\tensf=\chapsf \let\teni=\chapi \let\tensy=\chapsy \let\tenttsl=\chapttsl + \resetmathfonts} +\def\secfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\secrm \let\tenit=\secit \let\tensl=\secsl + \let\tenbf=\secbf \let\tentt=\sectt \let\smallcaps=\secsc + \let\tensf=\secsf \let\teni=\seci \let\tensy=\secsy \let\tenttsl=\secttsl + \resetmathfonts} +\def\subsecfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\ssecrm \let\tenit=\ssecit \let\tensl=\ssecsl + \let\tenbf=\ssecbf \let\tentt=\ssectt \let\smallcaps=\ssecsc + \let\tensf=\ssecsf \let\teni=\sseci \let\tensy=\ssecsy \let\tenttsl=\ssecttsl + \resetmathfonts} +\def\indexfonts{% + \let\tenrm=\indrm \let\tenit=\indit \let\tensl=\indsl + \let\tenbf=\indbf \let\tentt=\indtt \let\smallcaps=\indsc + \let\tensf=\indsf \let\teni=\indi \let\tensy=\indsy \let\tenttsl=\indttsl + \resetmathfonts} + +% Set up the default fonts, so we can use them for creating boxes. +% +\textfonts + +% Count depth in font-changes, for error checks +\newcount\fontdepth \fontdepth=0 + +% Fonts for short table of contents. +\setfont\shortcontrm\rmshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\shortcontbf\bxshape{12}{1000} +\setfont\shortcontsl\slshape{12}{1000} + +%% Add scribe-like font environments, plus @l for inline lisp (usually sans +%% serif) and @ii for TeX italic + +% \smartitalic{ARG} outputs arg in italics, followed by an italic correction +% unless the following character is such as not to need one. +\def\smartitalicx{\ifx\next,\else\ifx\next-\else\ifx\next.\else\/\fi\fi\fi} +\def\smartitalic#1{{\sl #1}\futurelet\next\smartitalicx} + +\let\i=\smartitalic +\let\var=\smartitalic +\let\dfn=\smartitalic +\let\emph=\smartitalic +\let\cite=\smartitalic + +\def\b#1{{\bf #1}} +\let\strong=\b + +% We can't just use \exhyphenpenalty, because that only has effect at +% the end of a paragraph. Restore normal hyphenation at the end of the +% group within which \nohyphenation is presumably called. +% +\def\nohyphenation{\hyphenchar\font = -1 \aftergroup\restorehyphenation} +\def\restorehyphenation{\hyphenchar\font = `- } + +\def\t#1{% + {\tt \rawbackslash \frenchspacing #1}% + \null +} +\let\ttfont=\t +\def\samp #1{`\tclose{#1}'\null} +\def\key #1{{\ttsl \nohyphenation \uppercase{#1}}\null} +\def\ctrl #1{{\tt \rawbackslash \hat}#1} + +\let\file=\samp + +% @code is a modification of @t, +% which makes spaces the same size as normal in the surrounding text. +\def\tclose#1{% + {% + % Change normal interword space to be same as for the current font. + \spaceskip = \fontdimen2\font + % + % Switch to typewriter. + \tt + % + % But `\ ' produces the large typewriter interword space. + \def\ {{\spaceskip = 0pt{} }}% + % + % Turn off hyphenation. + \nohyphenation + % + \rawbackslash + \frenchspacing + #1% + }% + \null +} + +% We *must* turn on hyphenation at `-' and `_' in \code. +% Otherwise, it is too hard to avoid overfull hboxes +% in the Emacs manual, the Library manual, etc. + +% Unfortunately, TeX uses one parameter (\hyphenchar) to control +% both hyphenation at - and hyphenation within words. +% We must therefore turn them both off (\tclose does that) +% and arrange explicitly to hyphenate an a dash. +% -- rms. +{ +\catcode`\-=\active +\catcode`\_=\active +\global\def\code{\begingroup \catcode`\-=\active \let-\codedash \catcode`\_=\active \let_\codeunder \codex} +% The following is used by \doprintindex to insure that long function names +% wrap around. It is necessary for - and _ to be active before the index is +% read from the file, as \entry parses the arguments long before \code is +% ever called. -- mycroft +\global\def\indexbreaks{\catcode`\-=\active \let-\realdash \catcode`\_=\active \let_\realunder} +} + +\def\realdash{-} +\def\realunder{_} +\def\codedash{-\discretionary{}{}{}} +\def\codeunder{\normalunderscore\discretionary{}{}{}} +\def\codex #1{\tclose{#1}\endgroup} + +%\let\exp=\tclose %Was temporary + +% @kbd is like @code, except that if the argument is just one @key command, +% then @kbd has no effect. +% +\def\xkey{\key} +\def\kbdfoo#1#2#3\par{\def\one{#1}\def\three{#3}\def\threex{??}% +\ifx\one\xkey\ifx\threex\three \key{#2}% +\else{\tclose{\ttsl\look}}\fi +\else{\tclose{\ttsl\look}}\fi} + +% Check if we are currently using a typewriter font. Since all the +% Computer Modern typewriter fonts have zero interword stretch (and +% shrink), and it is reasonable to expect all typewriter fonts to have +% this property, we can check that font parameter. +% +\def\ifmonospace{\ifdim\fontdimen3\font=0pt } + +% Typeset a dimension, e.g., `in' or `pt'. The only reason for the +% argument is to make the input look right: @dmn{pt} instead of +% @dmn{}pt. +% +\def\dmn#1{\thinspace #1} + +\def\kbd#1{\def\look{#1}\expandafter\kbdfoo\look??\par} + +\def\l#1{{\li #1}\null} % + +\def\r#1{{\rm #1}} % roman font +% Use of \lowercase was suggested. +\def\sc#1{{\smallcaps#1}} % smallcaps font +\def\ii#1{{\it #1}} % italic font + +\message{page headings,} + +\newskip\titlepagetopglue \titlepagetopglue = 1.5in +\newskip\titlepagebottomglue \titlepagebottomglue = 2pc + +% First the title page. Must do @settitle before @titlepage. +\def\titlefont#1{{\titlerm #1}} + +\newif\ifseenauthor +\newif\iffinishedtitlepage + +\def\shorttitlepage{\parsearg\shorttitlepagezzz} +\def\shorttitlepagezzz #1{\begingroup\hbox{}\vskip 1.5in \chaprm \centerline{#1}% + \endgroup\page\hbox{}\page} + +\def\titlepage{\begingroup \parindent=0pt \textfonts + \let\subtitlerm=\tenrm +% I deinstalled the following change because \cmr12 is undefined. +% This change was not in the ChangeLog anyway. --rms. +% \let\subtitlerm=\cmr12 + \def\subtitlefont{\subtitlerm \normalbaselineskip = 13pt \normalbaselines}% + % + \def\authorfont{\authorrm \normalbaselineskip = 16pt \normalbaselines}% + % + % Leave some space at the very top of the page. + \vglue\titlepagetopglue + % + % Now you can print the title using @title. + \def\title{\parsearg\titlezzz}% + \def\titlezzz##1{\leftline{\titlefont{##1}} + % print a rule at the page bottom also. + \finishedtitlepagefalse + \vskip4pt \hrule height 4pt width \hsize \vskip4pt}% + % No rule at page bottom unless we print one at the top with @title. + \finishedtitlepagetrue + % + % Now you can put text using @subtitle. + \def\subtitle{\parsearg\subtitlezzz}% + \def\subtitlezzz##1{{\subtitlefont \rightline{##1}}}% + % + % @author should come last, but may come many times. + \def\author{\parsearg\authorzzz}% + \def\authorzzz##1{\ifseenauthor\else\vskip 0pt plus 1filll\seenauthortrue\fi + {\authorfont \leftline{##1}}}% + % + % Most title ``pages'' are actually two pages long, with space + % at the top of the second. We don't want the ragged left on the second. + \let\oldpage = \page + \def\page{% + \iffinishedtitlepage\else + \finishtitlepage + \fi + \oldpage + \let\page = \oldpage + \hbox{}}% +% \def\page{\oldpage \hbox{}} +} + +\def\Etitlepage{% + \iffinishedtitlepage\else + \finishtitlepage + \fi + % It is important to do the page break before ending the group, + % because the headline and footline are only empty inside the group. + % If we use the new definition of \page, we always get a blank page + % after the title page, which we certainly don't want. + \oldpage + \endgroup + \HEADINGSon +} + +\def\finishtitlepage{% + \vskip4pt \hrule height 2pt width \hsize + \vskip\titlepagebottomglue + \finishedtitlepagetrue +} + +%%% Set up page headings and footings. + +\let\thispage=\folio + +\newtoks \evenheadline % Token sequence for heading line of even pages +\newtoks \oddheadline % Token sequence for heading line of odd pages +\newtoks \evenfootline % Token sequence for footing line of even pages +\newtoks \oddfootline % Token sequence for footing line of odd pages + +% Now make Tex use those variables +\headline={{\textfonts\rm \ifodd\pageno \the\oddheadline + \else \the\evenheadline \fi}} +\footline={{\textfonts\rm \ifodd\pageno \the\oddfootline + \else \the\evenfootline \fi}\HEADINGShook} +\let\HEADINGShook=\relax + +% Commands to set those variables. +% For example, this is what @headings on does +% @evenheading @thistitle|@thispage|@thischapter +% @oddheading @thischapter|@thispage|@thistitle +% @evenfooting @thisfile|| +% @oddfooting ||@thisfile + +\def\evenheading{\parsearg\evenheadingxxx} +\def\oddheading{\parsearg\oddheadingxxx} +\def\everyheading{\parsearg\everyheadingxxx} + +\def\evenfooting{\parsearg\evenfootingxxx} +\def\oddfooting{\parsearg\oddfootingxxx} +\def\everyfooting{\parsearg\everyfootingxxx} + +{\catcode`\@=0 % + +\gdef\evenheadingxxx #1{\evenheadingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\evenheadingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\oddheadingxxx #1{\oddheadingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\oddheadingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\oddheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\everyheadingxxx #1{\everyheadingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\everyheadingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}} +\global\oddheadline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\evenfootingxxx #1{\evenfootingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\evenfootingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenfootline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\oddfootingxxx #1{\oddfootingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\oddfootingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\oddfootline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} + +\gdef\everyfootingxxx #1{\everyfootingyyy #1@|@|@|@|\finish} +\gdef\everyfootingyyy #1@|#2@|#3@|#4\finish{% +\global\evenfootline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}} +\global\oddfootline={\rlap{\centerline{#2}}\line{#1\hfil#3}}} +% +}% unbind the catcode of @. + +% @headings double turns headings on for double-sided printing. +% @headings single turns headings on for single-sided printing. +% @headings off turns them off. +% @headings on same as @headings double, retained for compatibility. +% @headings after turns on double-sided headings after this page. +% @headings doubleafter turns on double-sided headings after this page. +% @headings singleafter turns on single-sided headings after this page. +% By default, they are off. + +\def\headings #1 {\csname HEADINGS#1\endcsname} + +\def\HEADINGSoff{ +\global\evenheadline={\hfil} \global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddheadline={\hfil} \global\oddfootline={\hfil}} +\HEADINGSoff +% When we turn headings on, set the page number to 1. +% For double-sided printing, put current file name in lower left corner, +% chapter name on inside top of right hand pages, document +% title on inside top of left hand pages, and page numbers on outside top +% edge of all pages. +\def\HEADINGSdouble{ +%\pagealignmacro +\global\pageno=1 +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\folio\hfil\thistitle}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +} +% For single-sided printing, chapter title goes across top left of page, +% page number on top right. +\def\HEADINGSsingle{ +%\pagealignmacro +\global\pageno=1 +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +} +\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSdouble} + +\def\HEADINGSafter{\let\HEADINGShook=\HEADINGSdoublex} +\let\HEADINGSdoubleafter=\HEADINGSafter +\def\HEADINGSdoublex{% +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\folio\hfil\thistitle}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +} + +\def\HEADINGSsingleafter{\let\HEADINGShook=\HEADINGSsinglex} +\def\HEADINGSsinglex{% +\global\evenfootline={\hfil} +\global\oddfootline={\hfil} +\global\evenheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +\global\oddheadline={\line{\thischapter\hfil\folio}} +} + +% Subroutines used in generating headings +% Produces Day Month Year style of output. +\def\today{\number\day\space +\ifcase\month\or +January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or +July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi +\space\number\year} + +% Use this if you want the Month Day, Year style of output. +%\def\today{\ifcase\month\or +%January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or +%July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi +%\space\number\day, \number\year} + +% @settitle line... specifies the title of the document, for headings +% It generates no output of its own + +\def\thistitle{No Title} +\def\settitle{\parsearg\settitlezzz} +\def\settitlezzz #1{\gdef\thistitle{#1}} + +\message{tables,} + +% @tabs -- simple alignment + +% These don't work. For one thing, \+ is defined as outer. +% So these macros cannot even be defined. + +%\def\tabs{\parsearg\tabszzz} +%\def\tabszzz #1{\settabs\+#1\cr} +%\def\tabline{\parsearg\tablinezzz} +%\def\tablinezzz #1{\+#1\cr} +%\def\&{&} + +% Tables -- @table, @ftable, @vtable, @item(x), @kitem(x), @xitem(x). + +% default indentation of table text +\newdimen\tableindent \tableindent=.8in +% default indentation of @itemize and @enumerate text +\newdimen\itemindent \itemindent=.3in +% margin between end of table item and start of table text. +\newdimen\itemmargin \itemmargin=.1in + +% used internally for \itemindent minus \itemmargin +\newdimen\itemmax + +% Note @table, @vtable, and @vtable define @item, @itemx, etc., with +% these defs. +% They also define \itemindex +% to index the item name in whatever manner is desired (perhaps none). + +\newif\ifitemxneedsnegativevskip + +\def\itemxpar{\par\ifitemxneedsnegativevskip\vskip-\parskip\nobreak\fi} + +\def\internalBitem{\smallbreak \parsearg\itemzzz} +\def\internalBitemx{\itemxpar \parsearg\itemzzz} + +\def\internalBxitem "#1"{\def\xitemsubtopix{#1} \smallbreak \parsearg\xitemzzz} +\def\internalBxitemx "#1"{\def\xitemsubtopix{#1} \itemxpar \parsearg\xitemzzz} + +\def\internalBkitem{\smallbreak \parsearg\kitemzzz} +\def\internalBkitemx{\itemxpar \parsearg\kitemzzz} + +\def\kitemzzz #1{\dosubind {kw}{\code{#1}}{for {\bf \lastfunction}}% + \itemzzz {#1}} + +\def\xitemzzz #1{\dosubind {kw}{\code{#1}}{for {\bf \xitemsubtopic}}% + \itemzzz {#1}} + +\def\itemzzz #1{\begingroup % + \advance\hsize by -\rightskip + \advance\hsize by -\tableindent + \setbox0=\hbox{\itemfont{#1}}% + \itemindex{#1}% + \nobreak % This prevents a break before @itemx. + % + % Be sure we are not still in the middle of a paragraph. + %{\parskip = 0in + %\par + %}% + % + % If the item text does not fit in the space we have, put it on a line + % by itself, and do not allow a page break either before or after that + % line. We do not start a paragraph here because then if the next + % command is, e.g., @kindex, the whatsit would get put into the + % horizontal list on a line by itself, resulting in extra blank space. + \ifdim \wd0>\itemmax + % + % Make this a paragraph so we get the \parskip glue and wrapping, + % but leave it ragged-right. + \begingroup + \advance\leftskip by-\tableindent + \advance\hsize by\tableindent + \advance\rightskip by0pt plus1fil + \leavevmode\unhbox0\par + \endgroup + % + % We're going to be starting a paragraph, but we don't want the + % \parskip glue -- logically it's part of the @item we just started. + \nobreak \vskip-\parskip + % + % Stop a page break at the \parskip glue coming up. Unfortunately + % we can't prevent a possible page break at the following + % \baselineskip glue. + \nobreak + \endgroup + \itemxneedsnegativevskipfalse + \else + % The item text fits into the space. Start a paragraph, so that the + % following text (if any) will end up on the same line. Since that + % text will be indented by \tableindent, we make the item text be in + % a zero-width box. + \noindent + \rlap{\hskip -\tableindent\box0}\ignorespaces% + \endgroup% + \itemxneedsnegativevskiptrue% + \fi +} + +\def\item{\errmessage{@item while not in a table}} +\def\itemx{\errmessage{@itemx while not in a table}} +\def\kitem{\errmessage{@kitem while not in a table}} +\def\kitemx{\errmessage{@kitemx while not in a table}} +\def\xitem{\errmessage{@xitem while not in a table}} +\def\xitemx{\errmessage{@xitemx while not in a table}} + +%% Contains a kludge to get @end[description] to work +\def\description{\tablez{\dontindex}{1}{}{}{}{}} + +\def\table{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\tablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\tablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\dontindex#1 \endtabley}} + +\def\ftable{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\ftablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\ftablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\fnitemindex#1 \endtabley +\def\Eftable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\Etable=\relax}} + +\def\vtable{\begingroup\inENV\obeylines\obeyspaces\vtablex} +{\obeylines\obeyspaces% +\gdef\vtablex #1^^M{% +\tabley\vritemindex#1 \endtabley +\def\Evtable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\Etable=\relax}} + +\def\dontindex #1{} +\def\fnitemindex #1{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}}% +\def\vritemindex #1{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}}% + +{\obeyspaces % +\gdef\tabley#1#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7\endtabley{\endgroup% +\tablez{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}} + +\def\tablez #1#2#3#4#5#6{% +\aboveenvbreak % +\begingroup % +\def\Edescription{\Etable}% Necessary kludge. +\let\itemindex=#1% +\ifnum 0#3>0 \advance \leftskip by #3\mil \fi % +\ifnum 0#4>0 \tableindent=#4\mil \fi % +\ifnum 0#5>0 \advance \rightskip by #5\mil \fi % +\def\itemfont{#2}% +\itemmax=\tableindent % +\advance \itemmax by -\itemmargin % +\advance \leftskip by \tableindent % +\exdentamount=\tableindent +\parindent = 0pt +\parskip = \smallskipamount +\ifdim \parskip=0pt \parskip=2pt \fi% +\def\Etable{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\let\item = \internalBitem % +\let\itemx = \internalBitemx % +\let\kitem = \internalBkitem % +\let\kitemx = \internalBkitemx % +\let\xitem = \internalBxitem % +\let\xitemx = \internalBxitemx % +} + +% This is the counter used by @enumerate, which is really @itemize + +\newcount \itemno + +\def\itemize{\parsearg\itemizezzz} + +\def\itemizezzz #1{% + \begingroup % ended by the @end itemsize + \itemizey {#1}{\Eitemize} +} + +\def\itemizey #1#2{% +\aboveenvbreak % +\itemmax=\itemindent % +\advance \itemmax by -\itemmargin % +\advance \leftskip by \itemindent % +\exdentamount=\itemindent +\parindent = 0pt % +\parskip = \smallskipamount % +\ifdim \parskip=0pt \parskip=2pt \fi% +\def#2{\endgraf\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% +\def\itemcontents{#1}% +\let\item=\itemizeitem} + +% Set sfcode to normal for the chars that usually have another value. +% These are `.?!:;,' +\def\frenchspacing{\sfcode46=1000 \sfcode63=1000 \sfcode33=1000 + \sfcode58=1000 \sfcode59=1000 \sfcode44=1000 } + +% \splitoff TOKENS\endmark defines \first to be the first token in +% TOKENS, and \rest to be the remainder. +% +\def\splitoff#1#2\endmark{\def\first{#1}\def\rest{#2}}% + +% Allow an optional argument of an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, +% or number, to specify the first label in the enumerated list. No +% argument is the same as `1'. +% +\def\enumerate{\parsearg\enumeratezzz} +\def\enumeratezzz #1{\enumeratey #1 \endenumeratey} +\def\enumeratey #1 #2\endenumeratey{% + \begingroup % ended by the @end enumerate + % + % If we were given no argument, pretend we were given `1'. + \def\thearg{#1}% + \ifx\thearg\empty \def\thearg{1}\fi + % + % Detect if the argument is a single token. If so, it might be a + % letter. Otherwise, the only valid thing it can be is a number. + % (We will always have one token, because of the test we just made. + % This is a good thing, since \splitoff doesn't work given nothing at + % all -- the first parameter is undelimited.) + \expandafter\splitoff\thearg\endmark + \ifx\rest\empty + % Only one token in the argument. It could still be anything. + % A ``lowercase letter'' is one whose \lccode is nonzero. + % An ``uppercase letter'' is one whose \lccode is both nonzero, and + % not equal to itself. + % Otherwise, we assume it's a number. + % + % We need the \relax at the end of the \ifnum lines to stop TeX from + % continuing to look for a . + % + \ifnum\lccode\expandafter`\thearg=0\relax + \numericenumerate % a number (we hope) + \else + % It's a letter. + \ifnum\lccode\expandafter`\thearg=\expandafter`\thearg\relax + \lowercaseenumerate % lowercase letter + \else + \uppercaseenumerate % uppercase letter + \fi + \fi + \else + % Multiple tokens in the argument. We hope it's a number. + \numericenumerate + \fi +} + +% An @enumerate whose labels are integers. The starting integer is +% given in \thearg. +% +\def\numericenumerate{% + \itemno = \thearg + \startenumeration{\the\itemno}% +} + +% The starting (lowercase) letter is in \thearg. +\def\lowercaseenumerate{% + \itemno = \expandafter`\thearg + \startenumeration{% + % Be sure we're not beyond the end of the alphabet. + \ifnum\itemno=0 + \errmessage{No more lowercase letters in @enumerate; get a bigger + alphabet}% + \fi + \char\lccode\itemno + }% +} + +% The starting (uppercase) letter is in \thearg. +\def\uppercaseenumerate{% + \itemno = \expandafter`\thearg + \startenumeration{% + % Be sure we're not beyond the end of the alphabet. + \ifnum\itemno=0 + \errmessage{No more uppercase letters in @enumerate; get a bigger + alphabet} + \fi + \char\uccode\itemno + }% +} + +% Call itemizey, adding a period to the first argument and supplying the +% common last two arguments. Also subtract one from the initial value in +% \itemno, since @item increments \itemno. +% +\def\startenumeration#1{% + \advance\itemno by -1 + \itemizey{#1.}\Eenumerate\flushcr +} + +% @alphaenumerate and @capsenumerate are abbreviations for giving an arg +% to @enumerate. +% +\def\alphaenumerate{\enumerate{a}} +\def\capsenumerate{\enumerate{A}} +\def\Ealphaenumerate{\Eenumerate} +\def\Ecapsenumerate{\Eenumerate} + +% Definition of @item while inside @itemize. + +\def\itemizeitem{% +\advance\itemno by 1 +{\let\par=\endgraf \smallbreak}% +\ifhmode \errmessage{\in hmode at itemizeitem}\fi +{\parskip=0in \hskip 0pt +\hbox to 0pt{\hss \itemcontents\hskip \itemmargin}% +\vadjust{\penalty 1200}}% +\flushcr} + +% @multitable macros +% Amy Hendrickson, 8/18/94 +% +% @multitable ... @end multitable will make as many columns as desired. +% Contents of each column will wrap at width given in preamble. Width +% can be specified either with sample text given in a template line, +% or in percent of \hsize, the current width of text on page. + +% Table can continue over pages but will only break between lines. + +% To make preamble: +% +% Either define widths of columns in terms of percent of \hsize: +% @multitable @columnfractions .25 .3 .45 +% @item ... +% +% Numbers following @columnfractions are the percent of the total +% current hsize to be used for each column. You may use as many +% columns as desired. + +% Or use a template: +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} {Column 3 template} +% @item ... +% using the widest term desired in each column. + + +% Each new table line starts with @item, each subsequent new column +% starts with @tab. Empty columns may be produced by supplying @tab's +% with nothing between them for as many times as empty columns are needed, +% ie, @tab@tab@tab will produce two empty columns. + +% @item, @tab, @multicolumn or @endmulticolumn do not need to be on their +% own lines, but it will not hurt if they are. + +% Sample multitable: + +% @multitable {Column 1 template} {Column 2 template} {Column 3 template} +% @item first col stuff @tab second col stuff @tab third col +% @item +% first col stuff +% @tab +% second col stuff +% @tab +% third col +% @item first col stuff @tab second col stuff +% @tab Many paragraphs of text may be used in any column. +% +% They will wrap at the width determined by the template. +% @item@tab@tab This will be in third column. +% @end multitable + +% Default dimensions may be reset by user. +% @multitableparskip will set vertical space between paragraphs in table. +% @multitableparindent will set paragraph indent in table. +% @multitablecolmargin will set horizontal space to be left between columns. +% @multitablelineskip will set vertical space to be left between lines. + +%%%% +% Dimensions + +\newskip\multitableparskip +\newskip\multitableparindent +\newdimen\multitablecolspace +\newskip\multitablelinespace +\multitableparskip=0pt +\multitableparindent=6pt +\multitablecolspace=12pt +\multitablelinespace=12pt + +%%%% +% Macros used to set up halign preamble: +\let\endsetuptable\relax +\def\xendsetuptable{\endsetuptable} +\let\columnfractions\relax +\def\xcolumnfractions{\columnfractions} +\newif\ifsetpercent + +%% 2/1/96, to allow fractions to be given with more than one digit. +\def\pickupwholefraction#1 {\global\advance\colcount by1 % +\expandafter\xdef\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname{.#1\hsize}% +\setuptable} + +\newcount\colcount +\def\setuptable#1{\def\firstarg{#1}% +\ifx\firstarg\xendsetuptable\let\go\relax% +\else + \ifx\firstarg\xcolumnfractions\global\setpercenttrue% + \else + \ifsetpercent + \let\go\pickupwholefraction % In this case arg of setuptable + % is the decimal point before the + % number given in percent of hsize. + % We don't need this so we don't use it. + \else + \global\advance\colcount by1 + \setbox0=\hbox{#1}% + \expandafter\xdef\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname{\the\wd0}% + \fi% + \fi% +\ifx\go\pickupwholefraction\else\let\go\setuptable\fi% +\fi\go} + +%%%% +% multitable syntax +\def\tab{&\hskip1sp\relax} % 2/2/96 + % tiny skip here makes sure this column space is + % maintained, even if it is never used. + + +%%%% +% @multitable ... @end multitable definitions: + +\def\multitable#1\item{\bgroup +\let\item\cr +\tolerance=9500 +\hbadness=9500 +\parskip=\multitableparskip +\parindent=\multitableparindent +\overfullrule=0pt +\global\colcount=0\relax% +\def\Emultitable{\global\setpercentfalse\global\everycr{}\cr\egroup\egroup}% + % To parse everything between @multitable and @item : +\def\one{#1}\expandafter\setuptable\one\endsetuptable + % Need to reset this to 0 after \setuptable. +\global\colcount=0\relax% + % + % This preamble sets up a generic column definition, which will + % be used as many times as user calls for columns. + % \vtop will set a single line and will also let text wrap and + % continue for many paragraphs if desired. +\halign\bgroup&\global\advance\colcount by 1\relax% +\vtop{\hsize=\expandafter\csname col\the\colcount\endcsname + % In order to keep entries from bumping into each other + % we will add a \leftskip of \multitablecolspace to all columns after + % the first one. + % If a template has been used, we will add \multitablecolspace + % to the width of each template entry. + % If user has set preamble in terms of percent of \hsize + % we will use that dimension as the width of the column, and + % the \leftskip will keep entries from bumping into each other. + % Table will start at left margin and final column will justify at + % right margin. +\ifnum\colcount=1 +\else + \ifsetpercent + \else + % If user has set preamble in terms of percent of \hsize + % we will advance \hsize by \multitablecolspace + \advance\hsize by \multitablecolspace + \fi + % In either case we will make \leftskip=\multitablecolspace: +\leftskip=\multitablecolspace +\fi +\noindent##}\cr% + % \everycr will reset column counter, \colcount, at the end of + % each line. Every column entry will cause \colcount to advance by one. + % The table preamble + % looks at the current \colcount to find the correct column width. +\global\everycr{\noalign{\nointerlineskip\vskip\multitablelinespace +\filbreak%% keeps underfull box messages off when table breaks over pages. +\global\colcount=0\relax}}} + +\message{indexing,} +% Index generation facilities + +% Define \newwrite to be identical to plain tex's \newwrite +% except not \outer, so it can be used within \newindex. +{\catcode`\@=11 +\gdef\newwrite{\alloc@7\write\chardef\sixt@@n}} + +% \newindex {foo} defines an index named foo. +% It automatically defines \fooindex such that +% \fooindex of line... puts an entry in the index foo. +% It also defines \fooindfile to be the number of the output channel for +% the file that accumulates this index. The file's extension is foo. +% The name of an index should be no more than 2 characters long +% for the sake of vms. + +\def\newindex #1{ +\expandafter\newwrite \csname#1indfile\endcsname% Define number for output file +\openout \csname#1indfile\endcsname \jobname.#1 % Open the file +\expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% % Define \xxxindex +\noexpand\doindex {#1}} +} + +% @defindex foo == \newindex{foo} + +\def\defindex{\parsearg\newindex} + +% Define @defcodeindex, like @defindex except put all entries in @code. + +\def\newcodeindex #1{ +\expandafter\newwrite \csname#1indfile\endcsname% Define number for output file +\openout \csname#1indfile\endcsname \jobname.#1 % Open the file +\expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% % Define \xxxindex +\noexpand\docodeindex {#1}} +} + +\def\defcodeindex{\parsearg\newcodeindex} + +% @synindex foo bar makes index foo feed into index bar. +% Do this instead of @defindex foo if you don't want it as a separate index. +\def\synindex #1 #2 {% +\expandafter\let\expandafter\synindexfoo\expandafter=\csname#2indfile\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname#1indfile\endcsname=\synindexfoo +\expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% % Define \xxxindex +\noexpand\doindex {#2}}% +} + +% @syncodeindex foo bar similar, but put all entries made for index foo +% inside @code. +\def\syncodeindex #1 #2 {% +\expandafter\let\expandafter\synindexfoo\expandafter=\csname#2indfile\endcsname +\expandafter\let\csname#1indfile\endcsname=\synindexfoo +\expandafter\xdef\csname#1index\endcsname{% % Define \xxxindex +\noexpand\docodeindex {#2}}% +} + +% Define \doindex, the driver for all \fooindex macros. +% Argument #1 is generated by the calling \fooindex macro, +% and it is "foo", the name of the index. + +% \doindex just uses \parsearg; it calls \doind for the actual work. +% This is because \doind is more useful to call from other macros. + +% There is also \dosubind {index}{topic}{subtopic} +% which makes an entry in a two-level index such as the operation index. + +\def\doindex#1{\edef\indexname{#1}\parsearg\singleindexer} +\def\singleindexer #1{\doind{\indexname}{#1}} + +% like the previous two, but they put @code around the argument. +\def\docodeindex#1{\edef\indexname{#1}\parsearg\singlecodeindexer} +\def\singlecodeindexer #1{\doind{\indexname}{\code{#1}}} + +\def\indexdummies{% +% Take care of the plain tex accent commands. +\def\"{\realbackslash "}% +\def\`{\realbackslash `}% +\def\'{\realbackslash '}% +\def\^{\realbackslash ^}% +\def\~{\realbackslash ~}% +\def\={\realbackslash =}% +\def\b{\realbackslash b}% +\def\c{\realbackslash c}% +\def\d{\realbackslash d}% +\def\u{\realbackslash u}% +\def\v{\realbackslash v}% +\def\H{\realbackslash H}% +% Take care of the plain tex special European modified letters. +\def\oe{\realbackslash oe}% +\def\ae{\realbackslash ae}% +\def\aa{\realbackslash aa}% +\def\OE{\realbackslash OE}% +\def\AE{\realbackslash AE}% +\def\AA{\realbackslash AA}% +\def\o{\realbackslash o}% +\def\O{\realbackslash O}% +\def\l{\realbackslash l}% +\def\L{\realbackslash L}% +\def\ss{\realbackslash ss}% +% Take care of texinfo commands likely to appear in an index entry. +\def\_{{\realbackslash _}}% +\def\w{\realbackslash w }% +\def\bf{\realbackslash bf }% +\def\rm{\realbackslash rm }% +\def\sl{\realbackslash sl }% +\def\sf{\realbackslash sf}% +\def\tt{\realbackslash tt}% +\def\gtr{\realbackslash gtr}% +\def\less{\realbackslash less}% +\def\hat{\realbackslash hat}% +\def\char{\realbackslash char}% +\def\TeX{\realbackslash TeX}% +\def\dots{\realbackslash dots }% +\def\copyright{\realbackslash copyright }% +\def\tclose##1{\realbackslash tclose {##1}}% +\def\code##1{\realbackslash code {##1}}% +\def\samp##1{\realbackslash samp {##1}}% +\def\t##1{\realbackslash r {##1}}% +\def\r##1{\realbackslash r {##1}}% +\def\i##1{\realbackslash i {##1}}% +\def\b##1{\realbackslash b {##1}}% +\def\cite##1{\realbackslash cite {##1}}% +\def\key##1{\realbackslash key {##1}}% +\def\file##1{\realbackslash file {##1}}% +\def\var##1{\realbackslash var {##1}}% +\def\kbd##1{\realbackslash kbd {##1}}% +\def\dfn##1{\realbackslash dfn {##1}}% +\def\emph##1{\realbackslash emph {##1}}% +\unsepspaces +} + +% If an index command is used in an @example environment, any spaces +% therein should become regular spaces in the raw index file, not the +% expansion of \tie (\\leavevmode \penalty \@M \ ). +{\obeyspaces + \gdef\unsepspaces{\obeyspaces\let =\space}} + +% \indexnofonts no-ops all font-change commands. +% This is used when outputting the strings to sort the index by. +\def\indexdummyfont#1{#1} +\def\indexdummytex{TeX} +\def\indexdummydots{...} + +\def\indexnofonts{% +% Just ignore accents. +\let\"=\indexdummyfont +\let\`=\indexdummyfont +\let\'=\indexdummyfont +\let\^=\indexdummyfont +\let\~=\indexdummyfont +\let\==\indexdummyfont +\let\b=\indexdummyfont +\let\c=\indexdummyfont +\let\d=\indexdummyfont +\let\u=\indexdummyfont +\let\v=\indexdummyfont +\let\H=\indexdummyfont +% Take care of the plain tex special European modified letters. +\def\oe{oe}% +\def\ae{ae}% +\def\aa{aa}% +\def\OE{OE}% +\def\AE{AE}% +\def\AA{AA}% +\def\o{o}% +\def\O{O}% +\def\l{l}% +\def\L{L}% +\def\ss{ss}% +\let\w=\indexdummyfont +\let\t=\indexdummyfont +\let\r=\indexdummyfont +\let\i=\indexdummyfont +\let\b=\indexdummyfont +\let\emph=\indexdummyfont +\let\strong=\indexdummyfont +\let\cite=\indexdummyfont +\let\sc=\indexdummyfont +%Don't no-op \tt, since it isn't a user-level command +% and is used in the definitions of the active chars like <, >, |... +%\let\tt=\indexdummyfont +\let\tclose=\indexdummyfont +\let\code=\indexdummyfont +\let\file=\indexdummyfont +\let\samp=\indexdummyfont +\let\kbd=\indexdummyfont +\let\key=\indexdummyfont +\let\var=\indexdummyfont +\let\TeX=\indexdummytex +\let\dots=\indexdummydots +} + +% To define \realbackslash, we must make \ not be an escape. +% We must first make another character (@) an escape +% so we do not become unable to do a definition. + +{\catcode`\@=0 \catcode`\\=\other +@gdef@realbackslash{\}} + +\let\indexbackslash=0 %overridden during \printindex. + +\let\SETmarginindex=\relax %initialize! +% workhorse for all \fooindexes +% #1 is name of index, #2 is stuff to put there +\def\doind #1#2{% +% Put the index entry in the margin if desired. +\ifx\SETmarginindex\relax\else% +\insert\margin{\hbox{\vrule height8pt depth3pt width0pt #2}}% +\fi% +{\count10=\lastpenalty % +{\indexdummies % Must do this here, since \bf, etc expand at this stage +\escapechar=`\\% +{\let\folio=0% Expand all macros now EXCEPT \folio +\def\rawbackslashxx{\indexbackslash}% \indexbackslash isn't defined now +% so it will be output as is; and it will print as backslash in the indx. +% +% Now process the index-string once, with all font commands turned off, +% to get the string to sort the index by. +{\indexnofonts +\xdef\temp1{#2}% +}% +% Now produce the complete index entry. We process the index-string again, +% this time with font commands expanded, to get what to print in the index. +\edef\temp{% +\write \csname#1indfile\endcsname{% +\realbackslash entry {\temp1}{\folio}{#2}}}% +\temp }% +}\penalty\count10}} + +\def\dosubind #1#2#3{% +{\count10=\lastpenalty % +{\indexdummies % Must do this here, since \bf, etc expand at this stage +\escapechar=`\\% +{\let\folio=0% +\def\rawbackslashxx{\indexbackslash}% +% +% Now process the index-string once, with all font commands turned off, +% to get the string to sort the index by. +{\indexnofonts +\xdef\temp1{#2 #3}% +}% +% Now produce the complete index entry. We process the index-string again, +% this time with font commands expanded, to get what to print in the index. +\edef\temp{% +\write \csname#1indfile\endcsname{% +\realbackslash entry {\temp1}{\folio}{#2}{#3}}}% +\temp }% +}\penalty\count10}} + +% The index entry written in the file actually looks like +% \entry {sortstring}{page}{topic} +% or +% \entry {sortstring}{page}{topic}{subtopic} +% The texindex program reads in these files and writes files +% containing these kinds of lines: +% \initial {c} +% before the first topic whose initial is c +% \entry {topic}{pagelist} +% for a topic that is used without subtopics +% \primary {topic} +% for the beginning of a topic that is used with subtopics +% \secondary {subtopic}{pagelist} +% for each subtopic. + +% Define the user-accessible indexing commands +% @findex, @vindex, @kindex, @cindex. + +\def\findex {\fnindex} +\def\kindex {\kyindex} +\def\cindex {\cpindex} +\def\vindex {\vrindex} +\def\tindex {\tpindex} +\def\pindex {\pgindex} + +\def\cindexsub {\begingroup\obeylines\cindexsub} +{\obeylines % +\gdef\cindexsub "#1" #2^^M{\endgroup % +\dosubind{cp}{#2}{#1}}} + +% Define the macros used in formatting output of the sorted index material. + +% This is what you call to cause a particular index to get printed. +% Write +% @unnumbered Function Index +% @printindex fn + +\def\printindex{\parsearg\doprintindex} + +\def\doprintindex#1{% + \tex + \dobreak \chapheadingskip {10000} + \catcode`\%=\other\catcode`\&=\other\catcode`\#=\other + \catcode`\$=\other + \catcode`\~=\other + \indexbreaks + % + % The following don't help, since the chars were translated + % when the raw index was written, and their fonts were discarded + % due to \indexnofonts. + %\catcode`\"=\active + %\catcode`\^=\active + %\catcode`\_=\active + %\catcode`\|=\active + %\catcode`\<=\active + %\catcode`\>=\active + % % + \def\indexbackslash{\rawbackslashxx} + \indexfonts\rm \tolerance=9500 \advance\baselineskip -1pt + \begindoublecolumns + % + % See if the index file exists and is nonempty. + \openin 1 \jobname.#1s + \ifeof 1 + % \enddoublecolumns gets confused if there is no text in the index, + % and it loses the chapter title and the aux file entries for the + % index. The easiest way to prevent this problem is to make sure + % there is some text. + (Index is nonexistent) + \else + % + % If the index file exists but is empty, then \openin leaves \ifeof + % false. We have to make TeX try to read something from the file, so + % it can discover if there is anything in it. + \read 1 to \temp + \ifeof 1 + (Index is empty) + \else + \input \jobname.#1s + \fi + \fi + \closein 1 + \enddoublecolumns + \Etex +} + +% These macros are used by the sorted index file itself. +% Change them to control the appearance of the index. + +% Same as \bigskipamount except no shrink. +% \balancecolumns gets confused if there is any shrink. +\newskip\initialskipamount \initialskipamount 12pt plus4pt + +\def\initial #1{% +{\let\tentt=\sectt \let\tt=\sectt \let\sf=\sectt +\ifdim\lastskip<\initialskipamount +\removelastskip \penalty-200 \vskip \initialskipamount\fi +\line{\secbf#1\hfill}\kern 2pt\penalty10000}} + +% This typesets a paragraph consisting of #1, dot leaders, and then #2 +% flush to the right margin. It is used for index and table of contents +% entries. The paragraph is indented by \leftskip. +% +\def\entry #1#2{\begingroup + % + % Start a new paragraph if necessary, so our assignments below can't + % affect previous text. + \par + % + % Do not fill out the last line with white space. + \parfillskip = 0in + % + % No extra space above this paragraph. + \parskip = 0in + % + % Do not prefer a separate line ending with a hyphen to fewer lines. + \finalhyphendemerits = 0 + % + % \hangindent is only relevant when the entry text and page number + % don't both fit on one line. In that case, bob suggests starting the + % dots pretty far over on the line. Unfortunately, a large + % indentation looks wrong when the entry text itself is broken across + % lines. So we use a small indentation and put up with long leaders. + % + % \hangafter is reset to 1 (which is the value we want) at the start + % of each paragraph, so we need not do anything with that. + \hangindent=2em + % + % When the entry text needs to be broken, just fill out the first line + % with blank space. + \rightskip = 0pt plus1fil + % + % Start a ``paragraph'' for the index entry so the line breaking + % parameters we've set above will have an effect. + \noindent + % + % Insert the text of the index entry. TeX will do line-breaking on it. + #1% + % The following is kludged to not output a line of dots in the index if + % there are no page numbers. The next person who breaks this will be + % cursed by a Unix daemon. + \def\tempa{{\rm }}% + \def\tempb{#2}% + \edef\tempc{\tempa}% + \edef\tempd{\tempb}% + \ifx\tempc\tempd\ \else% + % + % If we must, put the page number on a line of its own, and fill out + % this line with blank space. (The \hfil is overwhelmed with the + % fill leaders glue in \indexdotfill if the page number does fit.) + \hfil\penalty50 + \null\nobreak\indexdotfill % Have leaders before the page number. + % + % The `\ ' here is removed by the implicit \unskip that TeX does as + % part of (the primitive) \par. Without it, a spurious underfull + % \hbox ensues. + \ #2% The page number ends the paragraph. + \fi% + \par +\endgroup} + +% Like \dotfill except takes at least 1 em. +\def\indexdotfill{\cleaders + \hbox{$\mathsurround=0pt \mkern1.5mu ${\it .}$ \mkern1.5mu$}\hskip 1em plus 1fill} + +\def\primary #1{\line{#1\hfil}} + +\newskip\secondaryindent \secondaryindent=0.5cm + +\def\secondary #1#2{ +{\parfillskip=0in \parskip=0in +\hangindent =1in \hangafter=1 +\noindent\hskip\secondaryindent\hbox{#1}\indexdotfill #2\par +}} + +%% Define two-column mode, which is used in indexes. +%% Adapted from the TeXbook, page 416. +\catcode `\@=11 + +\newbox\partialpage + +\newdimen\doublecolumnhsize + +\def\begindoublecolumns{\begingroup + % Grab any single-column material above us. + \output = {\global\setbox\partialpage + =\vbox{\unvbox255\kern -\topskip \kern \baselineskip}}% + \eject + % + % Now switch to the double-column output routine. + \output={\doublecolumnout}% + % + % Change the page size parameters. We could do this once outside this + % routine, in each of @smallbook, @afourpaper, and the default 8.5x11 + % format, but then we repeat the same computation. Repeating a couple + % of assignments once per index is clearly meaningless for the + % execution time, so we may as well do it once. + % + % First we halve the line length, less a little for the gutter between + % the columns. We compute the gutter based on the line length, so it + % changes automatically with the paper format. The magic constant + % below is chosen so that the gutter has the same value (well, +- < + % 1pt) as it did when we hard-coded it. + % + % We put the result in a separate register, \doublecolumhsize, so we + % can restore it in \pagesofar, after \hsize itself has (potentially) + % been clobbered. + % + \doublecolumnhsize = \hsize + \advance\doublecolumnhsize by -.04154\hsize + \divide\doublecolumnhsize by 2 + \hsize = \doublecolumnhsize + % + % Double the \vsize as well. (We don't need a separate register here, + % since nobody clobbers \vsize.) + \vsize = 2\vsize + \doublecolumnpagegoal +} + +\def\enddoublecolumns{\eject \endgroup \pagegoal=\vsize \unvbox\partialpage} + +\def\doublecolumnsplit{\splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth + \global\dimen@=\pageheight \global\advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialpage + \global\setbox1=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \global\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox1} + \global\setbox3=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \global\setbox2=\vbox{\unvbox3} + \ifdim\ht0>\dimen@ \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox0\unvbox2} \global\setbox255=\copy5 \fi + \ifdim\ht2>\dimen@ \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox0\unvbox2} \global\setbox255=\copy5 \fi +} +\def\doublecolumnpagegoal{% + \dimen@=\vsize \advance\dimen@ by-2\ht\partialpage \global\pagegoal=\dimen@ +} +\def\pagesofar{\unvbox\partialpage % + \hsize=\doublecolumnhsize % have to restore this since output routine + \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize \hbox to\pagewidth{\box0\hfil\box2}} +\def\doublecolumnout{% + \setbox5=\copy255 + {\vbadness=10000 \doublecolumnsplit} + \ifvbox255 + \setbox0=\vtop to\dimen@{\unvbox0} + \setbox2=\vtop to\dimen@{\unvbox2} + \onepageout\pagesofar \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty + \else + \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox5} + \ifvbox0 + \dimen@=\ht0 \advance\dimen@ by\topskip \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip + \divide\dimen@ by2 \splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth + {\vbadness=10000 + \loop \global\setbox5=\copy0 + \setbox1=\vsplit5 to\dimen@ + \setbox3=\vsplit5 to\dimen@ + \ifvbox5 \global\advance\dimen@ by1pt \repeat + \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox1} + \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox3} + \global\setbox\partialpage=\vbox{\pagesofar} + \doublecolumnpagegoal + } + \fi + \fi +} + +\catcode `\@=\other +\message{sectioning,} +% Define chapters, sections, etc. + +\newcount \chapno +\newcount \secno \secno=0 +\newcount \subsecno \subsecno=0 +\newcount \subsubsecno \subsubsecno=0 + +% This counter is funny since it counts through charcodes of letters A, B, ... +\newcount \appendixno \appendixno = `\@ +\def\appendixletter{\char\the\appendixno} + +\newwrite \contentsfile +% This is called from \setfilename. +\def\opencontents{\openout \contentsfile = \jobname.toc} + +% Each @chapter defines this as the name of the chapter. +% page headings and footings can use it. @section does likewise + +\def\thischapter{} \def\thissection{} +\def\seccheck#1{\if \pageno<0 % +\errmessage{@#1 not allowed after generating table of contents}\fi +% +} + +\def\chapternofonts{% +\let\rawbackslash=\relax% +\let\frenchspacing=\relax% +\def\result{\realbackslash result} +\def\equiv{\realbackslash equiv} +\def\expansion{\realbackslash expansion} +\def\print{\realbackslash print} +\def\TeX{\realbackslash TeX} +\def\dots{\realbackslash dots} +\def\copyright{\realbackslash copyright} +\def\tt{\realbackslash tt} +\def\bf{\realbackslash bf } +\def\w{\realbackslash w} +\def\less{\realbackslash less} +\def\gtr{\realbackslash gtr} +\def\hat{\realbackslash hat} +\def\char{\realbackslash char} +\def\tclose##1{\realbackslash tclose {##1}} +\def\code##1{\realbackslash code {##1}} +\def\samp##1{\realbackslash samp {##1}} +\def\r##1{\realbackslash r {##1}} +\def\b##1{\realbackslash b {##1}} +\def\key##1{\realbackslash key {##1}} +\def\file##1{\realbackslash file {##1}} +\def\kbd##1{\realbackslash kbd {##1}} +% These are redefined because @smartitalic wouldn't work inside xdef. +\def\i##1{\realbackslash i {##1}} +\def\cite##1{\realbackslash cite {##1}} +\def\var##1{\realbackslash var {##1}} +\def\emph##1{\realbackslash emph {##1}} +\def\dfn##1{\realbackslash dfn {##1}} +} + +\newcount\absseclevel % used to calculate proper heading level +\newcount\secbase\secbase=0 % @raise/lowersections modify this count + +% @raisesections: treat @section as chapter, @subsection as section, etc. +\def\raisesections{\global\advance\secbase by -1} +\let\up=\raisesections % original BFox name + +% @lowersections: treat @chapter as section, @section as subsection, etc. +\def\lowersections{\global\advance\secbase by 1} +\let\down=\lowersections % original BFox name + +% Choose a numbered-heading macro +% #1 is heading level if unmodified by @raisesections or @lowersections +% #2 is text for heading +\def\numhead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \chapterzzz{#2} +\or + \seczzz{#2} +\or + \numberedsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \numberedsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \chapterzzz{#2} + \else + \numberedsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + +% like \numhead, but chooses appendix heading levels +\def\apphead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \appendixzzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsectionzzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \appendixsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \appendixzzz{#2} + \else + \appendixsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + +% like \numhead, but chooses numberless heading levels +\def\unnmhead#1#2{\absseclevel=\secbase\advance\absseclevel by #1 +\ifcase\absseclevel + \unnumberedzzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedseczzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedsubseczzz{#2} +\or + \unnumberedsubsubseczzz{#2} +\else + \ifnum \absseclevel<0 + \unnumberedzzz{#2} + \else + \unnumberedsubsubseczzz{#2} + \fi +\fi +} + + +\def\thischaptername{No Chapter Title} +\outer\def\chapter{\parsearg\chapteryyy} +\def\chapteryyy #1{\numhead0{#1}} % normally numhead0 calls chapterzzz +\def\chapterzzz #1{\seccheck{chapter}% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +\global\advance \chapno by 1 \message{\putwordChapter \the\chapno}% +\chapmacro {#1}{\the\chapno}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\gdef\thischaptername{#1}% +% We don't substitute the actual chapter name into \thischapter +% because we don't want its macros evaluated now. +\xdef\thischapter{\putwordChapter{} \the\chapno: \noexpand\thischaptername}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash chapentry {#1}{\the\chapno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\donoderef % +\global\let\section = \numberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \numberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \numberedsubsubsec +}} + +\outer\def\appendix{\parsearg\appendixyyy} +\def\appendixyyy #1{\apphead0{#1}} % normally apphead0 calls appendixzzz +\def\appendixzzz #1{\seccheck{appendix}% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +\global\advance \appendixno by 1 \message{Appendix \appendixletter}% +\chapmacro {#1}{\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}% +\gdef\thischaptername{#1}% +\xdef\thischapter{\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter: \noexpand\thischaptername}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash chapentry + {#1}{\putwordAppendix{} \appendixletter}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\appendixnoderef % +\global\let\section = \appendixsec +\global\let\subsection = \appendixsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \appendixsubsubsec +}} + +\outer\def\top{\parsearg\unnumberedyyy} +\outer\def\unnumbered{\parsearg\unnumberedyyy} +\def\unnumberedyyy #1{\unnmhead0{#1}} % normally unnmhead0 calls unnumberedzzz +\def\unnumberedzzz #1{\seccheck{unnumbered}% +\secno=0 \subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 +% +% This used to be simply \message{#1}, but TeX fully expands the +% argument to \message. Therefore, if #1 contained @-commands, TeX +% expanded them. For example, in `@unnumbered The @cite{Book}', TeX +% expanded @cite (which turns out to cause errors because \cite is meant +% to be executed, not expanded). +% +% Anyway, we don't want the fully-expanded definition of @cite to appear +% as a result of the \message, we just want `@cite' itself. We use +% \the to achieve this: TeX expands \the only once, +% simply yielding the contents of the . +\toks0 = {#1}\message{(\the\toks0)}% +% +\unnumbchapmacro {#1}% +\gdef\thischapter{#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash unnumbchapentry {#1}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\unnumbnoderef % +\global\let\section = \unnumberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \unnumberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \unnumberedsubsubsec +}} + +\outer\def\numberedsec{\parsearg\secyyy} +\def\secyyy #1{\numhead1{#1}} % normally calls seczzz +\def\seczzz #1{\seccheck{section}% +\subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \secno by 1 % +\gdef\thissection{#1}\secheading {#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash secentry % +{#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\donoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\appendixsection{\parsearg\appendixsecyyy} +\outer\def\appendixsec{\parsearg\appendixsecyyy} +\def\appendixsecyyy #1{\apphead1{#1}} % normally calls appendixsectionzzz +\def\appendixsectionzzz #1{\seccheck{appendixsection}% +\subsecno=0 \subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \secno by 1 % +\gdef\thissection{#1}\secheading {#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash secentry % +{#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\appendixnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsecyyy #1{\unnmhead1{#1}} % normally calls unnumberedseczzz +\def\unnumberedseczzz #1{\seccheck{unnumberedsec}% +\plainsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash unnumbsecentry{#1}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\unnumbnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\numberedsubsec{\parsearg\numberedsubsecyyy} +\def\numberedsubsecyyy #1{\numhead2{#1}} % normally calls numberedsubseczzz +\def\numberedsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{subsection}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \subsecno by 1 % +\subsecheading {#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash subsecentry % +{#1}{\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\donoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\appendixsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsecyyy} +\def\appendixsubsecyyy #1{\apphead2{#1}} % normally calls appendixsubseczzz +\def\appendixsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{appendixsubsec}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\subsubsecno=0 \global\advance \subsecno by 1 % +\subsecheading {#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash subsecentry % +{#1}{\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\appendixnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsubsecyyy #1{\unnmhead2{#1}} %normally calls unnumberedsubseczzz +\def\unnumberedsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{unnumberedsubsec}% +\plainsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash unnumbsubsecentry{#1}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\unnumbnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\numberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\numberedsubsubsecyyy} +\def\numberedsubsubsecyyy #1{\numhead3{#1}} % normally numberedsubsubseczzz +\def\numberedsubsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{subsubsection}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\global\advance \subsubsecno by 1 % +\subsubsecheading {#1} + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash subsubsecentry % + {#1} + {\the\chapno}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno} + {\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\donoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\appendixsubsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsubsecyyy} +\def\appendixsubsubsecyyy #1{\apphead3{#1}} % normally appendixsubsubseczzz +\def\appendixsubsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{appendixsubsubsec}% +\gdef\thissection{#1}\global\advance \subsubsecno by 1 % +\subsubsecheading {#1} + {\appendixletter}{\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash subsubsecentry{#1}% + {\appendixletter} + {\the\secno}{\the\subsecno}{\the\subsubsecno}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\appendixnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +\outer\def\unnumberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsubsecyyy} +\def\unnumberedsubsubsecyyy #1{\unnmhead3{#1}} %normally unnumberedsubsubseczzz +\def\unnumberedsubsubseczzz #1{\seccheck{unnumberedsubsubsec}% +\plainsecheading {#1}\gdef\thissection{#1}% +{\chapternofonts% +\edef\temp{{\realbackslash unnumbsubsubsecentry{#1}{\noexpand\folio}}}% +\escapechar=`\\% +\write \contentsfile \temp % +\unnumbnoderef % +\penalty 10000 % +}} + +% These are variants which are not "outer", so they can appear in @ifinfo. +% Actually, they should now be obsolete; ordinary section commands should work. +\def\infotop{\parsearg\unnumberedzzz} +\def\infounnumbered{\parsearg\unnumberedzzz} +\def\infounnumberedsec{\parsearg\unnumberedseczzz} +\def\infounnumberedsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubseczzz} +\def\infounnumberedsubsubsec{\parsearg\unnumberedsubsubseczzz} + +\def\infoappendix{\parsearg\appendixzzz} +\def\infoappendixsec{\parsearg\appendixseczzz} +\def\infoappendixsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubseczzz} +\def\infoappendixsubsubsec{\parsearg\appendixsubsubseczzz} + +\def\infochapter{\parsearg\chapterzzz} +\def\infosection{\parsearg\sectionzzz} +\def\infosubsection{\parsearg\subsectionzzz} +\def\infosubsubsection{\parsearg\subsubsectionzzz} + +% These macros control what the section commands do, according +% to what kind of chapter we are in (ordinary, appendix, or unnumbered). +% Define them by default for a numbered chapter. +\global\let\section = \numberedsec +\global\let\subsection = \numberedsubsec +\global\let\subsubsection = \numberedsubsubsec + +% Define @majorheading, @heading and @subheading + +% NOTE on use of \vbox for chapter headings, section headings, and +% such: +% 1) We use \vbox rather than the earlier \line to permit +% overlong headings to fold. +% 2) \hyphenpenalty is set to 10000 because hyphenation in a +% heading is obnoxious; this forbids it. +% 3) Likewise, headings look best if no \parindent is used, and +% if justification is not attempted. Hence \raggedright. + + +\def\majorheading{\parsearg\majorheadingzzz} +\def\majorheadingzzz #1{% +{\advance\chapheadingskip by 10pt \chapbreak }% +{\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 200} + +\def\chapheading{\parsearg\chapheadingzzz} +\def\chapheadingzzz #1{\chapbreak % +{\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 200} + +\def\heading{\parsearg\secheadingi} + +\def\subheading{\parsearg\subsecheadingi} + +\def\subsubheading{\parsearg\subsubsecheadingi} + +% These macros generate a chapter, section, etc. heading only +% (including whitespace, linebreaking, etc. around it), +% given all the information in convenient, parsed form. + +%%% Args are the skip and penalty (usually negative) +\def\dobreak#1#2{\par\ifdim\lastskip<#1\removelastskip\penalty#2\vskip#1\fi} + +\def\setchapterstyle #1 {\csname CHAPF#1\endcsname} + +%%% Define plain chapter starts, and page on/off switching for it +% Parameter controlling skip before chapter headings (if needed) + +\newskip \chapheadingskip \chapheadingskip = 30pt plus 8pt minus 4pt + +\def\chapbreak{\dobreak \chapheadingskip {-4000}} +\def\chappager{\par\vfill\supereject} +\def\chapoddpage{\chappager \ifodd\pageno \else \hbox to 0pt{} \chappager\fi} + +\def\setchapternewpage #1 {\csname CHAPPAG#1\endcsname} + +\def\CHAPPAGoff{ +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chapbreak +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chappager} + +\def\CHAPPAGon{ +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chappager +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chappager +\global\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSsingle}} + +\def\CHAPPAGodd{ +\global\let\pchapsepmacro=\chapoddpage +\global\let\pagealignmacro=\chapoddpage +\global\def\HEADINGSon{\HEADINGSdouble}} + +\CHAPPAGon + +\def\CHAPFplain{ +\global\let\chapmacro=\chfplain +\global\let\unnumbchapmacro=\unnchfplain} + +\def\chfplain #1#2{% + \pchapsepmacro + {% + \chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #2\enspace #1}% + }% + \bigskip + \penalty5000 +} + +\def\unnchfplain #1{% +\pchapsepmacro % +{\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 10000 % +} +\CHAPFplain % The default + +\def\unnchfopen #1{% +\chapoddpage {\chapfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}\bigskip \par\penalty 10000 % +} + +\def\chfopen #1#2{\chapoddpage {\chapfonts +\vbox to 3in{\vfil \hbox to\hsize{\hfil #2} \hbox to\hsize{\hfil #1} \vfil}}% +\par\penalty 5000 % +} + +\def\CHAPFopen{ +\global\let\chapmacro=\chfopen +\global\let\unnumbchapmacro=\unnchfopen} + +% Parameter controlling skip before section headings. + +\newskip \subsecheadingskip \subsecheadingskip = 17pt plus 8pt minus 4pt +\def\subsecheadingbreak{\dobreak \subsecheadingskip {-500}} + +\newskip \secheadingskip \secheadingskip = 21pt plus 8pt minus 4pt +\def\secheadingbreak{\dobreak \secheadingskip {-1000}} + +% @paragraphindent is defined for the Info formatting commands only. +\let\paragraphindent=\comment + +% Section fonts are the base font at magstep2, which produces +% a size a bit more than 14 points in the default situation. + +\def\secheading #1#2#3{\secheadingi {#2.#3\enspace #1}} +\def\plainsecheading #1{\secheadingi {#1}} +\def\secheadingi #1{{\advance \secheadingskip by \parskip % +\secheadingbreak}% +{\secfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}% +\ifdim \parskip<10pt \kern 10pt\kern -\parskip\fi \penalty 10000 } + + +% Subsection fonts are the base font at magstep1, +% which produces a size of 12 points. + +\def\subsecheading #1#2#3#4{\subsecheadingi {#2.#3.#4\enspace #1}} +\def\subsecheadingi #1{{\advance \subsecheadingskip by \parskip % +\subsecheadingbreak}% +{\subsecfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}% +\ifdim \parskip<10pt \kern 10pt\kern -\parskip\fi \penalty 10000 } + +\def\subsubsecfonts{\subsecfonts} % Maybe this should change: + % Perhaps make sssec fonts scaled + % magstep half +\def\subsubsecheading #1#2#3#4#5{\subsubsecheadingi {#2.#3.#4.#5\enspace #1}} +\def\subsubsecheadingi #1{{\advance \subsecheadingskip by \parskip % +\subsecheadingbreak}% +{\subsubsecfonts \vbox{\hyphenpenalty=10000\tolerance=5000 + \parindent=0pt\raggedright + \rm #1\hfill}}% +\ifdim \parskip<10pt \kern 10pt\kern -\parskip\fi \penalty 10000} + + +\message{toc printing,} + +% Finish up the main text and prepare to read what we've written +% to \contentsfile. + +\newskip\contentsrightmargin \contentsrightmargin=1in +\def\startcontents#1{% + \pagealignmacro + \immediate\closeout \contentsfile + \ifnum \pageno>0 + \pageno = -1 % Request roman numbered pages. + \fi + % Don't need to put `Contents' or `Short Contents' in the headline. + % It is abundantly clear what they are. + \unnumbchapmacro{#1}\def\thischapter{}% + \begingroup % Set up to handle contents files properly. + \catcode`\\=0 \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\@=11 + \catcode`\^=7 % to see ^^e4 as \"a etc. + \raggedbottom % Worry more about breakpoints than the bottom. + \advance\hsize by -\contentsrightmargin % Don't use the full line length. +} + + +% Normal (long) toc. +\outer\def\contents{% + \startcontents{\putwordTableofContents}% + \input \jobname.toc + \endgroup + \vfill \eject +} + +% And just the chapters. +\outer\def\summarycontents{% + \startcontents{\putwordShortContents}% + % + \let\chapentry = \shortchapentry + \let\unnumbchapentry = \shortunnumberedentry + % We want a true roman here for the page numbers. + \secfonts + \let\rm=\shortcontrm \let\bf=\shortcontbf \let\sl=\shortcontsl + \rm + \advance\baselineskip by 1pt % Open it up a little. + \def\secentry ##1##2##3##4{} + \def\unnumbsecentry ##1##2{} + \def\subsecentry ##1##2##3##4##5{} + \def\unnumbsubsecentry ##1##2{} + \def\subsubsecentry ##1##2##3##4##5##6{} + \def\unnumbsubsubsecentry ##1##2{} + \input \jobname.toc + \endgroup + \vfill \eject +} +\let\shortcontents = \summarycontents + +% These macros generate individual entries in the table of contents. +% The first argument is the chapter or section name. +% The last argument is the page number. +% The arguments in between are the chapter number, section number, ... + +% Chapter-level things, for both the long and short contents. +\def\chapentry#1#2#3{\dochapentry{#2\labelspace#1}{#3}} + +% See comments in \dochapentry re vbox and related settings +\def\shortchapentry#1#2#3{% + \tocentry{\shortchaplabel{#2}\labelspace #1}{\doshortpageno{#3}}% +} + +% Typeset the label for a chapter or appendix for the short contents. +% The arg is, e.g. `Appendix A' for an appendix, or `3' for a chapter. +% We could simplify the code here by writing out an \appendixentry +% command in the toc file for appendices, instead of using \chapentry +% for both, but it doesn't seem worth it. +\setbox0 = \hbox{\shortcontrm \putwordAppendix } +\newdimen\shortappendixwidth \shortappendixwidth = \wd0 + +\def\shortchaplabel#1{% + % We typeset #1 in a box of constant width, regardless of the text of + % #1, so the chapter titles will come out aligned. + \setbox0 = \hbox{#1}% + \dimen0 = \ifdim\wd0 > \shortappendixwidth \shortappendixwidth \else 0pt \fi + % + % This space should be plenty, since a single number is .5em, and the + % widest letter (M) is 1em, at least in the Computer Modern fonts. + % (This space doesn't include the extra space that gets added after + % the label; that gets put in in \shortchapentry above.) + \advance\dimen0 by 1.1em + \hbox to \dimen0{#1\hfil}% +} + +\def\unnumbchapentry#1#2{\dochapentry{#1}{#2}} +\def\shortunnumberedentry#1#2{\tocentry{#1}{\doshortpageno{#2}}} + +% Sections. +\def\secentry#1#2#3#4{\dosecentry{#2.#3\labelspace#1}{#4}} +\def\unnumbsecentry#1#2{\dosecentry{#1}{#2}} + +% Subsections. +\def\subsecentry#1#2#3#4#5{\dosubsecentry{#2.#3.#4\labelspace#1}{#5}} +\def\unnumbsubsecentry#1#2{\dosubsecentry{#1}{#2}} + +% And subsubsections. +\def\subsubsecentry#1#2#3#4#5#6{% + \dosubsubsecentry{#2.#3.#4.#5\labelspace#1}{#6}} +\def\unnumbsubsubsecentry#1#2{\dosubsubsecentry{#1}{#2}} + + +% This parameter controls the indentation of the various levels. +\newdimen\tocindent \tocindent = 3pc + +% Now for the actual typesetting. In all these, #1 is the text and #2 is the +% page number. +% +% If the toc has to be broken over pages, we would want to be at chapters +% if at all possible; hence the \penalty. +\def\dochapentry#1#2{% + \penalty-300 \vskip\baselineskip + \begingroup + \chapentryfonts + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% + \endgroup + \nobreak\vskip .25\baselineskip +} + +\def\dosecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \secentryfonts \leftskip=\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +\def\dosubsecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \subsecentryfonts \leftskip=2\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +\def\dosubsubsecentry#1#2{\begingroup + \subsubsecentryfonts \leftskip=3\tocindent + \tocentry{#1}{\dopageno{#2}}% +\endgroup} + +% Final typesetting of a toc entry; we use the same \entry macro as for +% the index entries, but we want to suppress hyphenation here. (We +% can't do that in the \entry macro, since index entries might consist +% of hyphenated-identifiers-that-do-not-fit-on-a-line-and-nothing-else.) +% +% \turnoffactive is for the sake of @" used for umlauts. +\def\tocentry#1#2{\begingroup + \hyphenpenalty = 10000 + \entry{\turnoffactive #1}{\turnoffactive #2}% +\endgroup} + +% Space between chapter (or whatever) number and the title. +\def\labelspace{\hskip1em \relax} + +\def\dopageno#1{{\rm #1}} +\def\doshortpageno#1{{\rm #1}} + +\def\chapentryfonts{\secfonts \rm} +\def\secentryfonts{\textfonts} +\let\subsecentryfonts = \textfonts +\let\subsubsecentryfonts = \textfonts + + +\message{environments,} + +% Since these characters are used in examples, it should be an even number of +% \tt widths. Each \tt character is 1en, so two makes it 1em. +% Furthermore, these definitions must come after we define our fonts. +\newbox\dblarrowbox \newbox\longdblarrowbox +\newbox\pushcharbox \newbox\bullbox +\newbox\equivbox \newbox\errorbox + +\let\ptexequiv = \equiv + +%{\tentt +%\global\setbox\dblarrowbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\Rightarrow$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\longdblarrowbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\mapsto$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\pushcharbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\dashv$\hfil} +%\global\setbox\equivbox = \hbox to 1em{\hfil$\ptexequiv$\hfil} +% Adapted from the manmac format (p.420 of TeXbook) +%\global\setbox\bullbox = \hbox to 1em{\kern.15em\vrule height .75ex width .85ex +% depth .1ex\hfil} +%} + +\def\point{$\star$} + +\def\result{\leavevmode\raise.15ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\Rightarrow$\hfil}} +\def\expansion{\leavevmode\raise.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\mapsto$\hfil}} +\def\print{\leavevmode\lower.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\dashv$\hfil}} + +\def\equiv{\leavevmode\lower.1ex\hbox to 1em{\hfil$\ptexequiv$\hfil}} + +% Adapted from the TeXbook's \boxit. +{\tentt \global\dimen0 = 3em}% Width of the box. +\dimen2 = .55pt % Thickness of rules +% The text. (`r' is open on the right, `e' somewhat less so on the left.) +\setbox0 = \hbox{\kern-.75pt \tensf error\kern-1.5pt} + +\global\setbox\errorbox=\hbox to \dimen0{\hfil + \hsize = \dimen0 \advance\hsize by -5.8pt % Space to left+right. + \advance\hsize by -2\dimen2 % Rules. + \vbox{ + \hrule height\dimen2 + \hbox{\vrule width\dimen2 \kern3pt % Space to left of text. + \vtop{\kern2.4pt \box0 \kern2.4pt}% Space above/below. + \kern3pt\vrule width\dimen2}% Space to right. + \hrule height\dimen2} + \hfil} + +% The @error{} command. +\def\error{\leavevmode\lower.7ex\copy\errorbox} + +% @tex ... @end tex escapes into raw Tex temporarily. +% One exception: @ is still an escape character, so that @end tex works. +% But \@ or @@ will get a plain tex @ character. + +\def\tex{\begingroup +\catcode `\\=0 \catcode `\{=1 \catcode `\}=2 +\catcode `\$=3 \catcode `\&=4 \catcode `\#=6 +\catcode `\^=7 \catcode `\_=8 \catcode `\~=13 \let~=\tie +\catcode `\%=14 +\catcode 43=12 +\catcode`\"=12 +\catcode`\==12 +\catcode`\|=12 +\catcode`\<=12 +\catcode`\>=12 +\escapechar=`\\ +% +\let\~=\ptextilde +\let\{=\ptexlbrace +\let\}=\ptexrbrace +\let\.=\ptexdot +\let\*=\ptexstar +\let\dots=\ptexdots +\def\@{@}% +\let\bullet=\ptexbullet +\let\b=\ptexb \let\c=\ptexc \let\i=\ptexi \let\t=\ptext \let\l=\ptexl +\let\L=\ptexL +% +\let\Etex=\endgroup} + +% Define @lisp ... @endlisp. +% @lisp does a \begingroup so it can rebind things, +% including the definition of @endlisp (which normally is erroneous). + +% Amount to narrow the margins by for @lisp. +\newskip\lispnarrowing \lispnarrowing=0.4in + +% This is the definition that ^^M gets inside @lisp, @example, and other +% such environments. \null is better than a space, since it doesn't +% have any width. +\def\lisppar{\null\endgraf} + +% Make each space character in the input produce a normal interword +% space in the output. Don't allow a line break at this space, as this +% is used only in environments like @example, where each line of input +% should produce a line of output anyway. +% +{\obeyspaces % +\gdef\sepspaces{\obeyspaces\let =\tie}} + +% Define \obeyedspace to be our active space, whatever it is. This is +% for use in \parsearg. +{\sepspaces% +\global\let\obeyedspace= } + +% This space is always present above and below environments. +\newskip\envskipamount \envskipamount = 0pt + +% Make spacing and below environment symmetrical. We use \parskip here +% to help in doing that, since in @example-like environments \parskip +% is reset to zero; thus the \afterenvbreak inserts no space -- but the +% start of the next paragraph will insert \parskip +% +\def\aboveenvbreak{{\advance\envskipamount by \parskip +\endgraf \ifdim\lastskip<\envskipamount +\removelastskip \penalty-50 \vskip\envskipamount \fi}} + +\let\afterenvbreak = \aboveenvbreak + +% \nonarrowing is a flag. If "set", @lisp etc don't narrow margins. +\let\nonarrowing=\relax + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% \cartouche: draw rectangle w/rounded corners around argument +\font\circle=lcircle10 +\newdimen\circthick +\newdimen\cartouter\newdimen\cartinner +\newskip\normbskip\newskip\normpskip\newskip\normlskip +\circthick=\fontdimen8\circle +% +\def\ctl{{\circle\char'013\hskip -6pt}}% 6pt from pl file: 1/2charwidth +\def\ctr{{\hskip 6pt\circle\char'010}} +\def\cbl{{\circle\char'012\hskip -6pt}} +\def\cbr{{\hskip 6pt\circle\char'011}} +\def\carttop{\hbox to \cartouter{\hskip\lskip + \ctl\leaders\hrule height\circthick\hfil\ctr + \hskip\rskip}} +\def\cartbot{\hbox to \cartouter{\hskip\lskip + \cbl\leaders\hrule height\circthick\hfil\cbr + \hskip\rskip}} +% +\newskip\lskip\newskip\rskip + +\long\def\cartouche{% +\begingroup + \lskip=\leftskip \rskip=\rightskip + \leftskip=0pt\rightskip=0pt %we want these *outside*. + \cartinner=\hsize \advance\cartinner by-\lskip + \advance\cartinner by-\rskip + \cartouter=\hsize + \advance\cartouter by 18pt % allow for 3pt kerns on either +% side, and for 6pt waste from +% each corner char + \normbskip=\baselineskip \normpskip=\parskip \normlskip=\lineskip + % Flag to tell @lisp, etc., not to narrow margin. + \let\nonarrowing=\comment + \vbox\bgroup + \baselineskip=0pt\parskip=0pt\lineskip=0pt + \carttop + \hbox\bgroup + \hskip\lskip + \vrule\kern3pt + \vbox\bgroup + \hsize=\cartinner + \kern3pt + \begingroup + \baselineskip=\normbskip + \lineskip=\normlskip + \parskip=\normpskip + \vskip -\parskip +\def\Ecartouche{% + \endgroup + \kern3pt + \egroup + \kern3pt\vrule + \hskip\rskip + \egroup + \cartbot + \egroup +\endgroup +}} + + +% This macro is called at the beginning of all the @example variants, +% inside a group. +\def\nonfillstart{% + \aboveenvbreak + \inENV % This group ends at the end of the body + \hfuzz = 12pt % Don't be fussy + \sepspaces % Make spaces be word-separators rather than space tokens. + \singlespace + \let\par = \lisppar % don't ignore blank lines + \obeylines % each line of input is a line of output + \parskip = 0pt + \parindent = 0pt + \emergencystretch = 0pt % don't try to avoid overfull boxes + % @cartouche defines \nonarrowing to inhibit narrowing + % at next level down. + \ifx\nonarrowing\relax + \advance \leftskip by \lispnarrowing + \exdentamount=\lispnarrowing + \let\exdent=\nofillexdent + \let\nonarrowing=\relax + \fi +} + +% To ending an @example-like environment, we first end the paragraph +% (via \afterenvbreak's vertical glue), and then the group. That way we +% keep the zero \parskip that the environments set -- \parskip glue +% will be inserted at the beginning of the next paragraph in the +% document, after the environment. +% +\def\nonfillfinish{\afterenvbreak\endgroup}% + +% This macro is +\def\lisp{\begingroup + \nonfillstart + \let\Elisp = \nonfillfinish + \tt + \rawbackslash % have \ input char produce \ char from current font + \gobble +} + +% Define the \E... control sequence only if we are inside the +% environment, so the error checking in \end will work. +% +% We must call \lisp last in the definition, since it reads the +% return following the @example (or whatever) command. +% +\def\example{\begingroup \def\Eexample{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} +\def\smallexample{\begingroup \def\Esmallexample{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} +\def\smalllisp{\begingroup \def\Esmalllisp{\nonfillfinish\endgroup}\lisp} + +% @smallexample and @smalllisp. This is not used unless the @smallbook +% command is given. Originally contributed by Pavel@xerox. +% +\def\smalllispx{\begingroup + \nonfillstart + \let\Esmalllisp = \nonfillfinish + \let\Esmallexample = \nonfillfinish + % + % Smaller interline space and fonts for small examples. + \setleading{10pt}% + \indexfonts \tt + \rawbackslash % make \ output the \ character from the current font (tt) + \gobble +} + +% This is @display; same as @lisp except use roman font. +% +\def\display{\begingroup + \nonfillstart + \let\Edisplay = \nonfillfinish + \gobble +} + +% This is @format; same as @display except don't narrow margins. +% +\def\format{\begingroup + \let\nonarrowing = t + \nonfillstart + \let\Eformat = \nonfillfinish + \gobble +} + +% @flushleft (same as @format) and @flushright. +% +\def\flushleft{\begingroup + \let\nonarrowing = t + \nonfillstart + \let\Eflushleft = \nonfillfinish + \gobble +} +\def\flushright{\begingroup + \let\nonarrowing = t + \nonfillstart + \let\Eflushright = \nonfillfinish + \advance\leftskip by 0pt plus 1fill + \gobble} + +% @quotation does normal linebreaking (hence we can't use \nonfillstart) +% and narrows the margins. +% +\def\quotation{% + \begingroup\inENV %This group ends at the end of the @quotation body + {\parskip=0pt \aboveenvbreak}% because \aboveenvbreak inserts \parskip + \singlespace + \parindent=0pt + % We have retained a nonzero parskip for the environment, since we're + % doing normal filling. So to avoid extra space below the environment... + \def\Equotation{\parskip = 0pt \nonfillfinish}% + % + % @cartouche defines \nonarrowing to inhibit narrowing at next level down. + \ifx\nonarrowing\relax + \advance\leftskip by \lispnarrowing + \advance\rightskip by \lispnarrowing + \exdentamount = \lispnarrowing + \let\nonarrowing = \relax + \fi +} + +\message{defuns,} +% Define formatter for defuns +% First, allow user to change definition object font (\df) internally +\def\setdeffont #1 {\csname DEF#1\endcsname} + +\newskip\defbodyindent \defbodyindent=.4in +\newskip\defargsindent \defargsindent=50pt +\newskip\deftypemargin \deftypemargin=12pt +\newskip\deflastargmargin \deflastargmargin=18pt + +\newcount\parencount +% define \functionparens, which makes ( and ) and & do special things. +% \functionparens affects the group it is contained in. +\def\activeparens{% +\catcode`\(=\active \catcode`\)=\active \catcode`\&=\active +\catcode`\[=\active \catcode`\]=\active} + +% Make control sequences which act like normal parenthesis chars. +\let\lparen = ( \let\rparen = ) + +{\activeparens % Now, smart parens don't turn on until &foo (see \amprm) + +% Be sure that we always have a definition for `(', etc. For example, +% if the fn name has parens in it, \boldbrax will not be in effect yet, +% so TeX would otherwise complain about undefined control sequence. +\global\let(=\lparen \global\let)=\rparen +\global\let[=\lbrack \global\let]=\rbrack + +\gdef\functionparens{\boldbrax\let&=\amprm\parencount=0 } +\gdef\boldbrax{\let(=\opnr\let)=\clnr\let[=\lbrb\let]=\rbrb} +% This is used to turn on special parens +% but make & act ordinary (given that it's active). +\gdef\boldbraxnoamp{\let(=\opnr\let)=\clnr\let[=\lbrb\let]=\rbrb\let&=\ampnr} + +% Definitions of (, ) and & used in args for functions. +% This is the definition of ( outside of all parentheses. +\gdef\oprm#1 {{\rm\char`\(}#1 \bf \let(=\opnested % +\global\advance\parencount by 1 } +% +% This is the definition of ( when already inside a level of parens. +\gdef\opnested{\char`\(\global\advance\parencount by 1 } +% +\gdef\clrm{% Print a paren in roman if it is taking us back to depth of 0. +% also in that case restore the outer-level definition of (. +\ifnum \parencount=1 {\rm \char `\)}\sl \let(=\oprm \else \char `\) \fi +\global\advance \parencount by -1 } +% If we encounter &foo, then turn on ()-hacking afterwards +\gdef\amprm#1 {{\rm\}\let(=\oprm \let)=\clrm\ } +% +\gdef\normalparens{\boldbrax\let&=\ampnr} +} % End of definition inside \activeparens +%% These parens (in \boldbrax) actually are a little bolder than the +%% contained text. This is especially needed for [ and ] +\def\opnr{{\sf\char`\(}} \def\clnr{{\sf\char`\)}} \def\ampnr{\&} +\def\lbrb{{\bf\char`\[}} \def\rbrb{{\bf\char`\]}} + +% First, defname, which formats the header line itself. +% #1 should be the function name. +% #2 should be the type of definition, such as "Function". + +\def\defname #1#2{% +% Get the values of \leftskip and \rightskip as they were +% outside the @def... +\dimen2=\leftskip +\advance\dimen2 by -\defbodyindent +\dimen3=\rightskip +\advance\dimen3 by -\defbodyindent +\noindent % +\setbox0=\hbox{\hskip \deflastargmargin{\rm #2}\hskip \deftypemargin}% +\dimen0=\hsize \advance \dimen0 by -\wd0 % compute size for first line +\dimen1=\hsize \advance \dimen1 by -\defargsindent %size for continuations +\parshape 2 0in \dimen0 \defargsindent \dimen1 % +% Now output arg 2 ("Function" or some such) +% ending at \deftypemargin from the right margin, +% but stuck inside a box of width 0 so it does not interfere with linebreaking +{% Adjust \hsize to exclude the ambient margins, +% so that \rightline will obey them. +\advance \hsize by -\dimen2 \advance \hsize by -\dimen3 +\rlap{\rightline{{\rm #2}\hskip \deftypemargin}}}% +% Make all lines underfull and no complaints: +\tolerance=10000 \hbadness=10000 +\advance\leftskip by -\defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +{\df #1}\enskip % Generate function name +} + +% Actually process the body of a definition +% #1 should be the terminating control sequence, such as \Edefun. +% #2 should be the "another name" control sequence, such as \defunx. +% #3 should be the control sequence that actually processes the header, +% such as \defunheader. + +\def\defparsebody #1#2#3{\begingroup\inENV% Environment for definitionbody +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2{\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit#3}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup % +\catcode 61=\active % 61 is `=' +\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit#3} + +\def\defmethparsebody #1#2#3#4 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 {\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{##1}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{#4}}} + +\def\defopparsebody #1#2#3#4#5 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 ##2 {\def#4{##1}% +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{##2}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\activeparens\spacesplit{#3{#5}}} + +% These parsing functions are similar to the preceding ones +% except that they do not make parens into active characters. +% These are used for "variables" since they have no arguments. + +\def\defvarparsebody #1#2#3{\begingroup\inENV% Environment for definitionbody +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2{\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit#3}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup % +\catcode 61=\active % +\obeylines\spacesplit#3} + +% This is used for \def{tp,vr}parsebody. It could probably be used for +% some of the others, too, with some judicious conditionals. +% +\def\parsebodycommon#1#2#3{% + \begingroup\inENV % + \medbreak % + % Define the end token that this defining construct specifies + % so that it will exit this group. + \def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% + \def#2##1 {\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{##1}}}% + \parindent=0in + \advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent + \exdentamount=\defbodyindent + \begingroup\obeylines +} + +\def\defvrparsebody#1#2#3#4 {% + \parsebodycommon{#1}{#2}{#3}% + \spacesplit{#3{#4}}% +} + +% This loses on `@deftp {Data Type} {struct termios}' -- it thinks the +% type is just `struct', because we lose the braces in `{struct +% termios}' when \spacesplit reads its undelimited argument. Sigh. +% \let\deftpparsebody=\defvrparsebody +% +% So, to get around this, we put \empty in with the type name. That +% way, TeX won't find exactly `{...}' as an undelimited argument, and +% won't strip off the braces. +% +\def\deftpparsebody #1#2#3#4 {% + \parsebodycommon{#1}{#2}{#3}% + \spacesplit{\parsetpheaderline{#3{#4}}}\empty +} + +% Fine, but then we have to eventually remove the \empty *and* the +% braces (if any). That's what this does, putting the result in \tptemp. +% +\def\removeemptybraces\empty#1\relax{\def\tptemp{#1}}% + +% After \spacesplit has done its work, this is called -- #1 is the final +% thing to call, #2 the type name (which starts with \empty), and #3 +% (which might be empty) the arguments. +% +\def\parsetpheaderline#1#2#3{% + \removeemptybraces#2\relax + #1{\tptemp}{#3}% +}% + +\def\defopvarparsebody #1#2#3#4#5 {\begingroup\inENV % +\medbreak % +% Define the end token that this defining construct specifies +% so that it will exit this group. +\def#1{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}% +\def#2##1 ##2 {\def#4{##1}% +\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{##2}}}% +\parindent=0in +\advance\leftskip by \defbodyindent \advance \rightskip by \defbodyindent +\exdentamount=\defbodyindent +\begingroup\obeylines\spacesplit{#3{#5}}} + +% Split up #2 at the first space token. +% call #1 with two arguments: +% the first is all of #2 before the space token, +% the second is all of #2 after that space token. +% If #2 contains no space token, all of it is passed as the first arg +% and the second is passed as empty. + +{\obeylines +\gdef\spacesplit#1#2^^M{\endgroup\spacesplitfoo{#1}#2 \relax\spacesplitfoo}% +\long\gdef\spacesplitfoo#1#2 #3#4\spacesplitfoo{% +\ifx\relax #3% +#1{#2}{}\else #1{#2}{#3#4}\fi}} + +% So much for the things common to all kinds of definitions. + +% Define @defun. + +% First, define the processing that is wanted for arguments of \defun +% Use this to expand the args and terminate the paragraph they make up + +\def\defunargs #1{\functionparens \sl +% Expand, preventing hyphenation at `-' chars. +% Note that groups don't affect changes in \hyphenchar. +\hyphenchar\tensl=0 +#1% +\hyphenchar\tensl=45 +\ifnum\parencount=0 \else \errmessage{unbalanced parens in @def arguments}\fi% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil +\endgraf\penalty 10000\vskip -\parskip\penalty 10000% +} + +\def\deftypefunargs #1{% +% Expand, preventing hyphenation at `-' chars. +% Note that groups don't affect changes in \hyphenchar. +% Use \boldbraxnoamp, not \functionparens, so that & is not special. +\boldbraxnoamp +\tclose{#1}% avoid \code because of side effects on active chars +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil +\endgraf\penalty 10000\vskip -\parskip\penalty 10000% +} + +% Do complete processing of one @defun or @defunx line already parsed. + +% @deffn Command forward-char nchars + +\def\deffn{\defmethparsebody\Edeffn\deffnx\deffnheader} + +\def\deffnheader #1#2#3{\doind {fn}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\defunargs{#3}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defun == @deffn Function + +\def\defun{\defparsebody\Edefun\defunx\defunheader} + +\def\defunheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Function}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @deftypefun int foobar (int @var{foo}, float @var{bar}) + +\def\deftypefun{\defparsebody\Edeftypefun\deftypefunx\deftypefunheader} + +% #1 is the data type. #2 is the name and args. +\def\deftypefunheader #1#2{\deftypefunheaderx{#1}#2 \relax} +% #1 is the data type, #2 the name, #3 the args. +\def\deftypefunheaderx #1#2 #3\relax{% +\doind {fn}{\code{#2}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$#2}{Function}% +\deftypefunargs {#3}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @deftypefn {Library Function} int foobar (int @var{foo}, float @var{bar}) + +\def\deftypefn{\defmethparsebody\Edeftypefn\deftypefnx\deftypefnheader} + +% \defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$ +% puts #1 in @code, followed by a space, but does nothing if #1 is null. +\def\defheaderxcond#1#2$$${\ifx#1\relax\else\code{#1#2} \fi} + +% #1 is the classification. #2 is the data type. #3 is the name and args. +\def\deftypefnheader #1#2#3{\deftypefnheaderx{#1}{#2}#3 \relax} +% #1 is the classification, #2 the data type, #3 the name, #4 the args. +\def\deftypefnheaderx #1#2#3 #4\relax{% +\doind {fn}{\code{#3}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup +\normalparens % notably, turn off `&' magic, which prevents +% at least some C++ text from working +\defname {\defheaderxcond#2\relax$$$#3}{#1}% +\deftypefunargs {#4}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defmac == @deffn Macro + +\def\defmac{\defparsebody\Edefmac\defmacx\defmacheader} + +\def\defmacheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Macro}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% @defspec == @deffn Special Form + +\def\defspec{\defparsebody\Edefspec\defspecx\defspecheader} + +\def\defspecheader #1#2{\doind {fn}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Special Form}% +\defunargs {#2}\endgroup % +\catcode 61=\other % Turn off change made in \defparsebody +} + +% This definition is run if you use @defunx +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defun or @defunx. + +\def\deffnx #1 {\errmessage{@deffnx in invalid context}} +\def\defunx #1 {\errmessage{@defunx in invalid context}} +\def\defmacx #1 {\errmessage{@defmacx in invalid context}} +\def\defspecx #1 {\errmessage{@defspecx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypefnx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypefnx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypeunx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypeunx in invalid context}} + +% @defmethod, and so on + +% @defop {Funny Method} foo-class frobnicate argument + +\def\defop #1 {\def\defoptype{#1}% +\defopparsebody\Edefop\defopx\defopheader\defoptype} + +\def\defopheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {fn}{\code{#2}}{on #1}% Make entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{\defoptype{} on #1}% +\defunargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% @defmethod == @defop Method + +\def\defmethod{\defmethparsebody\Edefmethod\defmethodx\defmethodheader} + +\def\defmethodheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {fn}{\code{#2}}{on #1}% entry in function index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{Method on #1}% +\defunargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% @defcv {Class Option} foo-class foo-flag + +\def\defcv #1 {\def\defcvtype{#1}% +\defopvarparsebody\Edefcv\defcvx\defcvarheader\defcvtype} + +\def\defcvarheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {vr}{\code{#2}}{of #1}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{\defcvtype{} of #1}% +\defvarargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% @defivar == @defcv {Instance Variable} + +\def\defivar{\defvrparsebody\Edefivar\defivarx\defivarheader} + +\def\defivarheader #1#2#3{% +\dosubind {vr}{\code{#2}}{of #1}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#2}{Instance Variable of #1}% +\defvarargs {#3}\endgroup % +} + +% These definitions are run if you use @defmethodx, etc., +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defmethod, etc. + +\def\defopx #1 {\errmessage{@defopx in invalid context}} +\def\defmethodx #1 {\errmessage{@defmethodx in invalid context}} +\def\defcvx #1 {\errmessage{@defcvx in invalid context}} +\def\defivarx #1 {\errmessage{@defivarx in invalid context}} + +% Now @defvar + +% First, define the processing that is wanted for arguments of @defvar. +% This is actually simple: just print them in roman. +% This must expand the args and terminate the paragraph they make up +\def\defvarargs #1{\normalparens #1% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\penalty 10000\vskip -\parskip\penalty 10000} + +% @defvr Counter foo-count + +\def\defvr{\defvrparsebody\Edefvr\defvrx\defvrheader} + +\def\defvrheader #1#2#3{\doind {vr}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\defvarargs{#3}\endgroup} + +% @defvar == @defvr Variable + +\def\defvar{\defvarparsebody\Edefvar\defvarx\defvarheader} + +\def\defvarheader #1#2{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{Variable}% +\defvarargs {#2}\endgroup % +} + +% @defopt == @defvr {User Option} + +\def\defopt{\defvarparsebody\Edefopt\defoptx\defoptheader} + +\def\defoptheader #1#2{\doind {vr}{\code{#1}}% Make entry in var index +\begingroup\defname {#1}{User Option}% +\defvarargs {#2}\endgroup % +} + +% @deftypevar int foobar + +\def\deftypevar{\defvarparsebody\Edeftypevar\deftypevarx\deftypevarheader} + +% #1 is the data type. #2 is the name. +\def\deftypevarheader #1#2{% +\doind {vr}{\code{#2}}% Make entry in variables index +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#1\relax$$$#2}{Variable}% +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\penalty 10000\vskip -\parskip\penalty 10000 +\endgroup} + +% @deftypevr {Global Flag} int enable + +\def\deftypevr{\defvrparsebody\Edeftypevr\deftypevrx\deftypevrheader} + +\def\deftypevrheader #1#2#3{\doind {vr}{\code{#3}}% +\begingroup\defname {\defheaderxcond#2\relax$$$#3}{#1} +\interlinepenalty=10000 +\endgraf\penalty 10000\vskip -\parskip\penalty 10000 +\endgroup} + +% This definition is run if you use @defvarx +% anywhere other than immediately after a @defvar or @defvarx. + +\def\defvrx #1 {\errmessage{@defvrx in invalid context}} +\def\defvarx #1 {\errmessage{@defvarx in invalid context}} +\def\defoptx #1 {\errmessage{@defoptx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypevarx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypevarx in invalid context}} +\def\deftypevrx #1 {\errmessage{@deftypevrx in invalid context}} + +% Now define @deftp +% Args are printed in bold, a slight difference from @defvar. + +\def\deftpargs #1{\bf \defvarargs{#1}} + +% @deftp Class window height width ... + +\def\deftp{\deftpparsebody\Edeftp\deftpx\deftpheader} + +\def\deftpheader #1#2#3{\doind {tp}{\code{#2}}% +\begingroup\defname {#2}{#1}\deftpargs{#3}\endgroup} + +% This definition is run if you use @deftpx, etc +% anywhere other than immediately after a @deftp, etc. + +\def\deftpx #1 {\errmessage{@deftpx in invalid context}} + +\message{cross reference,} +% Define cross-reference macros +\newwrite \auxfile + +\newif\ifhavexrefs % True if xref values are known. +\newif\ifwarnedxrefs % True if we warned once that they aren't known. + +% \setref{foo} defines a cross-reference point named foo. + +\def\setref#1{% +\dosetq{#1-title}{Ytitle}% +\dosetq{#1-pg}{Ypagenumber}% +\dosetq{#1-snt}{Ysectionnumberandtype}} + +\def\unnumbsetref#1{% +\dosetq{#1-title}{Ytitle}% +\dosetq{#1-pg}{Ypagenumber}% +\dosetq{#1-snt}{Ynothing}} + +\def\appendixsetref#1{% +\dosetq{#1-title}{Ytitle}% +\dosetq{#1-pg}{Ypagenumber}% +\dosetq{#1-snt}{Yappendixletterandtype}} + +% \xref, \pxref, and \ref generate cross-references to specified points. +% For \xrefX, #1 is the node name, #2 the name of the Info +% cross-reference, #3 the printed node name, #4 the name of the Info +% file, #5 the name of the printed manual. All but the node name can be +% omitted. +% +\def\pxref#1{\putwordsee{} \xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\xref#1{\putwordSee{} \xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\ref#1{\xrefX[#1,,,,,,,]} +\def\xrefX[#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6]{\begingroup + \def\printedmanual{\ignorespaces #5}% + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #3}% + \setbox1=\hbox{\printedmanual}% + \setbox0=\hbox{\printednodename}% + \ifdim \wd0 = 0pt + % No printed node name was explicitly given. + \expandafter\ifx\csname SETxref-automatic-section-title\endcsname\relax + % Use the node name inside the square brackets. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \else + % Use the actual chapter/section title appear inside + % the square brackets. Use the real section title if we have it. + \ifdim \wd1>0pt% + % It is in another manual, so we don't have it. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \else + \ifhavexrefs + % We know the real title if we have the xref values. + \def\printednodename{\refx{#1-title}{}}% + \else + % Otherwise just copy the Info node name. + \def\printednodename{\ignorespaces #1}% + \fi% + \fi + \fi + \fi + % + % If we use \unhbox0 and \unhbox1 to print the node names, TeX does not + % insert empty discretionaries after hyphens, which means that it will + % not find a line break at a hyphen in a node names. Since some manuals + % are best written with fairly long node names, containing hyphens, this + % is a loss. Therefore, we give the text of the node name again, so it + % is as if TeX is seeing it for the first time. + \ifdim \wd1 > 0pt + \putwordsection{} ``\printednodename'' in \cite{\printedmanual}% + \else + % _ (for example) has to be the character _ for the purposes of the + % control sequence corresponding to the node, but it has to expand + % into the usual \leavevmode...\vrule stuff for purposes of + % printing. So we \turnoffactive for the \refx-snt, back on for the + % printing, back off for the \refx-pg. + {\turnoffactive \refx{#1-snt}{}}% + \space [\printednodename],\space + \turnoffactive \putwordpage\tie\refx{#1-pg}{}% + \fi +\endgroup} + +% \dosetq is the interface for calls from other macros + +% Use \turnoffactive so that punctuation chars such as underscore +% work in node names. +\def\dosetq #1#2{{\let\folio=0 \turnoffactive \auxhat% +\edef\next{\write\auxfile{\internalsetq {#1}{#2}}}% +\next}} + +% \internalsetq {foo}{page} expands into +% CHARACTERS 'xrdef {foo}{...expansion of \Ypage...} +% When the aux file is read, ' is the escape character + +\def\internalsetq #1#2{'xrdef {#1}{\csname #2\endcsname}} + +% Things to be expanded by \internalsetq + +\def\Ypagenumber{\folio} + +\def\Ytitle{\thissection} + +\def\Ynothing{} + +\def\Ysectionnumberandtype{% +\ifnum\secno=0 \putwordChapter\xreftie\the\chapno % +\else \ifnum \subsecno=0 \putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno % +\else \ifnum \subsubsecno=0 % +\putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno % +\else % +\putwordSection\xreftie\the\chapno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno.\the\subsubsecno % +\fi \fi \fi } + +\def\Yappendixletterandtype{% +\ifnum\secno=0 \putwordAppendix\xreftie'char\the\appendixno{}% +\else \ifnum \subsecno=0 \putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno % +\else \ifnum \subsubsecno=0 % +\putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno % +\else % +\putwordSection\xreftie'char\the\appendixno.\the\secno.\the\subsecno.\the\subsubsecno % +\fi \fi \fi } + +\gdef\xreftie{'tie} + +% Use TeX 3.0's \inputlineno to get the line number, for better error +% messages, but if we're using an old version of TeX, don't do anything. +% +\ifx\inputlineno\thisisundefined + \let\linenumber = \empty % Non-3.0. +\else + \def\linenumber{\the\inputlineno:\space} +\fi + +% Define \refx{NAME}{SUFFIX} to reference a cross-reference string named NAME. +% If its value is nonempty, SUFFIX is output afterward. + +\def\refx#1#2{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname X#1\endcsname\relax + % If not defined, say something at least. + $\langle$un\-de\-fined$\rangle$% + \ifhavexrefs + \message{\linenumber Undefined cross reference `#1'.}% + \else + \ifwarnedxrefs\else + \global\warnedxrefstrue + \message{Cross reference values unknown; you must run TeX again.}% + \fi + \fi + \else + % It's defined, so just use it. + \csname X#1\endcsname + \fi + #2% Output the suffix in any case. +} + +% Read the last existing aux file, if any. No error if none exists. + +% This is the macro invoked by entries in the aux file. +\def\xrdef #1#2{ +{\catcode`\'=\other\expandafter \gdef \csname X#1\endcsname {#2}}} + +\def\readauxfile{% +\begingroup +\catcode `\^^@=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\^^C=\other +\catcode `\^^D=\other +\catcode `\^^E=\other +\catcode `\^^F=\other +\catcode `\^^G=\other +\catcode `\^^H=\other +\catcode `\ =\other +\catcode `\^^L=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode `\=\other +\catcode 26=\other +\catcode `\^^[=\other +\catcode `\^^\=\other +\catcode `\^^]=\other +\catcode `\^^^=\other +\catcode `\^^_=\other +\catcode `\@=\other +\catcode `\^=\other +\catcode `\~=\other +\catcode `\[=\other +\catcode `\]=\other +\catcode`\"=\other +\catcode`\_=\other +\catcode`\|=\other +\catcode`\<=\other +\catcode`\>=\other +\catcode `\$=\other +\catcode `\#=\other +\catcode `\&=\other +% `\+ does not work, so use 43. +\catcode 43=\other +% Make the characters 128-255 be printing characters +{% + \count 1=128 + \def\loop{% + \catcode\count 1=\other + \advance\count 1 by 1 + \ifnum \count 1<256 \loop \fi + }% +}% +% the aux file uses ' as the escape. +% Turn off \ as an escape so we do not lose on +% entries which were dumped with control sequences in their names. +% For example, 'xrdef {$\leq $-fun}{page ...} made by @defun ^^ +% Reference to such entries still does not work the way one would wish, +% but at least they do not bomb out when the aux file is read in. +\catcode `\{=1 \catcode `\}=2 +\catcode `\%=\other +\catcode `\'=0 +\catcode`\^=7 % to make ^^e4 etc usable in xref tags +\catcode `\\=\other +\openin 1 \jobname.aux +\ifeof 1 \else \closein 1 \input \jobname.aux \global\havexrefstrue +\global\warnedobstrue +\fi +% Open the new aux file. Tex will close it automatically at exit. +\openout \auxfile=\jobname.aux +\endgroup} + + +% Footnotes. + +\newcount \footnoteno + +% The trailing space in the following definition for supereject is +% vital for proper filling; pages come out unaligned when you do a +% pagealignmacro call if that space before the closing brace is +% removed. +\def\supereject{\par\penalty -20000\footnoteno =0 } + +% @footnotestyle is meaningful for info output only.. +\let\footnotestyle=\comment + +\let\ptexfootnote=\footnote + +{\catcode `\@=11 +% +% Auto-number footnotes. Otherwise like plain. +\gdef\footnote{% + \global\advance\footnoteno by \@ne + \edef\thisfootno{$^{\the\footnoteno}$}% + % + % In case the footnote comes at the end of a sentence, preserve the + % extra spacing after we do the footnote number. + \let\@sf\empty + \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi + % + % Remove inadvertent blank space before typesetting the footnote number. + \unskip + \thisfootno\@sf + \footnotezzz +}% + +% Don't bother with the trickery in plain.tex to not require the +% footnote text as a parameter. Our footnotes don't need to be so general. +% +\long\gdef\footnotezzz#1{\insert\footins{% + % We want to typeset this text as a normal paragraph, even if the + % footnote reference occurs in (for example) a display environment. + % So reset some parameters. + \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty + \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes + \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox + \floatingpenalty\@MM + \leftskip\z@skip + \rightskip\z@skip + \spaceskip\z@skip + \xspaceskip\z@skip + \parindent\defaultparindent + % + % Hang the footnote text off the number. + \hang + \textindent{\thisfootno}% + % + % Don't crash into the line above the footnote text. Since this + % expands into a box, it must come within the paragraph, lest it + % provide a place where TeX can split the footnote. + \footstrut + #1\strut}% +} + +}%end \catcode `\@=11 + +% Set the baselineskip to #1, and the lineskip and strut size +% correspondingly. There is no deep meaning behind these magic numbers +% used as factors; they just match (closely enough) what Knuth defined. +% +\def\lineskipfactor{.08333} +\def\strutheightpercent{.70833} +\def\strutdepthpercent {.29167} +% +\def\setleading#1{% + \normalbaselineskip = #1\relax + \normallineskip = \lineskipfactor\normalbaselineskip + \normalbaselines + \setbox\strutbox =\hbox{% + \vrule width0pt height\strutheightpercent\baselineskip + depth \strutdepthpercent \baselineskip + }% +} + +% @| inserts a changebar to the left of the current line. It should +% surround any changed text. This approach does *not* work if the +% change spans more than two lines of output. To handle that, we would +% have adopt a much more difficult approach (putting marks into the main +% vertical list for the beginning and end of each change). +% +\def\|{% + % \vadjust can only be used in horizontal mode. + \leavevmode + % + % Append this vertical mode material after the current line in the output. + \vadjust{% + % We want to insert a rule with the height and depth of the current + % leading; that is exactly what \strutbox is supposed to record. + \vskip-\baselineskip + % + % \vadjust-items are inserted at the left edge of the type. So + % the \llap here moves out into the left-hand margin. + \llap{% + % + % For a thicker or thinner bar, change the `1pt'. + \vrule height\baselineskip width1pt + % + % This is the space between the bar and the text. + \hskip 12pt + }% + }% +} + +% For a final copy, take out the rectangles +% that mark overfull boxes (in case you have decided +% that the text looks ok even though it passes the margin). +% +\def\finalout{\overfullrule=0pt} + + +% End of control word definitions. + +\message{and turning on texinfo input format.} + +\def\openindices{% + \newindex{cp}% + \newcodeindex{fn}% + \newcodeindex{vr}% + \newcodeindex{tp}% + \newcodeindex{ky}% + \newcodeindex{pg}% +} + +% Set some numeric style parameters, for 8.5 x 11 format. + +%\hsize = 6.5in +\newdimen\defaultparindent \defaultparindent = 15pt +\parindent = \defaultparindent +\parskip 18pt plus 1pt +\setleading{15pt} +\advance\topskip by 1.2cm + +% Prevent underfull vbox error messages. +\vbadness=10000 + +% Following George Bush, just get rid of widows and orphans. +\widowpenalty=10000 +\clubpenalty=10000 + +% Use TeX 3.0's \emergencystretch to help line breaking, but if we're +% using an old version of TeX, don't do anything. We want the amount of +% stretch added to depend on the line length, hence the dependence on +% \hsize. This makes it come to about 9pt for the 8.5x11 format. +% +\ifx\emergencystretch\thisisundefined + % Allow us to assign to \emergencystretch anyway. + \def\emergencystretch{\dimen0}% +\else + \emergencystretch = \hsize + \divide\emergencystretch by 45 +\fi + +% Use @smallbook to reset parameters for 7x9.5 format (or else 7x9.25) +\def\smallbook{ + +% These values for secheadingskip and subsecheadingskip are +% experiments. RJC 7 Aug 1992 +\global\secheadingskip = 17pt plus 6pt minus 3pt +\global\subsecheadingskip = 14pt plus 6pt minus 3pt + +\global\lispnarrowing = 0.3in +\setleading{12pt} +\advance\topskip by -1cm +\global\parskip 3pt plus 1pt +\global\hsize = 5in +\global\vsize=7.5in +\global\tolerance=700 +\global\hfuzz=1pt +\global\contentsrightmargin=0pt +\global\deftypemargin=0pt +\global\defbodyindent=.5cm + +\global\pagewidth=\hsize +\global\pageheight=\vsize + +\global\let\smalllisp=\smalllispx +\global\let\smallexample=\smalllispx +\global\def\Esmallexample{\Esmalllisp} +} + +% Use @afourpaper to print on European A4 paper. +\def\afourpaper{ +\global\tolerance=700 +\global\hfuzz=1pt +\setleading{12pt} +\global\parskip 15pt plus 1pt + +\global\vsize= 53\baselineskip +\advance\vsize by \topskip +%\global\hsize= 5.85in % A4 wide 10pt +\global\hsize= 6.5in +\global\outerhsize=\hsize +\global\advance\outerhsize by 0.5in +\global\outervsize=\vsize +\global\advance\outervsize by 0.6in + +\global\pagewidth=\hsize +\global\pageheight=\vsize +} + +% Allow control of the text dimensions. Parameters in order: textheight; +% textwidth; voffset; hoffset; binding offset; topskip. +% All require a dimension; +% header is additional; added length extends the bottom of the page. + +\def\changepagesizes#1#2#3#4#5#6{ + \global\vsize= #1 + \global\topskip= #6 + \advance\vsize by \topskip + \global\voffset= #3 + \global\hsize= #2 + \global\outerhsize=\hsize + \global\advance\outerhsize by 0.5in + \global\outervsize=\vsize + \global\advance\outervsize by 0.6in + \global\pagewidth=\hsize + \global\pageheight=\vsize + \global\normaloffset= #4 + \global\bindingoffset= #5} + +% A specific text layout, 24x15cm overall, intended for A4 paper. Top margin +% 29mm, hence bottom margin 28mm, nominal side margin 3cm. +\def\afourlatex + {\global\tolerance=700 + \global\hfuzz=1pt + \setleading{12pt} + \global\parskip 15pt plus 1pt + \advance\baselineskip by 1.6pt + \changepagesizes{237mm}{150mm}{3.6mm}{3.6mm}{3mm}{7mm} + } + +% Use @afourwide to print on European A4 paper in wide format. +\def\afourwide{\afourpaper +\changepagesizes{9.5in}{6.5in}{\hoffset}{\normaloffset}{\bindingoffset}{7mm}} + +% Define macros to output various characters with catcode for normal text. +\catcode`\"=\other +\catcode`\~=\other +\catcode`\^=\other +\catcode`\_=\other +\catcode`\|=\other +\catcode`\<=\other +\catcode`\>=\other +\catcode`\+=\other +\def\normaldoublequote{"} +\def\normaltilde{~} +\def\normalcaret{^} +\def\normalunderscore{_} +\def\normalverticalbar{|} +\def\normalless{<} +\def\normalgreater{>} +\def\normalplus{+} + +% This macro is used to make a character print one way in ttfont +% where it can probably just be output, and another way in other fonts, +% where something hairier probably needs to be done. +% +% #1 is what to print if we are indeed using \tt; #2 is what to print +% otherwise. Since all the Computer Modern typewriter fonts have zero +% interword stretch (and shrink), and it is reasonable to expect all +% typewriter fonts to have this, we can check that font parameter. +% +\def\ifusingtt#1#2{\ifdim \fontdimen3\the\font=0pt #1\else #2\fi} + +% Turn off all special characters except @ +% (and those which the user can use as if they were ordinary). +% Most of these we simply print from the \tt font, but for some, we can +% use math or other variants that look better in normal text. + +\catcode`\"=\active +\def\activedoublequote{{\tt \char '042}} +\let"=\activedoublequote +\catcode`\~=\active +\def~{{\tt \char '176}} +\chardef\hat=`\^ +\catcode`\^=\active +\def\auxhat{\def^{'hat}} +\def^{{\tt \hat}} + +\catcode`\_=\active +\def_{\ifusingtt\normalunderscore\_} +% Subroutine for the previous macro. +\def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em height.1ex}} + +\catcode`\|=\active +\def|{{\tt \char '174}} +\chardef \less=`\< +\catcode`\<=\active +\def<{{\tt \less}} +\chardef \gtr=`\> +\catcode`\>=\active +\def>{{\tt \gtr}} +\catcode`\+=\active +\def+{{\tt \char 43}} +%\catcode 27=\active +%\def^^[{$\diamondsuit$} + +% Set up an active definition for =, but don't enable it most of the time. +{\catcode`\==\active +\global\def={{\tt \char 61}}} + +\catcode`+=\active +\catcode`\_=\active + +% If a .fmt file is being used, characters that might appear in a file +% name cannot be active until we have parsed the command line. +% So turn them off again, and have \everyjob (or @setfilename) turn them on. +% \otherifyactive is called near the end of this file. +\def\otherifyactive{\catcode`+=\other \catcode`\_=\other} + +\catcode`\@=0 + +% \rawbackslashxx output one backslash character in current font +\global\chardef\rawbackslashxx=`\\ +%{\catcode`\\=\other +%@gdef@rawbackslashxx{\}} + +% \rawbackslash redefines \ as input to do \rawbackslashxx. +{\catcode`\\=\active +@gdef@rawbackslash{@let\=@rawbackslashxx }} + +% \normalbackslash outputs one backslash in fixed width font. +\def\normalbackslash{{\tt\rawbackslashxx}} + +% Say @foo, not \foo, in error messages. +\escapechar=`\@ + +% \catcode 17=0 % Define control-q +\catcode`\\=\active + +% Used sometimes to turn off (effectively) the active characters +% even after parsing them. +@def@turnoffactive{@let"=@normaldoublequote +@let\=@realbackslash +@let~=@normaltilde +@let^=@normalcaret +@let_=@normalunderscore +@let|=@normalverticalbar +@let<=@normalless +@let>=@normalgreater +@let+=@normalplus} + +@def@normalturnoffactive{@let"=@normaldoublequote +@let\=@normalbackslash +@let~=@normaltilde +@let^=@normalcaret +@let_=@normalunderscore +@let|=@normalverticalbar +@let<=@normalless +@let>=@normalgreater +@let+=@normalplus} + +% Make _ and + \other characters, temporarily. +% This is canceled by @fixbackslash. +@otherifyactive + +% If a .fmt file is being used, we don't want the `\input texinfo' to show up. +% That is what \eatinput is for; after that, the `\' should revert to printing +% a backslash. +% +@gdef@eatinput input texinfo{@fixbackslash} +@global@let\ = @eatinput + +% On the other hand, perhaps the file did not have a `\input texinfo'. Then +% the first `\{ in the file would cause an error. This macro tries to fix +% that, assuming it is called before the first `\' could plausibly occur. +% Also back turn on active characters that might appear in the input +% file name, in case not using a pre-dumped format. +% +@gdef@fixbackslash{@ifx\@eatinput @let\ = @normalbackslash @fi + @catcode`+=@active @catcode`@_=@active} + +%% These look ok in all fonts, so just make them not special. The @rm below +%% makes sure that the current font starts out as the newly loaded cmr10 +@catcode`@$=@other @catcode`@%=@other @catcode`@&=@other @catcode`@#=@other + +@textfonts +@rm + +@c Local variables: +@c page-delimiter: "^\\\\message" +@c End: diff --git a/version.texi b/version.texi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61eec0a --- /dev/null +++ b/version.texi @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +@set UPDATED 11 October 1996 +@set EDITION 1.3.2 +@set VERSION 1.3.2