Danielle McLean c49e17db90
Upgrade Bootstrap to v5
This is just an in-place upgrade to produce a roughly unchanged page
design. Ideally I'm going to need to install Sass and use that, because
Bootstrap 5 relies a bit more heavily on using its Sass sources if you
want to customise things (which I do), but for now loading standard
Bootstrap from the CDN is fine.

I still prefer Stylus over both Sass and LESS, but the industry seem to
have decided on using Sass, which probably means I'll be better off
porting my customisations to Sass in the long run. Oh well.
2024-03-13 17:10:38 +11:00

140 lines
2.4 KiB

$monokai_bg = #272822
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code, kbd, pre, samp, .code, .kbd, .pre, .samp
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code, pre, .code, .pre
padding .2rem .4rem
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color $base0A
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.form-control, .form-control:focus
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[class^="openwebicons-"], [class*=" openwebicons-"]
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for placement in top bottom left right
.tippy-popper[x-placement^={placement}] .tippy-tooltip.dark-theme .tippy-arrow
border-{placement}-color $base03
background-color $base03
color $base04
display flex
flex-direction column
min-height 100vh
background-color transparent
color $base07
> header
> .navbar
background-color $base01
justify-content space-between
> .breadcrumbs
background-color $base02
> .breadcrumb
background-color transparent
border-radius 0
flex-wrap nowrap
white-space nowrap
overflow-x hidden
text-overflow ellipsis
> main
padding 2rem 1rem
width 100%
flex 1
display flex
> footer
display flex
justify-content space-evenly
align-items center
margin 1rem
margin-top 0
text-align center
> p, nav
margin 0 .5rem
margin 0
flex-wrap wrap
> nav
order -1
margin-bottom 1rem
width 100%
@media (min-width $md)
flex-wrap nowrap
> nav
order 0
margin-bottom 0
width unset
margin 0
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@extends a
background-color $base02
border 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.125)
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> .media-body
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margin-left 3px
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background-color $base01
background-color $base02
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position sticky
top 1rem
color $base04
list-style none
text-align center
margin 0
padding 0
> li
display inline-block
margin-right 7px
// Special handling for http://www.kevinmarks.com/distributed-verify.html
> svg
margin auto 5px