I was throwing 400s when bad parameters are provided, but the spec actually says you're supposed to just ignore them entirely. |
entries | ||
home | ||
lemonauth | ||
lemoncurry | ||
lemonshort | ||
micropub | ||
users | ||
webmention | ||
wellknowns | ||
.gitignore | ||
.gitlab-ci.yml | ||
.gitmodules | ||
.pre-commit-config.yaml | ||
.pyup.yml | ||
.travis.yml | ||
Forwardfile | ||
gunicorn.py | ||
lemoncurry.paw | ||
lemoncurry.svg | ||
manage.py | ||
package.json | ||
Pipfile | ||
Pipfile.lock | ||
pytest.ini | ||
README.md | ||
yarn.lock |
lemoncurry (always all-lowercase) is a Django-based personal site designed to operate as part of the IndieWeb. It currently supports the following IndieWeb specifications natively.
- All content is exposed using standard microformats2 markup, making it easy for other sites and applications across the IndieWeb to consume.
- Additionally, the site owner's profiles are exposed using rel-me, enabling independent verification of their identity across various services. This permits IndieAuth.com to authenticate the site's owner using a social profile, such as a Twitter account. However, this functionality is not necessary because lemoncurry also fully implements…
- IndieAuth, an protocol derived from OAuth 2.0 which enables the site's owner to authorise access to their domain directly from the lemoncurry site itself. Additionally, tokens for further access to the lemoncurry site may be requested and issued, including customisable token scope as in OAuth.
- Micropub is partially supported - using a token obtained through IndieAuth, clients may post new content to the lemoncurry site using either the form-encoded or JSON request formats. There is currently no support for updating or deleting existing content through Micropub, although this is of course planned.
- Webmention, used to enable rich commenting and social interaction between separate IndieWeb sites, is partially supported. lemoncurry will correctly send webmentions to all URLs mentioned in a published entry. However, it currently does not expose an endpoint for receiving webmentions.
- WebSub is also partially supported. When content is posted through Micropub, WebSub is pinged as it should be - however, since only creating new content through Micropub is supported, updates do not currently cause a WebSub ping.
lemoncurry uses the following tools:
- Pipenv - developed with Pipenv 2018.5.18, but should work with most versions.
- Yarn - again, developed with Yarn 1.7.0, but should work with most versions.
As well as the following services:
- PostgreSQL - create a database named
. Socket auth is recommended, so ensure the UNIX user you'll be running lemoncurry with has access to that database. Alternatively, set thePOSTGRES_PASSWORD
environment variable to use password auth. - Redis - lemoncurry expects to find Redis on port 6380, rather than the standard port of 6379. Sorry about that.
If you're running in production, I'd recommend Gunicorn, which is already part of lemoncurry's Pipfile. Ensure you run Gunicorn behind a secure reverse proxy, such as Nginx.
If you're running in development, the usual Django runserver
command should
be fine.
Clone the repo recursively - since it uses Git submodules - and then install both Python and Node dependencies.
$ git clone --recursive https://git.00dani.me/00dani/lemoncurry
$ cd lemoncurry
$ pipenv install --dev
$ yarn install
Once those steps complete, you should be able to perform the usual Django steps
to get a development server up and running. (If you'd prefer, you can use
pipenv shell
to activate lemoncurry's virtualenv, rather than prefacing each
command with pipenv run
. I like being explicit.)
$ pipenv run ./manage.py migrate
$ pipenv run ./manage.py collectstatic
$ pipenv run ./manage.py runserver 3000