from django.http import HttpResponse from django.urls import resolve, reverse, Resolver404 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET, require_POST from entries.models import Entry from lemoncurry.utils import bad_req from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse from .models import State, Webmention @csrf_exempt @require_POST def accept(request): if "source" not in request.POST: return bad_req("missing source url") source_url = request.POST["source"] if "target" not in request.POST: return bad_req("missing target url") target_url = request.POST["target"] source = urlparse(source_url) target = urlparse(target_url) if source.scheme not in ("http", "https"): return bad_req("unsupported source scheme") if target.scheme not in ("http", "https"): return bad_req("unsupported target scheme") if target.netloc != return bad_req("target not on this site") origin = "https://" + target.netloc try: match = resolve(target.path) except Resolver404: return bad_req("target not found") if match.view_name != "entries:entry": return bad_req("target does not accept webmentions") try: entry = Entry.objects.get(pk=match.kwargs["id"]) except Entry.DoesNotExist: return bad_req("target not found") try: mention = Webmention.objects.get(source=source_url, target=target_url) except Webmention.DoesNotExist: mention = Webmention() mention.source = source_url = target_url mention.entry = entry mention.state = State.PENDING status_url = reverse("webmention:status", kwargs={"id":}) res = HttpResponse(status=201) res["Location"] = urljoin(origin, status_url) return res @require_GET def status(mention_id): """ Retrieve the verification status of the specified webmention. A webmention is accepted synchronously by the target site (me, in this case) and then must be verified asynchronously - this means contacting the source URL and confirming that it really does link to the target URL it claimed to. Until this verification is complete, we can't assume the mention is real and shouldn't display it anywhere. Therefore, when a webmention is accepted, we return a Location header pointing to this endpoint. The source site may, if desired, use this endpoint to check whether their webmention has been verified or not. The status is currently returned as a plain string, e.g., 'pending'. However, eventually this will use a nice template instead, possibly displaying additional information about the mention. There's no standardised format for the status response, and most implementations currently use a friendly human-readable format, so I'll be doing the same. """ mention = get_object_or_404(Webmention.objects, pk=mention_id) return HttpResponse(mention.get_state_display())