{% extends 'lemoncurry/layout.html' %} {% load markdown static %} {% block styles %} {% endblock %} {% block main %}

{% if app %}{% endif %} sign in to {% if app %}{{ app.name | first }}{% endif %} {% if app %}({% endif %}{{ params.client_id }}{% if app %}){% endif %}? {% if verified %} {% else %} {% endif %}

do you want to confirm your identity, {{ me }}, with this app?

{% if params.response_type == 'code' %}

additionally, this app is requesting the following scopes - you can edit the scopes that will be granted to the app, if you wish

{% for scope in scopes %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

you will be redirected to {{ redirect_uri }} after authorising this app

{% csrf_token %} {% if params.state %}{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block foot %} {% endblock %}