import hashlib from import default_storage as store from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST import magic from lemonauth import tokens from lemoncurry.utils import absolute_url from .. import error ACCEPTED_MEDIA_TYPES = ( "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png", ) @csrf_exempt @require_POST def media(request): token = tokens.auth(request) if "file" not in request.FILES: raise error.bad_req( "a file named 'file' must be provided to the media endpoint" ) file = request.FILES["file"] if file.content_type not in ACCEPTED_MEDIA_TYPES: raise error.bad_req("unacceptable file type {0}".format(file.content_type)) mime = None sha = hashlib.sha256() for chunk in file.chunks(): if mime is None: mime = magic.from_buffer(chunk, mime=True) sha.update(chunk) if mime != file.content_type: raise error.bad_req( "detected file type {0} did not match specified file type {1}".format( mime, file.content_type ) ) path = "mp/{0[0]}/{2}.{1}".format(*mime.split("/"), sha.hexdigest()) path =, file) url = absolute_url(request, store.url(path)) res = HttpResponse(status=201) res["Location"] = url return res