Fix regression - the verification tooltips weren't working with FA 5
2017-12-18 10:53:45 +11:00 |
Migrate to Font Awesome 5 - every icon used in the site has been updated, but the site icons that live in the database will need fixing separately
2017-12-06 14:07:59 +11:00 |
Make relative redirect URIs redirect to the right place, by urljoining them with the client ID
2017-11-03 11:28:26 +11:00 |
Add support for selecting scopes during IndieAuth's 'code' type
2017-11-01 13:27:55 +11:00 |
Make redirect_uri verification optional because many IndieAuth clients don't implement it - show a stylish icon to convey whether the client was verified
2017-10-29 19:15:29 +11:00 |
Give better 'me' normalisation to IndieAuth processing + Aadd a simple POST route for actually submitting the form
2017-10-29 14:39:30 +11:00 |
Add some niiiice h-x-app rendering to the authorisation page, so you can get a pretty view of who's trying to auth
2017-10-27 21:32:14 +11:00 |
Improve the IndieAuth form: include the state parameter, show more information, etc.
2017-10-27 13:26:21 +11:00 |
Half-implement an IndieAuth authorization endpoint - it accepts the right parameters, verifies your client_id, and displays a prompt, but you can't actually approve the auth yet
2017-10-26 11:35:57 +11:00 |