Danielle McLean 02fd91cb77
Add per-request entity caching support
Different areas of the app need access to entities - for example both
the entry handler needs the entry itself to render it, but the
breadcrumbs also need the entry to decide what to label its breadcrumb.
Previously this was achieved by fetching entities from the database
twice. This sucks, so now it's implemented by fetching entities once and
caching them using Yesod's per-request cache.
2017-10-11 12:35:44 +11:00

40 lines
1.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Handler.Entries where
import Import
import Yesod.AtomFeed ( atomLink )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Entry.Kind as K
import Model.Cache ( getCached )
import Widget.Entry ( entryR, hEntry )
import Widget.Feed ( hFeed )
getEntriesR :: K.EntryKind -> Handler Html
getEntriesR kind = do
entries <- runDB $ selectList [EntryKind ==. kind] [Desc EntryPublished]
title <- asks $ siteTitle . appSettings
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle . toHtml . K.pluralise $ kind
atomLink (FeedKindR kind) $ T.concat [K.pluralise kind, " ~ ", title]
$(widgetFile "entries")
getEntryR :: a -> EntryId -> Handler Html
getEntryR _ = renderEntry <=< getCached
getEntryWithSlugR :: a -> EntryId -> b -> Handler Html
getEntryWithSlugR kind = const . getEntryR kind
renderEntry :: (Entity Entry) -> Handler Html
renderEntry entry = do
let correctRoute = entryR entry
actualRoute <- getCurrentRoute
when (actualRoute /= Just correctRoute) $
redirectWith movedPermanently301 correctRoute
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle . toHtml . entryName . entityVal $ entry
$(widgetFile "entry")